


Questions on a text







Questions on a text
How to
-Unwrap what the question wants from you
- Different types of questions:
→> Relat

Questions on a text How to STEP 1: READ THE QUESTION FIRST -Unwrap what the question wants from you - Different types of questions: →> Relating to the whole/ a paragraph of the text -> Asking you for a personal statement -> Hinting at an analysis or interpretation - mark the most important keywords in the question STEP 3: SEARCH FOR INFORMATION - Find the informations in the text the question is asking for - Read for relevant information and techniques - Pay attention to: names, places, important dates, relationships STEP 5: CHECK THE ANSWER Do you have included all given points - Do your answer make sense Are grammar, words, syntax etc. correct - STEP 2: READ THE TEXT - Be mindful of the time while reading the text - Understand the meaning of the text as a whole -> Do not focus too much on unknown vocabulary STEP 4: WRITE A RESPONSE - Introduce into the subject of your answer with a short sentence - Structure your answer according to the keywords Do not add your own opinion - Incorporate evidence - Explain with examples from the text - Conclude your answer very shortly @study.with-ipad

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