


Referat über Nelson Mandela







Nelson Mandela
Biographie: - born on 18th July 1918 in South Africa
- actual name : Rolihlahla Mandela
→> teacher changed mame so it sounds
Nelson Mandela
Biographie: - born on 18th July 1918 in South Africa
- actual name : Rolihlahla Mandela
→> teacher changed mame so it sounds

Nelson Mandela Biographie: - born on 18th July 1918 in South Africa - actual name : Rolihlahla Mandela →> teacher changed mame so it sounds more civilized 1944: married Evelyn Mase 1944: Joined The ANC (African National Gefängnis Congress] - stood up for equality. 4958: got diroreced from Evelyn 1993: Nelson and klere won the Nobel Prize for ending apartheid peacefully 1996: got diforced from Second wife (winnie Mandela) - 1998: married Grace Machel - most important work: fight against AIDS -> wanted to publish problem - died 20 2013 • studied law - 1963 got arrested for sabotaging life. and taking part in protests. 1958 got divorced while he was in prisch. - spent 27 years in prison, was released 1990 after the laws had been changed. Beendigung Apartheit were · Protest against apartheid → Mandelas intentions. Pearce ful protests -> Police killed 69 People and injured. 908 protestors - he started an ANC military group for money Support in Countries outside of South Africa -4980: People got attacked and killed by the ANC i lots of bombings and violence. 1994: first free elections for black and white people - and Präsidentschaft 1994: got the first black president and wrote history up fighting for peace in the world Never gave

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