


Relationship Analysis & Useful Phrases







Relationship Analysis
1) introductery sentence e.g.: "the extract from the novel "Thirteen Reasons Why" written by Jay Asher
and published i
Relationship Analysis
1) introductery sentence e.g.: "the extract from the novel "Thirteen Reasons Why" written by Jay Asher
and published i

Relationship Analysis 1) introductery sentence e.g.: "the extract from the novel "Thirteen Reasons Why" written by Jay Asher and published in 2007 deals with an interaction between (...) and (...) at/in (...), during which (...). 2) thesis e.g.: the relationship which is based on (...) 3) description: > describing the actions /comments of the other > 4) behaviour interaction: 6) language: > tone what does the character say / think of the other can one predict the others behaviour thoughts > 7 5) body language: > gestures 7 7 7 7 > words with positive /negative associations 7 short /long sentences devices amount of speech (someone clominating?) > 7 > between them can be characterized as (...). This is shown by their interaction description, behaviour &interaction, body language, language 7) conclusion: > sum up the results. > > Klausur Lernblatt 7 eye-contact physical contact actions how do they behave when together (different than usual?) reference to given task ( most important points) not too short change throughout the conversation? DON'T FORGET: > a lot of adjectives > facial expressions finding + evidence from text + effect lingking words NO short forms present tense !! paragraphs no personal opinion quotes (1.11.) => effect ? => effect? => effect? => effect? Useful Phrases As a result /consequence there fore For this reason Important Devices 7 Concerning their With regard to their Referring to their > (rhetorical) questions symbols > imperatives > > > Due to Because of with this in mind In fact 2 Additionally In addition Furthermore As well as Along with Moreover Apart from For example linstance Such as Including In this case proof of this To demonstrate clarity this becomes clear Tobvious. That underlines limplies Despite On...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

the one lother hand In contrast while whereas demanding, urgent tone One can conclude One can observe One can see One can collect One can sum up One can distrust? nervous? uncomfortable? avoidling smith.? need for answers lactions caring, support, there for person comforting Icalming phrases using name often seriousness, feel more adressed, personal, trust? anaphora → repeating words = important? serious? metaphors irony thought-provoking ? makin fun of someone/smith ? exaggeration understatement paradox detect One can assume One can gather One can suppose