



Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner - Zusammenfassung Deutsch, Download & Analysis
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Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner - Zusammenfassung Deutsch, Download & Analysis

Seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner is a thought-provoking play that explores themes of racism, cultural appropriation, and social media activism. The story revolves around Cleo, a young Black woman who posts controversial tweets about Kylie Jenner, sparking online debates and confronting deep-rooted issues of discrimination. Through the interactions between Cleo and her friend Kara, the play delves into complex topics such as colorism, intersectionality, and the impact of social media on modern discourse.

  • The play uses a unique blend of real-world and digital settings to examine contemporary social issues.
  • It highlights the complexities of racial identity, cultural appropriation, and online activism.
  • The characters' personal experiences illuminate broader societal challenges faced by Black women.
  • The play's language incorporates modern digital communication elements, reflecting its themes.



General Information and Character Analysis

Seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner is a contemporary play written by Jasmine Lee-Jones, a British writer and actress of Jamaican descent. Published in 2019, this comedy-drama alternates between real-life settings (primarily Cleo's bedroom) and the digital realm of Twitter, set in the present day.

The plot centers around Cleo, a young Black woman who posts provocative tweets suggesting methods to assassinate Kylie Jenner. These posts trigger intense online discussions, while Cleo's conversations with her best friend Kara bring long-buried issues to the surface, threatening their friendship.

Highlight: The play's unique style incorporates digital communication elements such as GIFs, memes, emojis, and acronyms (LOL, FFS, OMG), reflecting the modern online landscape.

The main characters are:

  1. Cleo Fuller: A 21-year-old dark-skinned Black woman characterized by her intelligence, eloquence, and strong awareness of racial issues. Cleo uses her Twitter platform to highlight discrimination against people of color, often employing academic language and poetic tweets.

Example: Cleo's tweets often resemble rap and poetry, showcasing her creative approach to online activism.

  1. Kara: Cleo's 22-year-old best friend, a light-skinned Black woman who identifies as queer. Kara serves as a counterpoint to Cleo, offering a more measured perspective on Cleo's provocative online behavior.

Quote: "You're not the only one who's suffered, Cleo. You're not the only one who's been through shit."

The play also references important figures such as Kylie Jenner, the target of Cleo's tweets, and Sarah "Saartjie" Baartman, a historical figure whose story exemplifies the exploitation of Black women's bodies.

Definition: Cultural appropriation refers to the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of minority cultures' practices and ideas by dominant cultures, often stripping away their significance or historical context.

seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner
1. general information
• author: Jasmine Lee-Jones (b. 1998 in London); writer and actress of Jamaican

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Language, Style, and Social Media Impact

The language and style of Seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner are integral to its exploration of contemporary issues and digital culture. The play employs a unique blend of traditional dialogue and online communication styles:

  1. Digital Language: The script incorporates elements typical of social media communication, such as GIFs, memes, emojis, and acronyms (LOL, FFS, OMG). This reflects the characters' immersion in digital culture and highlights the play's themes of online activism and identity.

  2. Academic and Poetic Language: Cleo's character often uses sophisticated, academic language when discussing racism and history, demonstrating her knowledge and passion. Her tweets are described as resembling rap and poetry, showcasing her creative approach to online expression.

Quote: "I'm not just angry, I'm enraged. I'm not just sad, I'm devastated. And I'm using my words to make people understand that."

  1. Metaphorical Use of Kylie Jenner: The play uses Kylie Jenner as a metaphor for privileged individuals, prompting discussions about wealth, fame, and cultural appropriation.

The play also delves into the effects of social media on modern society:

Positive Aspects:

  • Platform for activism and raising awareness
  • Connecting diverse communities
  • Amplifying marginalized voices

Negative Aspects:

  1. Spread of misinformation and fake news
  2. Political manipulation and opinion polarization
  3. Cyberbullying and online hate speech
  4. Loss of control over personal narratives
  5. Blurring of boundaries between physical and virtual reality

Highlight: The play's exploration of social media effects reflects real-world concerns about online discourse and its impact on personal and societal levels.

By interweaving these linguistic and thematic elements, Seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner creates a powerful commentary on the intersection of race, identity, and digital culture in the 21st century. The play challenges audiences to consider how online interactions shape our understanding of complex social issues and personal relationships.

seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner
1. general information
• author: Jasmine Lee-Jones (b. 1998 in London); writer and actress of Jamaican

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Main Topics and Themes

Seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner explores several interconnected themes central to contemporary discussions of race, identity, and social media:

  1. Cultural Appropriation: The play critically examines the adoption of minority cultural elements by dominant cultures without proper acknowledgment or understanding.

Vocabulary: Blackfishing refers to the act of a non-Black person pretending to be Black through the use of makeup, tanning, or digital manipulation.

  1. Dehumanization and Exploitation of the Black Female Body: The play draws parallels between historical exploitation, such as the case of Saartjie Baartman, and modern forms of objectification.

  2. Colorism: The story explores intra-community discrimination based on skin tone, as exemplified by Cleo's perception that light-skinned Black individuals like Kara face less racism.

  3. Intersectionality: The play highlights how multiple identity categories interact to create unique experiences of oppression or privilege.

Example: Kara faces discrimination as a Black queer woman, demonstrating the intersectionality of race, gender, and sexuality.

  1. Social Media Effects: The play delves into both positive and negative aspects of social media, including its role in activism, the spread of misinformation, and cyberbullying.

Highlight: The play explores how social media can blur the boundaries between physical and virtual reality, affecting personal narratives and social interactions.

These themes are interwoven throughout the play, creating a complex narrative that challenges viewers to consider the multifaceted nature of identity, discrimination, and online discourse in the modern world.

seven methods of killing Kylie Jenner
1. general information
• author: Jasmine Lee-Jones (b. 1998 in London); writer and actress of Jamaican

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