









April 23,1564:birthday
-parents: John and Mary, oldest child
April 26,1564:baptized in Stratford
- went to Stratford's grammar scho

TIMELINE April 23,1564:birthday -parents: John and Mary, oldest child April 26,1564:baptized in Stratford - went to Stratford's grammar school 1582: married to Anne Hathaway SHAKESPEARE PLAYWRIGHT Romeo and Juliet: Tragic love, Hamlet: Grief/revenge, Macbeth: Ambition Wrote at least 38 plays, classified as comedies, tragedies or historical plays Structure of Shakespearean plays: -first child: Susanna -had twins (Judith&Hamnet) in 1585 -Five act structure (comparable to the classic Greek format) -Act 1: Prologue, Act 2: Conflict, Act 3: Raising Action/Climax 1592: he is mentioned as an established London actor and playwright Act 4: Falling Action, Act 5: Denouement (Moral -family lived in Stratford, Shakespeare worked in London -multiple roles in the London theatre -business partner: Lord Chamberlain's Men 1593: Plague closes theatres, he used the break to write poetry 1596: Homnet died with 11 years 1599:Chamberlain's Men built the Globe 1603: Elizabeth died heir-less, Jacobeon Age begins 1608: first grand-child 1609:complete edition of all his sonnets first published 1613: Final plays, The Globe Catches fire and burns down 1616:Judith married Thomas Quiney April 23,1616: Shakespeare died -contains very little stage instructions MAIN THEMES Love, Beauty, Transcience, old age, death,immortality SONNETS consists of 14 lines: three quatrains and one 'heroic' couplet follows the iambic pentameter: five iambics each line.xx crossed rhyme and pair rhyme (couplet) often, a dilemma is described and summarized/solved in the final couplet -typical structure: thesis, antithesis conclusion complex logic often based on paradoxical ideas Elizabethan view of...

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the world is often mirrored in the sonnets -principles of hierarchy, microcosm and macrocosm wrote 164 sonnets in total -1-126 to "the young man":subject of poets affections Cadore his beauty) -127-154 to "the dark lady" :poet is in love with her RELEVANCE TO MODERN AUDIENCES -timeless themes: love, hate, jealousy, envy, revenge, appearance & reality -authentic characters, understandable modern adaption in all literaly genres But: outdated attitudes and values regarding gender roles, loyalty, generations, science, religion, social hierachies -outdated language, but invented over 2.000 words in the English language le.g. "The Swag") Movie makers have discovered the potential of Shakespeare's work ELIZABETHAN AGE regarded as the 'Golden Age' in British history believed in the Ptolemaic system -earth as center of the universe Great Chain of Being: God, angles, human beings, animals, plants, minerals -heavenly order established by God, based on strong hierachy -if one element broke, everything would fall apart -divine order was permanetly under threat from evil and chaos -human beings have special position: body belongs to earth,soul to the world of angles Macrocosm (the whole universe) and microcosm (human society) influence each other BEAUTY IN ELIZABETHAN AGE white skin:lead-based powder drawing blue veins blond hair: bleaching substances (urine), wearing a wig red lips and cheeks: mercury based substances high forehead: plucking or shaving hair fine eyebrows: plucking eyebrows into fine arches wasp waist: tight corsets (needed help to get dressed) The Petrachan Lady: golden hair, bright eyes, pleasant voice -outer appearance corresponds to spiritual beauty and virtue ELIZABETHAN LOVE CONCEPT women out of reach for men:virtuous (rejects (over) superiority of the lady Lody is idealized (cf. Beauty in Elizabethan Age) unrealistic love, includes unreal quality TODAY'S STAGE People have higher expectations to lightning, actors, techniques Modern stage is not used to Elizabethan world view, language, symbolism