


Shakespeare - Othello - Characters







main characters:
- protagonist
- husband to Desdemona (married in secret)
- noble black general, comes from royal family
main characters:
- protagonist
- husband to Desdemona (married in secret)
- noble black general, comes from royal family

Characters main characters: Othello: - protagonist - husband to Desdemona (married in secret) - noble black general, comes from royal family. - referred to as ,,the moor" (-his ethnic group), mock names like Thief, barbary horse etc. - reduced on his skin color - christian - physically powerful - outsider in Venice, stranger - highly respected & honoured in his profession - urgently needed in military function - many misfortunes happened to him. Fought many battles - sold to slavery until he was. rescued - Reputation and honor very important, it is what makes him - Beginning: calm, brave (dares to always stand to his opinion), reliable, rational, honest, loyal (good husband), dutiful (has done many serviced for the Venetian government). - End: violent, jealous, envious, paranoid, self-destructive, frustrated - his character changes when he gets jealous -> to crazy, aggressive, animal-like, he doesn't listen to anyone - Dramatic change in his behavior and character traits because of Iago poisoning his mind (believes in the unfaithfulness of his wife- strangles her in the end) - fall from nobility makes him tragic hero lago: - antagonist - a villain experienced officer cadet in Othello's Army - jealous & envious (neidisch & eifersüchtig) - clever villain, who stages the defeat of the other characters with content, cunning, evil - married to Emilia - Feels superior, disrespectful, dishonest - egoistic, self-serving, malicious - pretends to...

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be someone else to realize his plans - ,,I am not what I am" - manipulative, cold-hearted - racists, sees himself superior to Othello bc of the skin color - does not believe in true love - two-faced, deceitful(hinterlistig) - Reputation is a fake quality that others force on you, no importance: Irony - Iago wins reputation although he does not deserve it - manipulates everybody: - Roderigo: pretends to be his friend, uses his money -. Othello: makes him think D. Is cheating on him, acts like a loyal servant - Cassio: acts like he tries to help him - deep hatred on women: women are inferior to men - whores, don't take their jobs as wives seriously direct offenses towards Desdemona + Emilia - motives: revenge (wants to be lieutenant instead of Cassio), jealousy (thinks Othello had an affair with Emilia), hatred, ambition to take a higher position, wants honor and reputation Desdemona: - wife to Othello - Brabantio's daughter - pretty, young - breaks with her father ( secretly marries) - innocent and honest, faithful - likes Cassio but would never betray Othello - sometimes submissive (unterwürfig) - naive (believes in goodness in people, sacrificed her life by accepting her fate as the outcome of her loyalty- dies declaring her love for him) - is not racist, married Othello out of strong love - divided duty - to her father and to her husband but goes with her husband - is able to defend herself - obedient to Othello - judges herself for talking so ,,harshly" to Othello eloquent - provokes Iago with questions when they talk about his opinion on women Cassio (Michael) - an honourable lieutnant (who serves under Othello), truly devoted, loyal to him - honest, dutiful - Reputation got destroyed by Iago, lost his position - extremely ashamed after being implicated in a drunken brawl - relationship with Bianca, a prostitute - charming & handsome, "gentleman" - respectful and flirty towards women - exception: teases Bianca with promises of marriage but laughs behind her back - innocent and virtuous (tugendhaft) (parallel character to Desdemona) - likes Desdemona - without reputation - he feels inhuman and animal-like - very important to him Roderigo - a gulled gentleman (of Venice). - is utilized by lago for his Intrigues (is his partner) is killed by lago - dishonest - naive, easy to influence (gives lago all of his money) - lovesick (Desdemona) - determined in his decisions rather an ordinary man - wants to leave Cyprus (sad and desperate), but Iago manages to convince him to stay Emilia - wife to lago - chambermaid of Desdemona - close relationship to Desdemona, loyal and honest - no close connection to her husband - Cheating is a response to men's actions (If men wouldn't cheat, women would have no reason for it) rebellious (has her own strong opinion) - reveals lago's plans at he end of the play after Desdemona's death - brave and bold gets killed by lago - unknowingly helps her husband with his plans side characters: Brabantio father to Desdemona ( a venetian senator) Duke of Venice Senators of Venice Montano - governor of Cyprus (replaced by Othello) Lodovico and Gratiano - two noble Venetians (Desdemona's cousin and uncle) Bianca - a courtesan, prostitute (and Cassio's mistress)