


Short Stories







Shooting an elephant-George owell
George owell
the Characters
privileged, higher positioned in hierarchy → police officer
: wealthi
Shooting an elephant-George owell
George owell
the Characters
privileged, higher positioned in hierarchy → police officer
: wealthi
Shooting an elephant-George owell
George owell
the Characters
privileged, higher positioned in hierarchy → police officer
: wealthi
Shooting an elephant-George owell
George owell
the Characters
privileged, higher positioned in hierarchy → police officer
: wealthi
Shooting an elephant-George owell
George owell
the Characters
privileged, higher positioned in hierarchy → police officer
: wealthi
Shooting an elephant-George owell
George owell
the Characters
privileged, higher positioned in hierarchy → police officer
: wealthi

Shooting an elephant-George owell George owell the Characters narrator privileged, higher positioned in hierarchy → police officer : wealthier than Burmese people feels helpless and has a inner conflict. L>. ,,I. don't want to shoot the elaphant" vs..,, The people expect me to shoot the elephant" being hated for his role, not for the personality · feels like a puppet → only the hand of a big power that is forced to do things nobody wants to do • being in a job, which role you doesn't want to support · represents british power :born 1903. in India his grandfather served in the Indian Army under the British Raj. (= British rule in India) his family belonged to the " lower-upper middle class" 1907 he returned to England =>he disliked the English class system he served the police force in Burma ↳ felt like "the hand of the oppressor" (→ imperialism) he said the poor people are just the victims of injustice :he changed his name to an ordinary one burmese people poor living conditions oppressed by bristish rule that's the reason why they hate the police officer. ·boring life just work to earn a bit of money negative attidude towards imperialism tOPICS dealt with identity - Who do I want to be? : Stick to expectations. :imperialism power relations feeling guilty oppression important quotes "I was hated by a large number of people" [...] imperialism...

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was an evil thing [...]" [...J.1 ought not to shoot him." [...] the leading actors of the plece; but in reality I was only an absurd puppet." [...] that I had done it soely to avoid. looking a fool." [...] with the magical rifle in my hands I was momentarily worth watching.". "2 >> 31 " the situation his situation -hated/disliked by the Burmese (Anti-European-Peeling) because he works on the police service -Inner conflict regarding his deployment in Burma works as o sub-divisional police officer (unterabteilungs- polizeiangestellter) - he is expected to kill the elephant once he approaches with a gun, even though he does not want to -"leading actor of piece but also an dummy pushed by the will of many. shoots it due to the pressure of the people interpretation the elephant-british empire. - elephant :huge and strong Other people's reaction -the local people mock and disrespect him (mockingbird?) -happy and excited by the prospect of seeing an elephant shot, want the meat and follow him elephant can be aggressive and unpredictable -the Burmese want to see the elephant dead - Burmese people want the meat -excpect the elephant to be shot - very attentive (aufmerksam) as they wait right before the shooting. Still, deep, low as he lays down to shoot it -develish roar after shot -the owner is angry about the elephant being killed -Older European agreed with killing the elephant, but the younger think it wasn't necessary -elephant is hard to control - elephant is calm and peacful (mostly) his thoughts "imperialism was an evil thing" anti-Empire and anti- imperialist beliefs • secretly supporting the Burmese and against the british oppressors -hates his job - no intention of shooting the elephant -looks and feels foolish -"two thousand wills pressing him forward" - afraid to embarrass himself -feels terrible to not shoot him "completly" and see the elephant suffer BE was the largest Empire of the world with a strong military power because BE was so large it was hard to manage → as long as the oppressed didn't stand up against the Empire, they weren't hurting them →→BE exploited (ausbeuten) the colonies, traded slaves and took their land the oppressed want the Empire to stop existing the oppressed want the ressources for themselves my son the fanatic -hanif kureishi hanif kureishi the Characters ali • good student smart active in Sports -born in Bromley, London in 1954 -has a Pakistani father and a white English mother - he experienced racial discrimination - much of his writing focuses on what it means to be the product of an interracial marriage Parvez originally from Pakistan. had to learn the koran as a duty /other bad experiences. Lavoids religion since then has the dream of being integrated -> wishes that especially for his son Ali he works a lot to affort Ali almost everything he wants has a wife, doesn't see her a lot because he works at night, can't talk with her . - other topics he is interested in: homosexuality, racially mixed relationships and identities, immigrants behaviour's has a girlfriend and friends • very good relationship towards his father like brothers Changes grows a beard gets religous, strict Muslim, prays a lot minimalistic not talking to. Parvez /his girlfriend / his friends hates western culture L▷ why has he changed from one day to another?. betting really close friend. Of Parvez • prostitue I drives to her clients with Parvez • knows Parvez better than his wife knows her worth, when All discriminates her normal teenager Life turning points All insults Betting All and Parvez arive alone Parvez let his emotions out -hits All Questions that come up: Has Parvez's behaviour always right? .. Did he looses interest / did he forget his homecountry? topics dealt with father-son relationship (struggle changing of the roles) identity-crisis do want to fit in? } immigration • coming of age → making own desicions interpretation Reasons why All changes his attidude -clash of cultures within one family -no real Britain, no real Pakistanl identity confusion father-son conflict -traditional roles are reserved ↳ Son critzises his father -generation conflict - Parvez's aim is to integrate into the British society -Ali is no longer interested in his way of life and refuses it not interested in social or economis sucess Attidude towards England and Western society Parves: Loves England, especially liberalism thinks you have to adapt the values of Western society disinterested in the Islam enjoys life in England Ali does not feel welcomed or accepted British Culture leads to: prostitution, drugs & alcohol ruleless society education anti-religious attidude Both are fanatics - unable to see life from another perspective - lack of trust and compromises - All: fanatic about muslim religious faith - Parvez: fanatic about life in western society fundamentalism -Ali represent a new generation of young muslims: →2nd generation immigrants born and bred in Britain lack of culture identity does not feel accepted in Britain →→in contrast to their parents they do not want to adopt the culture anymore distance themselves from the rest of society -consequences of multiculturalism -radicalization of Muslims growing up in the West failed integration & dangers (terrorism) the embassy of cambodia -zadie smith Zadie smith the Characters -born 1975 in Willesden in London (→→ where the short story is set) - her mother is from Jamaica, her father (thirty years older than her mother) is from England fatou :She's from Ivory coast • worked as a chambermaid in the capital of Ghana • domestic servant in the Derewal's household andrew -studied at Cambridge university -main themes: race and postcolonial identity and religion : she's poor : imbalance of power: Andrew education, Derewal's rich. • compares herself to a journal, where someone says how it is to be a Le Fatou comes to the conclusion that she isn't a slave : modern slavery :immigration Fatou's friend : student one-bed apartement • educated (studies business) : is less intelligent than he thinks he is LD feels superior because of his knowledge is into Fatou → she likes him as a friend, because she isn't attracted by him. Lone-sided love, friendzone" derewal's good living conditions : oppress. Fatou : Derewal isn't an english name → probably immigrated did they gain their power, had they always good living conditions? topics dealt with slave :love sickness, one sided love •power relations the game of badminton symbolizes life with all sides (positive or negative) stands for hope → match #1 #2 #3 to follow symbolizes fatou's life and her struggle Fatou looses every point, even if she never gives up stands for Fatou's strenghness turning point before the beginning (Fatou gets fired) ->that wasn't a match she could win the next set will give her a new chance because not the whole game is over turning point 0:21: Fatou get's fired by the Derewal's (reason remains unknown) →whole story is made up like the first set of a badminton match → turnining point happens at the end of the story →→ Not over yet? New chances? interpretation Pain, evil and lack of solidarity - conversation of Andrew and Fatou personal experiences of Fatou discrimination, rape, hard menial Nort → proof of the vulneralibilty of the powerless poor and unprivileged people -Fatou is helpless and turns into Christianity (to protect herself) Slavery and exploitation -economic and sexual exploitation -demeaning Hork like of slaves - human traffickers organize transport from Africa to Europe → take advantage of the situation demanding high sums of money -disrespectful treatment racial conflict and racism -multiracial community with large immigrated population lot of people of former colonies. -increasing tension between ethnic groups -hate relationship between Pakistan's and Africans feel superior