


Short Story







Explain why "Laura" is/is not a typical short story.

Laura Explain why "Laura" is/is not a typical short story. Feature Length Beginning Setting Plot Characters Ending First-person narrator Evidence in "Laura" so long, that you can read it in (half site Third-person omniscient narrator you get trown in a situation Ly the crowded restaurant wich is looking at Laure place where you can go by yourself too Brestaurant only a couple of minutes Ly you need abt 4 min to read, Laura" not many different characters, often one or two main characters. minor characters L Laure and the man open ending, surprise ending y you don't know who the man is and why Laura is so angry Who tells the story? How do we call a narrator like this? Narrative Perspective Point of view that is determined by the person of the narrator and his attitude towards the characters; it controls what the reader gets to know and when; types can be mixed and the narrative perspective can change in the course of the story Term FAR Example Third-person limited narrator one session Explanation Narrator brings reader close to the feeling and thoughts of one particular character in the story (narrator and character are identical) Narrator tells story from the outside but knows all about the character's thoughts and feelings (omni = all, scient = knowing) Narrator seems to tell the story from the outside, but only knows about the feeling and thoughts of one particular character (narrator and character are not identical) EF Engl. /Wul

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