


short story analysis/elements of a short story







→>> traditional short story setting, situation and main characters are introduced
Rising act

ELEMENTS OF A SHORT STORY Exposition →>> traditional short story setting, situation and main characters are introduced Exposition Rising action Climax → the point of highest interest in terms of conflict I tension ->turning point Falling action → leads to final outcome Ending →> traditional short story → the conflict/tension is resolved modern short story → no exposition; start in the middle of an action modern short story → open and abrupt ending; conflict remains unsolved Climax NARRATIVE PERSPECTIVE First-person narrator the conflict develops; climax is often prepared nist) tells the story •a character (often the protago - • close to character story Short story Characters often only has a small number of characters who do not develop (flat characters) Plot focuses on one incident | single plot + single setting Rising action • causes suspense →→ only know feelings/ thoughts of one character → feels like being part of the Falling action Ending Third-person omniscient narrator • knows feelings I thoughts of all characters in the story · full knowledge of all situations • not biased I has no preference is not tied to a character → reader watches the story unfold Third-person limited narrator • only knows hisl her own feelings • tells story from the perspective of one character • causes suspense →>reader watches the story unfold

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