


Simple Past 5. Klasse erklärt







What happened?
a) Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.
1. That's wrong. Dave tripped over Sid.
2. That's wrong. Da
What happened?
a) Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.
1. That's wrong. Dave tripped over Sid.
2. That's wrong. Da
What happened?
a) Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.
1. That's wrong. Dave tripped over Sid.
2. That's wrong. Da
What happened?
a) Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.
1. That's wrong. Dave tripped over Sid.
2. That's wrong. Da
What happened?
a) Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.
1. That's wrong. Dave tripped over Sid.
2. That's wrong. Da
What happened?
a) Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.
1. That's wrong. Dave tripped over Sid.
2. That's wrong. Da
What happened?
a) Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.
1. That's wrong. Dave tripped over Sid.
2. That's wrong. Da
What happened?
a) Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong sentences.
1. That's wrong. Dave tripped over Sid.
2. That's wrong. Da

What happened? a) Are the sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong sentences. 1. That's wrong. Dave tripped over Sid. 2. That's wrong. Dave's parents gave him shoes and a computer. 3. That's right. 4. That's wrong. The shoes were the wrong size. 5. That's wrong. Dave's granny made a cake with eleven candles. 6. That's right. 7. That's wrong. Sid was sick on the floor. b) What do you think about Dave's last birthday? : Find the rule a) Find the infinitives for all the simple past forms in the text. wanted did went was got up tripped hurt had gave were made to want to do to go to be to get up to trip to hurt to have to give to be to make put ran tried cleaned invited came played bought watched liked ate to put to run to try to clean to invite to come to play to buy to watch to like to eat b) Write the simple past forms in a grid. What rules are there for spelling regular forms? And for their pronunciation? Irregular There are no rules for irregular forms: You must learn them by heart! did went was got up hurt had gave were made put ran came bought ate Regular wanted cleaned played watched acted barked matched talked Regular forms: infinitive + -ed Beachte die Aussprache von -ed: - Sprich [d] nach Vokalen gefolgt von stimmhaften Konsonanten. - Sprich [t] nach stimmlosen Konsonanten. - Sprich [id] nach [t] oder [d]. Regular with different spelling tripped tried liked invited chatted copied rapped stopped closed danced Das stumme -e fällt weg! liked like Bei kurzem betontem Vokal wird ein einfacher Konsonant am Wortende verdoppelt: stop stopped Bei Konsonant + y wird das y zu ie: try tried clean-cleaned [d] happen - happened [d] invite [t] invited [id] like - liked listen - listened order - ordered [d] [d] [d] play - played trip - tripped...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

[t] stay - stayed [d] want -wanted [id] watch - watched [t] work - worked [t] The verb "to be" has got two forms in the simple past: Make sentences about the past Example: 1. I go to the flea market every year. I went to the flea market last year. 1. I go to the flea market every year. → last year ✔ yesterday 2. Sid sometimes has a mouse for dinner. 3. My mum often comes home late. → last night 4. Sherlock gets up with Luke every morning. → at 8 o'clock yesterday I you he she it we you they was were was were were were The negative forms are: ➡wasn't ➡ weren't 5. Holly and her mum go shopping together. last Saturday 6. You're always really funny. → at the party last week 7. I always put a lot of cream on my cake. → last Sunday When you see these signal words, use the past tense: last week/month/year two days ago yesterday 1) I went to the flea market last year. 2) Sid had a mouse for dinner yesterday. 3) My mum came home late last night. 4) Sherlock got up with Luke at 8 o'clock yesterday. 5) Holly and her mum went shopping together last Saturday. 6) You were really funny at the party last week. 7) I put a lot of cream on my cake last Sunday. Last week → SB 111; G34 a) Read the text. Underline the correct forms. My best friend Tyler a present. Last year I a cool T-shirt for him. I She me to his birthday party last week, so I him a computer game and the year before I to find something special this year too. First I to my favourite shops. Then I for presents online - nothing. Now there into my room. only two days till the party! In the evening, my mum :"Time for dinner!" And suddenly¹ I an idea... b) Find the simple past forms and write them down with their infinitives. Look and →. PWBAC CBD UARRANOW TGAEMOUE WA NTED G GR EVOUHAHE V WAS I N E T R E D U I D S T 1. want - wanted 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. c) Write about a birthday party in the past tense. Say what present you gave to the birthday girl/boy and what you did at the party. Write in your exercise book. 9. 10. 11. 12. Useful phrases last Saturday / Sunday | last week/ month at the party | at ... o'clock Sounds: [d], [t] and [id] → SB 111; G34 a) Listen. Which ending do you hear? Underline it. 4. liked 5. wanted 6. played 1. watched 2. invited 3. created b) Listen again and repeat the words. 7. chatted 8. danced 9. acted