


Skills - How to write a comment







you are for something:
advantage (pro)
to approve of sth
to adopt a positive view
to sympathize with the idea
to favour sth
to argue in favo
you are for something:
advantage (pro)
to approve of sth
to adopt a positive view
to sympathize with the idea
to favour sth
to argue in favo

you are for something: advantage (pro) to approve of sth to adopt a positive view to sympathize with the idea to favour sth to argue in favour of sth to support the view that agree with/on you would like to make a contrast: in opposition to all these arguments contrary to on the contrary downside on the one hand/on the other hand in contrast to Connectors you would like to structure your ideas: to start with first in the second place secondly, thirdly moreover furthermore in addition to that what you think: stance on opinion of/on/about in view on to take the attitude that... conviction in my mind you are against something: disadvantage (contra) criticize disagree with to take sides against to disapprove of sth to reject to oppose you would like to draw a conclusion: as a result all in all to sum up taking everything into consideration to conclude in conclusion in a word consequently this suggests to put it in a nutshell in my opinion personally, I think/feel I object to to my mind You would like to illustrate: to question for example for instance I'd like to propose I'd like to suggest a case in point is (ein Beispiel sein, Fallbeispeil) introduction writing a comment Describe the problem/subject in your introduction. You can start with: • an own personal experience • a quotation, rhetorical question • current affairs or events • definition of the key terms of the topic • present your topic • start with a grabber (something sensational, surprising, shocking that grabs the reader's attention) • then make a more general point by stating...

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the topic (maybe the structure, too) and lead the reader to the topic main part When you write a comment, remember there is no such thing as the comment. There are different types of essays. However, all essays have one thing in common: they are well planned and clearly structured (PARAGRAPHS!!!) Decide how to arrange your arguments/main points of your essay. You need a logical connection (CONNECTIVES!!!) between the points. • put all the pros and then all the cons or • put all the pros and all the cons alternately and group them according to their relevance and importance the most important one at the end • discuss: 2 arguments for, 2 arguments against • giving an own opinion: 3 arguments conclusion Finish your comment with a conclusion: • summarize your findings by using different words • give your own opinion • outline possible consequences, propose a solution, give a warning/hope • but do not introduce any new idea (argument) here • try to find a link to your introductory sentence Don't forget to read through your comment carefully when you have finished writing it to check for mistakes!