


Sklaverei in Amerika: Entstehung, Alltag und Abschaffung


Sklaverei in Amerika: Entstehung, Alltag und Abschaffung
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Slavery in America: A Dark Chapter in History

Slavery in America was a brutal system that lasted for centuries, with profound impacts still felt today. Key points:

  • Wann begann die Sklaverei in Amerika: Slavery began in 1619 when the first enslaved Africans were brought to Virginia
  • Enslaved people were treated as property, denied basic rights, and forced to work in harsh conditions
  • The Civil War led to the abolition of slavery in 1865, but racial discrimination persisted for decades
  • Modern forms of slavery still exist globally today, including forced labor and human trafficking



History of Slavery in the USA

Wann begann die Sklaverei in Amerika: Slavery in America began in 1619 when the first enslaved Africans were brought to Virginia by English colonists. Key developments include:

  • After the War of Independence, laws were created to regulate slavery
  • Enslaved people were not included in civil rights protections
  • In the South, enslaved people worked on fields and plantations
  • In the North, they primarily worked in their owners' houses

Definition: Slavery was a system where people were treated as property and forced to work without pay or basic rights.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

Civil War and Emancipation

The conflict over slavery reached its peak in the 1860s:

  • Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860
  • Southern states seceded and formed the Confederate States
  • The Civil War began in 1861
  • Lincoln declared the end of slavery
  • The Northern states won the war
  • Black people were granted civil rights

Vocabulary: Emancipation refers to the act of freeing enslaved people and granting them legal rights.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery


Food and Free Time for Enslaved People

Was waren die Lebensbedingungen von Sklaven?: The basic necessities for enslaved people were often severely limited:

  • Food was often insufficient, sometimes barely enough to sustain life
  • On small plantations, some enslaved people were not fed at all
  • Some were given cooking utensils and had to prepare their own meals
  • Free time varied greatly depending on the owner
  • Some were allowed a day off per month or Sundays as rest days
  • A few were permitted to grow their own food or attend church

Quote: "Sometimes they were given pots and pans for cooking, usually they had to cook their own food."

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery


Effects of Slavery

Folgen der Sklaverei in Amerika: The impacts of slavery persisted long after its abolition:

  • Black people faced continued discrimination and segregation
  • Until the 1950s, they had to give up seats to white people
  • Public facilities were segregated until the 1960s
  • Schools, hospitals, toilets, and seating were separated by race

Example: Black individuals were not allowed to use the same water fountains as white people, a clear sign of ongoing racial discrimination.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery


Examples of Modern Slavery Outside Europe

Moderne Sklaverei Beispiele: Modern slavery takes various forms around the world:

  • West Africa has a high incidence of slavery
  • 300,000 children work on cocoa plantations in Ivory Coast
  • In Mauritania, slavery was only recently abolished but continues to exist
  • In Haiti, some parents sell their children to wealthy households

Highlight: Child labor in cocoa production is a significant issue, with hundreds of thousands of children working in hazardous conditions.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery


Factors Affecting Slave Life

The experiences of enslaved people varied based on several factors:

  • Size of the plantation
  • Whether they were household or field slaves
  • The presence of overseers or drivers

Overseers were paid white men who supervised enslaved people, while drivers were enslaved individuals given authority over other slaves in exchange for better living conditions.

Highlight: The hierarchical system within slavery created complex social dynamics among enslaved people.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery


Example of Labor Exploitation in Sochi

A specific example of modern slavery occurred during the construction for the 2014 Sochi Olympics:

  • Guest workers from countries like Romania and Armenia were exploited
  • They worked 12-hour days, 7 days a week, without holidays
  • Their passports were confiscated to prevent them from leaving
  • This occurred across 800 Olympic construction sites

Example: The confiscation of passports is a common tactic used by traffickers to control victims and prevent their escape.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery


Housing for Enslaved People

Wie lebten die Sklaven in Amerika?: The living quarters for enslaved people were typically very poor:

  • They lived in separate quarters from the main house
  • They often had to build their own homes
  • Homes had dirt floors and little to no furniture
  • Beds were usually made of straw or old rags
  • Often, more than ten people shared a single dwelling

Household slaves sometimes had slightly better conditions, living closer to the main house with some basic furniture.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery


Transition to Modern Slavery

This page poses a question to students: "Does anybody know where we can find slavery today?" This serves as a transition to discuss modern forms of slavery.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery


Slavery in America

This page introduces the topic of slavery in America, which was a system of forced labor that existed for centuries and had profound impacts on the country's history and development.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery


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Sklaverei in Amerika: Entstehung, Alltag und Abschaffung
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2.627 Follower


Sklaverei in Amerika: Entstehung, Alltag und Abschaffung

Slavery in America: A Dark Chapter in History

Slavery in America was a brutal system that lasted for centuries, with profound impacts still felt today. Key points:

  • Wann begann die Sklaverei in Amerika: Slavery began in 1619 when the first enslaved Africans were brought to Virginia
  • Enslaved people were treated as property, denied basic rights, and forced to work in harsh conditions
  • The Civil War led to the abolition of slavery in 1865, but racial discrimination persisted for decades
  • Modern forms of slavery still exist globally today, including forced labor and human trafficking



History of Slavery in the USA

Wann begann die Sklaverei in Amerika: Slavery in America began in 1619 when the first enslaved Africans were brought to Virginia by English colonists. Key developments include:

  • After the War of Independence, laws were created to regulate slavery
  • Enslaved people were not included in civil rights protections
  • In the South, enslaved people worked on fields and plantations
  • In the North, they primarily worked in their owners' houses

Definition: Slavery was a system where people were treated as property and forced to work without pay or basic rights.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

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Civil War and Emancipation

The conflict over slavery reached its peak in the 1860s:

  • Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860
  • Southern states seceded and formed the Confederate States
  • The Civil War began in 1861
  • Lincoln declared the end of slavery
  • The Northern states won the war
  • Black people were granted civil rights

Vocabulary: Emancipation refers to the act of freeing enslaved people and granting them legal rights.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

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Food and Free Time for Enslaved People

Was waren die Lebensbedingungen von Sklaven?: The basic necessities for enslaved people were often severely limited:

  • Food was often insufficient, sometimes barely enough to sustain life
  • On small plantations, some enslaved people were not fed at all
  • Some were given cooking utensils and had to prepare their own meals
  • Free time varied greatly depending on the owner
  • Some were allowed a day off per month or Sundays as rest days
  • A few were permitted to grow their own food or attend church

Quote: "Sometimes they were given pots and pans for cooking, usually they had to cook their own food."

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

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Effects of Slavery

Folgen der Sklaverei in Amerika: The impacts of slavery persisted long after its abolition:

  • Black people faced continued discrimination and segregation
  • Until the 1950s, they had to give up seats to white people
  • Public facilities were segregated until the 1960s
  • Schools, hospitals, toilets, and seating were separated by race

Example: Black individuals were not allowed to use the same water fountains as white people, a clear sign of ongoing racial discrimination.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

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Examples of Modern Slavery Outside Europe

Moderne Sklaverei Beispiele: Modern slavery takes various forms around the world:

  • West Africa has a high incidence of slavery
  • 300,000 children work on cocoa plantations in Ivory Coast
  • In Mauritania, slavery was only recently abolished but continues to exist
  • In Haiti, some parents sell their children to wealthy households

Highlight: Child labor in cocoa production is a significant issue, with hundreds of thousands of children working in hazardous conditions.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

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Factors Affecting Slave Life

The experiences of enslaved people varied based on several factors:

  • Size of the plantation
  • Whether they were household or field slaves
  • The presence of overseers or drivers

Overseers were paid white men who supervised enslaved people, while drivers were enslaved individuals given authority over other slaves in exchange for better living conditions.

Highlight: The hierarchical system within slavery created complex social dynamics among enslaved people.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

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Example of Labor Exploitation in Sochi

A specific example of modern slavery occurred during the construction for the 2014 Sochi Olympics:

  • Guest workers from countries like Romania and Armenia were exploited
  • They worked 12-hour days, 7 days a week, without holidays
  • Their passports were confiscated to prevent them from leaving
  • This occurred across 800 Olympic construction sites

Example: The confiscation of passports is a common tactic used by traffickers to control victims and prevent their escape.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

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Housing for Enslaved People

Wie lebten die Sklaven in Amerika?: The living quarters for enslaved people were typically very poor:

  • They lived in separate quarters from the main house
  • They often had to build their own homes
  • Homes had dirt floors and little to no furniture
  • Beds were usually made of straw or old rags
  • Often, more than ten people shared a single dwelling

Household slaves sometimes had slightly better conditions, living closer to the main house with some basic furniture.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

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Transition to Modern Slavery

This page poses a question to students: "Does anybody know where we can find slavery today?" This serves as a transition to discuss modern forms of slavery.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

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Slavery in America

This page introduces the topic of slavery in America, which was a system of forced labor that existed for centuries and had profound impacts on the country's history and development.

Slavery in America Structure
history of slavery in the USA
→ living conditions
daily life
Where can we see Slavery

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