


Social media usage- Summary and Comment







PART 2: Reading and Writing:
The narrator Carson Phillips, a rather unpopular student at Clover High School, has set up a literature
PART 2: Reading and Writing:
The narrator Carson Phillips, a rather unpopular student at Clover High School, has set up a literature
PART 2: Reading and Writing:
The narrator Carson Phillips, a rather unpopular student at Clover High School, has set up a literature
PART 2: Reading and Writing:
The narrator Carson Phillips, a rather unpopular student at Clover High School, has set up a literature
PART 2: Reading and Writing:
The narrator Carson Phillips, a rather unpopular student at Clover High School, has set up a literature
PART 2: Reading and Writing:
The narrator Carson Phillips, a rather unpopular student at Clover High School, has set up a literature

PART 2: Reading and Writing: Text: The narrator Carson Phillips, a rather unpopular student at Clover High School, has set up a literature magazine at his school. As his magazine has only got two staff members, he decides to recruit new members by blackmailing atner students into joining. Remy, the editor of the class yearbook, is his first victim. A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a funny user name on the Clover High School website: Yearbook Girl69, I didn't think much of it, a freshman slut under Remy's rule perhaps. However, whoever it was left uptight opinionated comments on almost every page [.]. Could it be Remy pulling a Voltaire? Over the weekend, while I was thinking of ways to blackmail Remy, I messaged YearbookGirl69 privately to test out this theory under the user name BadBoy2012. "Hey, sexy', I messaged. Love reading your thoughts on the CHS site. We think alike." A few minutes later, she responded. "OMG thanks. I'm so glad some 1 noticed LOL." I waited a couple of minutes more, playing hard-to-get, seeing if she'd write more. "Who is this LOL? YearbookGirl69 asked. 1 like to keep my identity a secret; I'm like Batman,' I replied. "But with better abs." "Hott! Me 2! I like the mystery LOL', she sent. I don't...

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know what the hell was so funny. Was she seriously laughing out loud every time? [...] Now, today, while I was in English and the class had their laptops out, I decided to see if I was right about Remy. I was sitting a few seats behind her and had a clear view of her computer. BadBoy2012 messaged YearbookGirl69. A window popped up on Remy's computer screen. Bingo! What are you wearing? BadBoy2012 asked. I saw Remy's neck blush. "Practically nothing," Remy responded as YearbookGirl69. "Send me a pici" "BadBoy2012 said. Remy looked around the classroom to see if anyone was watching her. I ducked behind my laptop when she glanced my way. I looked back and saw her retrieving a photo from her documents and attach it to the instant-message conversation. A photo of Remy half-naked with a 'sexy face' popped up on my computer screen. [..] She had no idea what she had just done to herself. From Chris Colfer, Struck by lightning, 2012 Notes: Annotations: stumble upon = find by accident freshman = a student of the first of high school uptight = the opposite of easy-going opinionated with strong opinions abs = abdominal muscles (Bauchmuskeln) Tasks on the text: 1. Summarize the text excerpt. In your summary, pay special attention to how Carson Phillips uses digital media to blackmail his classmate! 2. Could a situation like this have been avoided if everyone was forced to always give their real name and identity on the internet? Write a comment (using ideas from the text and your own background knowledge and experience) to the following question: Should people be forced to give their real names and identities when they post something online? Good luck! situations like this could be avoided or minimized a neer to everyone would treat each other better → less privacy, more data you give away, everyone can google you may be even find out your address even if the number of cons overweight, its basically a good idea, maybe the names shouldn't be public but the platform would know them I have them in their system so that they can do something against them 1st exam Task 1: summary The given exerpt from the Struck by lightning" novel written by Chris Colfer in 2012 deals with a boy starting to blackmail another) girl by. b: to matte her jour texting her, so that she joins hliterature magazine at school. The first paragraph is a little explanation of the novel's be- ginning that we know what the show this the following situation could have developed.U Carson Phillips, the narrator ar main character, started school club but noene jans it t. To rescue his club, he begins to blackmail girl becomes of it that she gets a part. The W SO 0 Not necessary in a summary IW following text is about their text messages and how Carson gets into the position to blackmail her. One day, the narrator sees that an annony- mous person comments every 9. 10. is -R (not in the text) photo on their school web- site. Carson starts wondering if that could be Remy, a (not in the text) mean girl at his school. Be= cause of that he starts to texts her privatly and gets. the idea to blackmail •Remy. Both seem interested in each other and they text more and more. The narrators S a bit insecure whether the girl is was really Remy of not so he texts her flirty messages while they are in class. Remy blushes and Carson sees on her laptop how she texts him back. She sends him a nude picture of herself. Now Carson has the material needs to blackmail her. misecure character trait unsure =P mental position Task 2 comment These days, nearly everyone uses Social media but sometimes develop situations in which a person gets bullied, called y. names or even blackmailed. One of the most discussed questions is if things like this cond be avoided by forcing people to give their real names and iden- tities online. It's a difficult topic and very a pretty difficult question as well but I think that situations. like this could be avoided or minimized by this moment action. Everyone would be more careful about 3 ✓ very good introduction! what they do on the internet be- and punished cause they could be sentenced for 7 every thing they do. This would cause a better and nicer and treatment for from every- - body You still have to be a aware of the con arguments. First you bave would have less privacy then now. People on the internet could google your name and 9.10.19 New pаrадтарк пасенау IW 197 -R duhrgang ( of you. machion ⒸDo they though? -R R igr strangers could even find out your address which is pretty scary if you thing and you fight. disagree with their opinion on some. you fight enline. Through that they could scar you in real life. Moreover this are more data you are giving away, with which plattforms or companies could make more money out Very convincing! Once a friend of mine got bulli online and it was really horrible. ю Soumber of I don't wish that anyone That's why I think, even if the con argue- ments overweight it's important to do something against bulliying and Hackmailing. Making the real names public is basically a good idea, bat Maybe not every user should be able to see them but just the company of plattformand they would have everyone. in their system so they can do some- could thing against "bad users". In my opinion everyone would be happy with such a solution. Your privacy could be saved a little and still the users who make bad com- ments posts or bully and black- mail could be punished and may be even sentenced. Beurteilungsbogen G Klausurteil A (80%) 1. Inhaltliche Leistung Teilaufgabe 1 (Summary) Klausur 1 1. Halbjahr 19/20 Name: Die Schülerin/Der Schüler 1 formuliert einen Einleitungssatz 7 fast di Abfolge der Ereignisse zutreffend und vollständig zusammen und erläutert, wie Carson digitale Medien nutzt, um Remy zu erpressen SUMME Teilaufgabe 1 eilaufgabe 2 (Comment) 1 Formuliert eine ansprechende Einleitung und nennt die Fragestellung 2 nennt mehrere sinnvolle und voneinander abgegrenzte Argumente und strukturiert diese einleuchtend. Unterst tzt seine Arguments durch Beispiele aus lem Text, Kenntnisse aus dem Unterricht, evt. eigene Erfahrungen 4 tommtu einer nachvollzieh'aren Schlussfolgerug zu Ende des Texts und gibt evt. einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft. SUMMI, Teilaufgabe 2 SUMME Klausurteil A-Schreiben mit Leseverstehen: INHALT 2. Sprachliche Leistung/Darstellungsleistung Kommunikative Textgestaltung [24 P.) Die Schülerin/Der Schüler 1 dichtat een Text konseque it und explizit im Sin ve der Aufgabenstellung auf die Intention und den Adressaten aus. 2 beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. 3 erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text. 4 gestalte seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. 5 belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Ausdrucksvermögen/Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel [24 P.) 6 löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. 7 verwendet einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz. 8 verwendet einen sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Funktionswortschatz. 9 verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau. Sprachrichtigkeit [24 P.) 10 Wortschatz 11 Grammatik 12 Orthografie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) SUMME Klausurteil A-Schreiben mit Leseverstehen: SPRACHE Soll, Ist 4 1211 165 Gesamtpunktzahl Klausurteil A-Schreiben mit Leseverstehen 6 6 10 Q 10 6 16 32 20 4845 Soll ist 65 55 54 5 3 95 S 6 6 5 4 8 10 10 10 9 4.4 72 66 120M Klausurteil 3 (20 %): Hörsehverstehen (isoliert) Die Schülerin/Der Schüler weist durch die Bearbeitung der Teilaufgaben ihr/sein Textverständnis nach. 1 15 2 He wanted to attract the attention of girls that he hadn't had before. 3 ten hours a day, 200 4 This type of addictions didn't exist before modern media. 5 He went to hospital and got "fantastic treatment there. He took steps to stop taking selfies They commented it was vanity, not a mental illness. People don't see his problem as a mental illness; the way of dealing with people with such mental illnesses in public must change. Gesamtpuni.tzahl Klausurteil B-Hör-/Hörsehverstehen 6 7 GESAMTPUNKTZAHL KLAUSUR GESAMTNOTE er- max. Punkt- reichte Punkte zahl 2 2 4 4 4 4 6 4 6 30 4 14 14 4 6 150 59 I selur out or Datum und Paraphe HINWEISE/TIPPS: Sorry: very clear und well understandable language and structure