


One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus - Reading Log







Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying
Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet.
Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying
Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet.
Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying
Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet.
Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying
Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet.
Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying
Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet.
Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying
Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet.
Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying
Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet.
Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying
Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet.
Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying
Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet.

Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet. Use one copy for each part: • Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 5 - 9 Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14 - 16 Chapters 17-18 ● Setting/ Characters and their relation to the l-narrator • Monday afternoon, September 24, Bayview High school detention by Mr. Avery l-narrator: Bronwyn Rojas - talks to Simon, knows Nate from Kindergarten, knows Addy and Cooper partly I-narrator: Cooper Clay - knows Bronwyn, Nate, Simon and Addy partly I-narrator: Adelaide Prentiss - Cooper is Jack's (Addy's boyfriends) best friend, knows Nate, Simon and Bronwyn partly ● ● Words, expressions and phrases to remember the most important points of the plot/ the characters etc.: Nate, Simon (developer of gossip app "About That"), Cooper, Bronwyn and Addy all have detention p.10, II. 15-17: "Don't you have someplace to be?" - "Yeah. Detention," all are wrongly accused of breaking Mr. Avery's no-phone-rule p. 11, l. 19: "Mr. Avery, that wasn't my phone you found." p. 15, II. 12-13: "[...] and then the crash of two cars hitting each other." Mr. Avery leaves room Simon wants to drink his water -> gets an allergic shock p. 17, II. 27-28: "Even when [Simon] falls to the floor, I still think he's messing around" paramedics take...

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Simon with them p. 30, 1. 6: "Nate, he's gone,' [Bronwyn] says. 'Simon's dead." Chapters 19-23 Chapters 24 - 29 Chapter 30 + Epilogue ● Memorable quotes: p. 17, II. 4-6: "[Addy]'s a princess and [Cooper]'s a jock,' [Simon] says. [...] 'And [Bronwyn is] a Brain. And [Nate]'s a criminal. You're all walking teen-movie stereotypes." I-narrator: Nathaniel Maucauley - knows Bronwyn from Kindergarten (do not hang out), knows Simon, Addy and Cooper partly ● ● What I think of the protagonists: Simon made himself many enemies due to his gossip app, might be murder Nate seems like a criminal with a good heart p. 17, l. 12: "I'm the omniscient narrator, Simon says." p. 30, 1. 6: "Nate, he's gone,' [Bronwyn] says. 'Simon's dead."" Addy seems like a typical high school princess + boyfriend, is shy/doesn't speak up herself Cooper seems like a typical popular high school boy, who loves playing baseball, is charming in his southern American way + girlfriend is Keely, one of Addy's best friend Bronwyn is the smartest of the group, knows how to help + is organised and does speak up Mr. Avery is very strict + mean Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet. Use one copy for each part: Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3 - 4 Chapters 5 - 9 ● ● ● Setting/ Characters and their relation to the l-narrator l-narrator: Bronwyn Rojas - Tuesday morning, September 25, High school - in class with her friends Yumiko + Kate when being called to principal office with Nate, Addy and Cooper l-narrator: Cooper Clay - Thursday evening, September 27, High School with Keely - Principle Gupta's office with Nate, Addy and Bronwyn -> Home, at dinner with his family when Keely arrives, is suspecting Nate of killing Simon l-narrator: Adelaide Prentiss - Thursday evening, September 27, Addy's house - Jack visits Adelaide,, thinks Bronwyn didn't like Simon much, because she isn't sad l-narrator: Nathaniel Macauley - Thursday evening, September 27, Nate's farm house - Nate comes home to his father passed out on the couch + new entry on 'About This', is mistrustful towards Cooper Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14 - 16 Chapters 17-18 Words, expressions and phrases to remember the most important points of the plot/ the characters etc.: all 4 students are informed there are investigations started by officer Hank Budapest p. 39, l. 11: "[...] Simon died from a large dose of peanut oil [...]" Chapters 19-23 Chapters 24 - 29 Chapter 30 + Epilogue all their personal life's are shown + their thoughts and feelings about Simons death are being portrayed + their relationships further described • they start to get suspicious against each other Memorable quotes: p. 41, 1.29: "Everybody's got secrets,' [officer Hank Budapest] says. 'Right?"" p. 33, II. 4- 7: "There's only one thing Simon might have written about [Bronwyn], but it would have been impossible for him to find out. Now I guess he never will." p. 44, II. 13-23: Cooper writes messages to an unknown lover ● ● What I think of the protagonists: Bronwyn seems distant + cold towards others, but in reality she broke down already + is stressed out, which makes her look very strong in the readers eyes ● p. 48, II. 13- 20: Addy hates Tj p. 51, II. 6-7: "Yeah, [Nate is] the asshole who deals drugs after they wrecked his mother." p. 52, II. 26-27: "[...] when Bronwyn said nobody has two cell phones. I have three:" Bronwyn is the smartest + plans A LOT for her future Cooper becomes more and more unsympathetic, because he probably cheats on his girlfriend + seems very obsessed with sports and dumb about general knowledge like epi pens Addy is having a perfect life in a great house and meets her cute boyfriend Jack, her life seems too perfect Nate has had a rough childhood + deals with painkillers/soft drugs to earn money for him and his father -> makes the reader understand his behaviour better Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet. Use one copy for each part: ● Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 5 - 9 Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14 - 16 Chapters 17-18 Setting/Characters and their relation to the l-narrator I-narrator: Bronwyn Rojas - Friday afternoon, September 28, Bronwyn's house - hanging out with sister Maeve, when Nate approaches - Sunday afternoon, September 30, Parent's car - confrontation after questioning for murder + secret reveal I-narrator: Adelaide Prentiss (suspicion towards Bronwyn) - Friday evening, September 28, second questioning with Officer Budapest + her mother + Ashton (sister) - Sunday lunch, September 30, Simons funeral -> questioning for murder -> breakdown + help of Ashton - Sunday afternoon, September 30, after breakdown, break up with Jake at his house after Addy cheating with TJ I-narrator: Cooper Clay ● Chapters 19-23 Chapters 24-29 Chapter 30+ Epilogue ● - Saturday afternoon, September 29, Patch stadium, training + complimented by scouter Josh - Sunday lunch, September 30, questioning for murder Words, expressions and phrases to remember the most important points of the plot/ the characters etc.: life goes on almost as usual as before for all l-narrator: Nathaniel Macauley (suspicious towards Cooper + Addy, Not Bronwyn) - Sunday lunch, September 30, Nate's house - meeting with his prohibition officer Lopez + Simon's funeral - Sunday afternoon, September 30, officer Lopez's car - confrontation after drug dealing by Lopez + discussion of murder theory Nate shows up at Bronwyn' house September 30: Simon's funeral + new unpublished post of 'About That' revealed (p.81, 1.25 - p.82, 1.12) new police theory: group murder Addy breaks up with Jake (toxic), because she cheated with Tj Bronwyn cheated on her chemistry exams by stealing the test questions Cooper cheated in baseball Nate still deals drugs + thinks he will become the scapegoat four protagonists secrets are revealed, but especially Bronwyn still has more + still no reason why Addy was in the nurse's office Memorable quotes: p.83, II. 13-14: "There were only six people in the room, one of whom is dead." p. 91, l. 18: Bronwyn to her dad: "If he knows I'm lying, he doesn't show it." p. 93, II. 20- 21: Nate's thoughts after the questioning: "[...] I'm so fucking sick of it all. I could kill somebody." What I think of the protagonists: it could have been one of the four protagonists, but possible not, because of the phones -> to blame them why would they know about the article when it wasn't published? Bronwyn still has secret, which makes her suspicious + she would be smart enough Nate still deals drugs, but doesn't bother even hiding it EXEPT towards the police -> might go to jail if discovered • Addy has not said why being in the nurse's office -> suspicious ● Cooper seems not really worried about what happened + seems naive/dumb they all had a motive to murder Simon -> hide their secrets or are lying Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet. Use one copy for each part: Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 5 - 9 Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14 - 16 Chapters 17-18 • Chapters 19-23 Chapters 24 - 29 Chapter 30 + Epilogue ● Setting/Characters and their relation to the l-narrator l-narrator: Bronwyn Rojas (starts to sympathise with Addy, starts liking Nate + their phone calls, suspects others especially Mr. Avery) - Monday morning, October 1, Bronwyn's house - first meeting with lawyer + dad, high school - meets up with Nate even if forbidden - Thursday lunch, October 4, high school - "new" post on Simon's blog + Bronwyn becomes the centre of attention/gossip ● ● l-narrator: Cooper Clay (tries to include Addy after breakup with boyfriend Jake, has a secret with Kris, p.112) - Monday lunch, October 1, high school - before gym class stopped Jake after punching TJ, at lunch includes/supports Addy, after lunch meeting with his Coach Ruffalo before meeting with his lawyer, when grandma gets heart attack - Friday afternoon, October 5, hospital room of grandma - talk with his grandma about girlfriend Keely I-narrator: Nathaniel Macaulay (starts to like/trust Bronwyn) Words, expressions and phrases to remember the most important points of the plot/ the characters etc.: Bronwyn meets lawyer, starts contacting Nate daily at night by phone, he gave her Simon's unpublished post gets published (p.127) -> all their true secrets are revealed to public Cooper + sister Ashton + TJ support Addy, who often has breakdowns, while all her friends let her down Cooper likely cheats on Keely with Kris + reveals he takes steroids + grandma has heart attack Nate goes on with his life but likes Bronwyn + starts to realise it and deny it All four meet in main office + realise they trust each other more than school/police -> grow more together - Monday night, October 1, Nate's house - he calls first time Bronwyn to talk (turns into a daily call) + she reveals she had crush on him in 5th grade ● - Friday night, October 5, Nate's house - comes home to his dad drunk again after Nate was at party + calls Bronwyn to watch movie together I-narrator: Adelaide Prentiss (is thankful for Coopers support) Memorable quotes: p. 110, II. 8-13: 1.13: "[Nate, Bronwyn, Addy and Cooper] are all waiting for something to happen" p.130, II. 30-32: "It would have to be cold-pressed for a person with allergies to react to it. The gourmet type, basically." ● - Wednesday morning, October 3, Addy's house - talking to mother and sister, Bayview high - friends (Vanessa, etc.) let her down -> cries in Bathroom like Janae -> leaves after meeting TJ, who supports her What I think of the protagonists: Nate seems to like Bronwyn and starts to change partially by calling her on his gifted phone + quitting his drug deals BUT having many phones makes him suspicious Bronwyn seems to be only one who wants to solve case + breaks her lawyer's advice for Nate, Yumiko + Kate Addy is affected most of death and break up + starts to develop her own personality + is actually cleverer Cooper denied Simon's statement the longest -> many to hide his Motives + less credibility in his parts Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet. Use one copy for each part: ● Setting/Characters and their relation to the l-narrator l-narrator: Adelaide Prentiss (grows closer to sister Ashton and befriends with Bronwyn and Janae) - Saturday morning, October 6, Bronwyn's house - talking with Ashton about her break up with husband Charlie (he cheated), Park - riding rental bikes with Ashton Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 5 - 9 Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14-16 Chapters 17-18 Chapters 19 - 23 Chapters 24-29 Chapter 30 + Epilogue ● - Thursday morning, October 10, Bayview high bathroom - talking to Janae (liked Simon), at lunch - eating with Bronwyn, Kate, Yumiko More, on way home - cutting hair off at hair salon I-narrator: Bronwyn Rojas (almost kisses Nate + includes Addy in friend group) - Saturday morning, October 9, in library after running at park - logging into Simon's account with Maeve - Friday evening, October 12, Bronwyn's house - hanging out with Maeve + Movie night with family + Nate's call l-narrator: Cooper Clay (breaks up with girlfriend Keely + fight with Kate for protecting Addy) - Saturday night, October 6, Olivia's party with Nate, Jake, etc. - fight with Jake + publishing of news article Words, expressions and phrases to remember the most important points of the plot/ the characters etc.: • Addy grows closer to her sister (reveals to her she was in the nurse's office for Jake) and Bronwyn + discovers likes riding a bike + offers to talk to Janae (liked Simon) + Addy cuts her hair short Bronwyn discovers Maeve has access to the About That admin panel + discover Simon used the name "AnarchiSK" + published at least once from the library + posed on dubious websites Bronwyn and Nate fight but grow only closer together Olivia's party: Cooper protects Addy further + looses his friendship with Jake Cooper breaks up with Keely the "Bayview four" are featured on national Media (Mikhail Powers Invastigates) -> leads to new post on About That (p. 173, II. 11-21) ● - Saturday afternoon, October 13, Keely's house - break up + Keely confessing making out with Nate I-narrator: Nathaniel Macauley (almost kisses Bronwyn) - Monday afternoon, October 8, Bayview high -> shopping mall - giving Bronwyn a ride + almost kiss Memorable quotes: p.144, l. 20:"I didn't go for myself [to the nurse's office]. I went to get Tylenol for Jake [...]"" p. 148, II. 27-29: "Not sure if [logging in on About That] was a one-time thing or if [Simon] posted from the library all the time, but [Maeve] saw him one weekend last month [...]" p.161, II. 22-23: "How the mighty have fallen, Addy. You've never talked to [Janae] before." p. 166, l. 11: Bronwyn's thought: "Unless one of us is lying. Which is always a possibility." p.167, l. 1-5: Simon was posting on a forum where school shootings were supported What I think of the protagonists: Addy develops her own character more, which suits her + cuts her hair, which proves she cares less about her "role" in Jake's life Bronwyn (and Maeve) finally start to investigate themselves, which was nececarry Nate still is dangerous but cares for Bronwyn, makes Nate more approachable • Cooper still denies his doping with proof -> truth might come to public later • Cooper is suspicious but Janae takes on a bigger role as the one who liked Simon and did not like Addy Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet. Use one copy for each part: Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 59 Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14 - 16 Chapters 17-18 • Chapters 19-23 Chapters 24-29 Chapter 30 + Epilogue ● ● ● Setting/ Characters and their relation to the I-narrator l-narrator: Adelaide Prentiss (befriends with Bronwyn + her friends and Janae, grows closer to TJ, talks to Jake) - Monday lunch, October 15, Bayview high - Conversation with Bronwyn and friends, talking to TJ and Jake ● ● Words, expressions and phrases to remember the most important points of the plot/ the characters etc.: Addy + Bronwyn are targeted by various news, more that Cooper and Nate -> all grow closer together Bronwyn + Addy,who talked to Jake again, are friends Addy sits next to TJ Browny (who wants to look more into car accident) + Nate (whose mom returned) kiss and swear they didn't murder Simon to each other ● ● - Monday afternoon, October 15, Jake's house - talking about the breakup + Simon l-narrator: Nathaniel Macauley (kissed Bronwyn, reunion with his mother) - Monday afternoon, October 15, Marshall's Peak - talking to Bronwyn + she is called away -> drive to Nate's house where he finds his mother standing at door l-narrator: Bronwyn Rojas (kissed Nate, wanted Simon dead, befriends with Addy) - Monday afternoon, October 15, Maeve's car -> police department - questioning about Simon's post about Maeve with mother, Robin (lawyer) and detective Mendoza l-narrator: Cooper Clay (friends with Luis, stopped talking to Jake, kissed Kris (gay)) - Monday afternoon, October 15, gym - training with Luis + switching cars/clothes + Kris' apartment - meeting with Kris + kissing ● Bronwyn is being called to police station about eighteen month old post from Simon's second blog (p.190) about Maeve -> commented "Fuck off and die Simon" (p.192, l. 16) and kept it secret Cooper's secret to reader revealed: is gay and likes Kris Memorable quotes: p. 177, II. 1-2: "Janae looks awful. She's lost weight since I first ran into her in the bathroom, and she's jumpier than ever." p. 181, II. 28-29: Bronwyn to Nate: "[The lawyer Eli] said he'd look into the car accident. That the timing was suspect."" p. 182, II. 22-23: Bronwyn tells Nate she really doesn't think anyone else was in the room p. 191, l. 8 + p. 191, I.10 + p. 192, l. 16: Bronwyn hating Simon to death What I think of the protagonists: Bronwyn becomes suspect again, because she kept a secret + hated Simon to death + is clever enough to plan a murder Janae still suspicious, too Nate just goes on with his life with Bronwyn, but probably lied to her about his mom being dead Addy develops further as an independent character Cooper just tried to hide that he is gay. gives him a reason for being so secretive before Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet. Use one copy for each part: ● ● ● Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 5 - 9 Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14 - 16 Chapters 17-18 Setting/ Characters and their relation to the I-narrator l-narrator: Nathaniel Macauley (gets together with Bronwyn, mistrustful towards his mother, friendly with Cooper + Addy) Chapters 19-23 Chapters 24-29 Chapter 30 + Epilogue ● - Monday afternoon, October 15, Nate's house - talking to his mother + riding alone to clear head + at Chad Posner's party at his house with two girls before calling Bronwyn - Tuesday evening, October 16, Glenn's Diner - talking to his mother, when he leaves surrounded by Mikhail Powers investigators ● l-narrator: Bronwyn Rojas (gets together with Nate in public, suspicion towards Janae) - Tuesday midnight, October 16, Bronwyn's house - sneaking Nate in + him apologising for lying about his mother + making out and watching Rings (horror movie) - Wednesday lunch, October 17, Bayview cafeteria - with Addy, Cooper, Maeve + Janae's overreaction over Simon being called out on his behaviour l-narrator: Cooper Clay (continues friendship with Addy + Jake, still Luis friend after being revealed gay, "hated" by his father) Words, expressions and phrases to remember the most important points of the plot/ the characters etc.: Nate and Bronwyn became a couple police knows about Simon's former post (p.228) Cooper's secret get revealed to public (gay + Kris) -> father did not believe him + becomes main suspect Vanessa, Jake + Addy's old friends kept on bullying her -> grows closer to Bronwyn, etc. -> plan to meet up Bronwyn gets suspicious towards Janae after her reaction, when talking not positive about Simon (p.221) - Tuesday evening, October 16, dinner at Cooper's house with family - Sunday evening, October 21, after dinner at house -> police department - confrontation about Simon's original post with lawyer Mary + coming out to Cooper's family l-narrator: Adelaide Prentiss (hates Vanessa + her old friends, grows closer to Janae -> then suspicious) - Friday morning, October 19, gym class - with Jake, Vanessa (hooked Addy's ankle) and Janae, who helps Addy and hangs out with her after school (leaves due to sickness) - Monday morning, October 22, Bayview high - Cooper's coming out to her + at lunch with friends when Nate arrives and 'protects' Cooper, whose secret got public Memorable quotes: p.213, II. 1-2: "I have been lying to Keely for months, but I did tell her the truth about Kris." p.221, II. 8-18: suspicious behaviour of Janae p.226, l. 24: "Be careful. I don't trust [Janae]." p. 228, II. 24-28: Simon's original post What I think of the protagonists: Addy became really independent and strong -> shows her development as a character + like this change Nate behaves very cold towards his mother (too cold, because many she has really changed) but opens up towards Bronwyn (makes reader understand him more) and stands up for Cooper feel sorry Cooper and hope it will end good for him, even though he should have told his family + friends earlier Bronwyn slowly starts 'investigating' herself/ suspects Janae and wants to catch up with the other three = like how she decides to finally do something Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet. Use one copy for each part: Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 5 - 9 Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14-16 Chapters 17-18 ● ● ● ● ● Setting/ Characters and their relation to the l-narrator l-narrator: Nathaniel Macauley (becomes friends with Cooper and Addy -> in jail breaks off contact to Bronwyn to protect her from himself) - Thursday midnight, October 25, empty, under-construction house - meet up with Bayview four - Wednesday night, November 7, Juvenile detention - building up defences towards everything/ everyone I-narrator: Bronwyn Rojas (has faith in Nate, grows closer to Addy and Cooper, meets Ashton, Kris and Eli Kleinfelder (Nate's new lawyer)) - Friday Morning, October 26 - Tuesday evening, November 6 - organization of various meetings (unfinished house, Bronwyn's house, Eli's coffee shop) of the Bayview four + Eli, Ashton, Kris due to Nate's arrest -> works as investigator behind police + lawyers l-narrator: Adelaide Prentiss (grows closer to Bayview four + Janae, partially likes TJ, hates Jake) - Monday evening, November 5, Addy's house - dinner with mom and Ashton, TJ visits + Bronwyn's house meeting with Cooper + Bronwyn + Maeve to search through blog posts -> realisation Jake's position - Thursday evening, November 8, Janae's house - Janae confesses about Simon's suicide + Jake arrives I-narrator: Cooper Clay (hates his father, supported by Nonny, grows closer to Bayview four, develops his relationship with Kris) ● ● ● Words, expressions and phrases to remember the most important points of the plot/ the characters etc.: regular meetings of Bayview four (p. 280, 1.1) new hint about the planned accident with the red Camaro press opinion changes against police investigation (p.247) Nate gets arrested to Juvenile detention + Bronwyn arranges Eli Kleinfelder as his lawyer they suspect Jake to play a role -> Kris and Bronwyn solve the crime as suicide suicide is confirmed by Janae's confession + Simon's manifesto Jake arrives during Janae's confession to Addy, who wants revenge -> Jake realises and hurts Addy after a chase through the woods -> Addy is rescued by Janae + Cooper ● ● ● ● Memorable quotes: p. 245, 1. 27: "One of the cars was a red Camaro,"" p. 250, I. 24: "Where I see Nate in handcuffs, [...]" p. 263, II. 4-21: reasoning why Nate was arrested p. 271, l. 7: "But I told Jake it did." ● Chapters 19-23 Chapters 24 - 29 Chapter 30+ Epilogue ● - Saturday afternoon, November 3 - after exhibition game informed about Nate's arrest + car ride home with his pop (still hates Cooper)+ at home supported by nonny - Wednesday evening, November 7, Coffee Shop, downtown San Diego - meeting with Bronwyn, Maeve, Addy, Ashton, Kris + Eli ● What I think of the protagonists: feel sorry for Nate, but also angry at him for giving up hope so easily good to see Addy, Cooper and Bronwyn finally become friends and work together so well as well as solve the crime themselves Simon was just crazy ● p. 290, 1.29 - p. 291, I. 14: Simon's manifesto p. 290-295: Janae's confession Reading Log - One of Us Is Lying Keep track of the plot and the development of the protagonists' characters by filling in this worksheet. Use one copy for each part: Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 5-9 Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14 - 16 Chapters 17-18 • Chapters 19-23 Chapters 24-29 ● ● ● Setting/ Characters and their relation to the l-narrator l-narrator: Nathaniel Macauley (friends with Addy, break off + reunion with Bronwyn, reunion with mother + father in rehab) - Friday afternoon, November 9, Juvenile detention - leaving jail + reunion with mother + Bronwyn I-narrator: Cooper Clay (famous couple with Kris, good again with his father, wants to be friends with Keely again) ● ● Chapter 30 + Epilogue Words, expressions and phrases to remember the most important points of the plot/ the characters etc.: Jack got arrested -> Nate got free Cooper (now wants to go to collage first) + Kris became a famous couple Addy (died hair in pink bob) became close with Janae and Bronwyn (apologised to media + got an invitation to apply to Yale) • Addy moves in with her sister, who is together with Eli Kleinfelder (Nate's ex-lawyer) Nate broke off with Bronwyn (who is together with Mathlete Evan Neiman), because he was scared -> after concert got friends again Nate, Cooper, Bronwyn, Addy grew closer together and became friends ● - Saturday breakfast, November 17, Cooper's house - breakfast with family l-narrator: Adelaide Prentiss (best friends with Janae and Bronwyn, good friends with Nate, very good with sister Aston, who is together now with Eli, just friends with TJ) - Saturday afternoon, November 17, Ashton's new apartment - Addy moving in with her sister l-narrator: Bronwyn Rojas (break off + reunion with Nate, 'until graduation couple' with Evan Neinan, Mathlete, best friends with Addy, apologiesed to parents + media) - Sunday morning, November 18, outside Bronwyn's house - giving Media interview with Eli, break off with Nate, because of him ● - Friday evening, February 15, High School Spotlight concert - with Addy, Maeve, Cooper, Kris, parents/ without Evan, Nate shows up + reunion Memorable quotes: p. 302, II. 21-25: "The charges [against Nate] were dropped because Bronwyn kept unraveling threads and tracked down a witness. Because Cooper's boyfriend [Kris] connected dots nobody else saw. Because Addy put herself in the line of fire. And because Cooper saved the day before Jake could shut her up." p. 312-313: Nate breaks off with Bronwyn p. 318-322: reunion as friend between Nate an Bronwyn What I think of the protagonists: I like the badass Addy became + think her friendship with Nate seems quite funny cute that Bronwyn and Nate had their reunion, but would like to know what happens next because of Bronwyn's relationship with Evan • Cooper seems happy with Kris and grows closer with his father again -> gives the novel a round + good ending