


Buch Twelve







Class Test 3, English
Pauline von Arx
Text: Nick McDonell, Twelve (2002)
Part I:
What is a flat character? Explain and give
Class Test 3, English
Pauline von Arx
Text: Nick McDonell, Twelve (2002)
Part I:
What is a flat character? Explain and give
Class Test 3, English
Pauline von Arx
Text: Nick McDonell, Twelve (2002)
Part I:
What is a flat character? Explain and give
Class Test 3, English
Pauline von Arx
Text: Nick McDonell, Twelve (2002)
Part I:
What is a flat character? Explain and give
Class Test 3, English
Pauline von Arx
Text: Nick McDonell, Twelve (2002)
Part I:
What is a flat character? Explain and give

Class Test 3, English Pauline von Arx Text: Nick McDonell, Twelve (2002) Assignments: Part I: 1. What is a flat character? Explain and give an example from Twelve. 2. 4. Explain why White Mike can be called a round character and the linchpin of the novel. 5. Twelve 3. Sara Ludlow wants to be famous. Explain how she plans to accomplish this goal and how she overcomes the problems she faces. What is the butterfly effect? Explain and give two examples of how this notion applies to Twelve. R10b, CSE 22nd March 2019 Explain the concept of foreshadowing and how it is realized in Twelve. Part II: Imagine White Mike writes a letter from Paris to his father in which he tries to explain what hap- pened to Charlie and what happened at the party. Write this letter. Good luck!!! Ⓒ Please remember to proofread your texts and write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Class Test 3, English R106, Pauline von Arx 1) A flat character is static and only built around one single quality. There is not much individual deatail given. An example out of the novel is Sara, because she is only arrogant and interested in her own benefits. 414 2) White Mile can be called a round character because he is dynamic and he develops of the course of the story. He is complex of temperament and motivation like...

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a person in reality. In how for ? White Mile can be called a linchpin because he is connected with each character, the narrator pays special attention on him, and he plays a role in all the different subplots in the novel./ has thrown, 3) Sara wants to become famous by throwing a legendary New Years Eve party. Her problem is that she can't host the party at her place because there is always somebody there. Her solution to this problem is Chris. His parents will be out of town (on). this evening and he threw (often) parties. But Chris doesn't want a party with too many people. So sara uses her beauty. and her sex-appeal to talk Chris into throwing the party. She even drops hints of having sex with him at the party, although she isn't interested in him at all. 21st March 2019 often before 25 515 Blob, Pauline von Arx 4) The butterfly effect means that a small decision can change your whole life completely and that a small decision can have major. effects. Two examples out of the novel are if Nana hadn't left the rec earlier than usual, he wouldn't have been shot and If Molly hadn't met Tobias at the model agency. she wouldn't have gone to the party and therefore she wouldn't have been shot there. 5.) foreshadowing is a narrative technique of implying or hinting at what is going to happen. 313 Thatrats" and, daruness" puret crosses White Mike's path can be understood of foreshadowing death. Nich McDonnel introduced rats in chapter 4 and 38 when WM thinks about Camus's The Plague". Br 3/3 (punct) 19 120 Part II R/Ob, Pauline von Arx Hey dad, right As you know I am in Paris know. Everything. is all right and I've already found some friends. Nice intre what about you? How is the Restaurant. to to I want you. you at going? How is life without me? But that isn't the reason why I write clear up what happened with Hunter and what happened on the party. But I have to start pep. from the beginning. Of course you asued what I am doing the whole day but I have to confess that I lied to you. I was a drug dealer and Charlie was shot by one of my dealing- buddies. I found it out on the party, because (pop) Lionel, that's the name of the guy, had Charlie's gun. I was at the party, because I had to sell drugs there. I caught Lionel and Sara by making-out, Then the massacre started. Lionel pulls out his gun and pointed it directly as (+) on me. Lionel fired two shots and then Claude came out of his room and pulled the trigger of his UZI. He (had) hit Molly many times and Andrew, too. He (had) shot everyone who was in his way. He events shot Lionel. ✓ The police arrived and they called him to Come outside. He came out firing with his gun, but the police (had shot him dead, before he d/gone. out of the door. I know in this. have could letter are many new things for you and many |gr pep ↑ with so? Riob, Pauline von Arx informations but I hope that you will understand sp all of it. I want you to know that I will start a new life in Paris and that I try to leave my past behind me. ✓ Yours sincerely Mile Words: 280 stock * that will take you 33 Content: 135 Sprache: buschruch: 1/2/3/4/56 15510- - Ø 3.25 That's pretty formal, isn't it? Extremely you unawares mash: ^ will done! 1 Ihr 13.4.2013 14/15 8.5.19 PARK limpr