


Sonnet 91 by Shakespeare







sonnet 91
book p. 263/9: ANALYSIS
Analyse the structure of the sonnet and explain how this structure supports its
sonnet 91
book p. 263/9: ANALYSIS
Analyse the structure of the sonnet and explain how this structure supports its

IC sonnet 91 - William SHAKESPEARE G book p. 263/9: ANALYSIS Analyse the structure of the sonnet and explain how this structure supports its main thesis Repetition is a technique that poets use to identify their lines. Shakespeare uses it in different ways in this sonnet, which has a parallel structure. The first four lines enumerate what people are proud of, and the following two serve as a transition to the next four. Every humour or temperament has its particular passion, and so does the speaker. In the last four lines of the quatrains the speaker echoes each of the status symbols mentioned in the first few lines in the same order, but he states that they are unimportant to him because he has found something better - the addressee's love. This parallel structure can be found in the first quatrain too: "Some glory in... some in". The playful and romantic tone of the three quatrans is disrupted by the seriousness of the couplet, which expresses a familiar anxiety: The speaker implies that he is at the mercy of the beloved person - if he loses their love, then all is lost. Sonnet 91 Р 263/8: COMPREHENSION a/What Elizabethan status symbol does the sonnet list? Which one can , you "detect in the paintings" • The sonnet lists high birth or hereditary status, intelligence and dexterity (skill), clothes, horses, hawks...

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and hounds. The painting shows clothes, a horse and a hound, a coat of arms. above the horse's head and a rapier. book b) Point out the speaker's attitude towards these status symbols The speaker explains that "some" are happy to show off their status symbols, which indicates that he does not see himself as part of the group of people who do so. He seems to mock their attitude in line 3, where he in their that some take delight says new clothes although they are trendy and weird. By clearly stating that these particular passions are not his yardsticks not what he judges by (L.7:" these particulars are not my measure"), he makes clear that the status symbols of his times are not important to him. Neither does he attach importance to having them, nor does he intend to judge others by the status symbols they show off. c) What would be equivalent status symbols today? Today's status symbols include clothes, sunglasses. jewellery (watches), cars, housed and smartphones...