


South Africa







3 facts and statistics
Area: 1 223 201 square Kilometers
Population: 43 300 000 people
Capital: Pretoria
Head of state: President Thabo Mbek
3 facts and statistics
Area: 1 223 201 square Kilometers
Population: 43 300 000 people
Capital: Pretoria
Head of state: President Thabo Mbek
3 facts and statistics
Area: 1 223 201 square Kilometers
Population: 43 300 000 people
Capital: Pretoria
Head of state: President Thabo Mbek
3 facts and statistics
Area: 1 223 201 square Kilometers
Population: 43 300 000 people
Capital: Pretoria
Head of state: President Thabo Mbek
3 facts and statistics
Area: 1 223 201 square Kilometers
Population: 43 300 000 people
Capital: Pretoria
Head of state: President Thabo Mbek
3 facts and statistics
Area: 1 223 201 square Kilometers
Population: 43 300 000 people
Capital: Pretoria
Head of state: President Thabo Mbek

3 facts and statistics Area: 1 223 201 square Kilometers Population: 43 300 000 people Capital: Pretoria Head of state: President Thabo Mbeki Languages: 14 official languages-Zulu Afrikaans, Xhosa and English are the largest language groupt notest place: Kalahari desert Orange river highest mountains drakensberg Currency: Rand (währung) england: east London (est-south) netherland Kruger National parks (est) ON- Cape town, Johannesburg Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean ^ $ South African flag > was adopted (annehmen) in April 1994 after Nelson Mandela's election. is one of the world's newest flag. > the flag design is based on elements of South Africa's flag history. > > combines the colours of the ANC flag (black green and yellow) with the colours of the Flag of Transvaal (green, red, white and blue) which was part of the previous South African flag. 3 Y-shape shows the coming together of South Africa diverse society/ symbolising a unified (einheitliches) country going forward into the future. flag's many colours are also seen to represent South Africa's cultural diversity. racially varied population : often called the rainbow nation 5 Boer Wars 7 As symbolising the different cultural, racial and ethnic groups in South Africa, the rainbow is also associated with peace, hope and a positive future. > > two military conflicts between Great Britain and the Boer republics Oranje-Freistaat and Transvaal in South Africa at the turn to the 20th century. first war: 1880 to 1881 second war: 1899 to 1902 the british wanted resources in the Dutch colonial territory as well as...

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the incorporation (Grandlung) of those lands into the British Empire. > Boer is the Dutch and Afrikaans word for farmer coloured 7 > in South Africa: is used to describe a person of mixed race who has some African ancestry. > Outside of South Africa 'coloured' (or colored in the us) is an often racist term to describe black people.. Apartheid 7 a political system of racial segregation, which officially excisted in South Africa for over 40 years (1948- 1994) the word comes from the Afrikaans word for separation. V > Only white people were given full political, legal and economic rights. > Mariage between races was illegal. Black people: couldn't vote in national elections I travel without a permit v > > From 1948 South Africa's population was divided into four racial groups: whites, blacks, Asians and coloureds. • were badly paid aim of Apartheid: to protect the white minority from losing political and economic control was In 1994, after international pressure and national resistance, the Apartheid systemy finally defeated. and the country's first democratic elections were held. Soweto Uprising ^ was a response to the south African government's introduction of Afrikaans. > From the fifth grade on, students were forced to have half of all their classes in Afrikaans, the rest in English # > most black students spoke liitle or no Afrikaans many teachers couldn't speak the language either > > Z CP In the following year, teachers were dismissed for refusing to teach in Afrikaans and schools went on strike On June 16th, 1976, thousands of school children across the Soweto Township gathered The students retaliated by throwing stones and soon the police fired gun students began to set fire to cars and buildings over 200 students had been killed by the police Uprising sparked international The Soweto attention → Schools shots their language of were given better training. Afrikaans were once again allowed to choose instruction and teachers > is a west Germanic language, spoken natively in South Africa >It originates from 17th century Dutch dialects spoken by the mainly Dutch settlers of what is now South Africa, where it began to develop inde- pendently > 90 to 95 percent of Afrikaans vocabulary is ultimately of Dutch origin. > 7 10 Nelson Mandela > >. He was the symbol of the fight against apartheid. > He spent nearly 30 years of his life in prison. was born in 1918 law N 7 studied A > A it's the third most spoken mother tongue in the country. V the primary language of the coloured and white communities. > > In 1944, Mandela had joined the ANC, an organization which fought for the freedom of black people in South Africa He soon became an ANC leader The government freed Mandela in 1996 He became president of the ANC in 1991 He and de Klerk worked together to end apartheid 5 - •They wanted to change South Africa into a democracy that gave people of all colours T equal rights. In 1993 they won the Nobel Peace Prize for Papa their work He becoming the country's first black president. Mandela retired from active politics in 1999. 1. Tsotsi BE The film is about a black kid from a really poor background. In one scene he's running away from 1 a fight and thinking about his childhood. Then it starts raining and he's in this rich suburb and woman driving up in her ..sees this posh black car. She's trying to get into her house lout the gate won't open. So she has to get out of her car to call for help. When the boy sees this he jumps. into the car, shoots at the woman and drives.. The woman had heard in the news where tsotsi has the baby so she wants him to bring it back. She can't take care of the baby forever and it takes her family. The woman (probably) does not want that the baby grow up without her parents and that the parents miss her child. She wants that the baby is fine. The film is typical for Johanneslourg because the city has poor parts with a high crime rate. But also richs suburbs. bu there are Street Kids. 12 Dutch > In 1902 the British and Dutch in South Africa united after the Boer War. > Afrikaans is a daughter language of Dutch > 90 to 95 percent of Afrikaans vocabulary is ultimately of Dutch origin.