


Speech analysis







Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in
Eb Englisch
Name: Lissy Grünig
Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract)
3. Klausur
Making a difference in

Eb Englisch Name: Lissy Grünig Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract) 3. Klausur Making a difference in society Assignments: 1. Analyse how Michelle Obama tries to convince her audience. Pay special attention to the stylistic and rhetorical devices she uses and explain their effects. Use quotations to prove your findings. (60 BE) Choose either task 2.a) or 2.b): 1. a) Comment on statement by 19th century American religious leader (Mormon) and politician Brigham Young: "You educate a man - you educate a man. You educate a woman - you educate a generation." (40 BE) OR: resources: mono-/ bilingual dictionary list of task definitions (see below) time: 90 minutes b) Imagine you had been able to listen to Michelle Obama's speech. Write an interior monologue in which you comment on what she says in her speech. (40 BE) Task definitions: analyse: write: March 30, 2022 All the best! Merkmale eines Textes, Sachverhalts oder Zusammenhanges kriterienorientiert oder aspektgeleitet erschließen und zusammenhängend verdeutlichen comment on: zu einem Sachverhalt oder einer Aussage unter Verwendung von Fachwissen und Fachmethoden eine begründete Einschätzung geben Aufgabenstellungen kreativ und produktorientiert bearbeiten, z.B. auf der Grundlage eines Materials und seiner inhaltlichen oder stilistischen Gegebenheiten eine kreative Idee in ein selbständiges Produkt umsetzen Eb Englisch Name: Lissy Grünig Text: Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract) 3. Klausur Making a difference in society Assignments: 1. Analyse how Michelle Obama tries to...

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convince her audience. Pay special attention to the stylistic and rhetorical devices she uses and explain their effects. Use quotations to prove your findings. (60 BE) Choose either task 2.a) or 2.b): 1. a) Comment on statement by 19th century American religious leader (Mormon) and politician Brigham Young: "You educate a man - you educate a man. You educate a woman - you educate a generation." (40 BE) OR: resources: mono-/ bilingual dictionary list of task definitions (see below) time: 90 minutes b) Imagine you had been able to listen to Michelle Obama's speech. Write an interior monologue in which you comment on what she says in her speech. (40 BE) Task definitions: analyse: write: March 30, 2022 All the best! Merkmale eines Textes, Sachverhalts oder Zusammenhanges kriterienorientiert oder aspektgeleitet erschließen und zusammenhängend verdeutlichen comment on: zu einem Sachverhalt oder einer Aussage unter Verwendung von Fachwissen und Fachmethoden eine begründete Einschätzung geben Aufgabenstellungen kreativ und produktorientiert bearbeiten, z.B. auf der Grundlage eines Materials und seiner inhaltlichen oder stilistischen Gegebenheiten eine kreative Idee in ein selbständiges Produkt umsetzen Eb Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract) Speaking to an audience of students of Elizabeth G. Anderson School for girls in April 2009, then US First Lady Michelle Obama reminds each one to take their education seriously- and never take it for granted. 5 10 15 20 [---] You are the women who will build the world as it should be. You're going to write the next chapter in history. Not just for yourselves, but for your generation and generations to come. And that's why getting a good education is so important. [...] The difference anapher between a struggling family and a healthy one is often the presence of an empowered' woman or women at the center of that family. The difference between a broken community and a thriving' one is often the healthy respect between men and women who appreciate the contributions each other makes to society. The difference between a languishing nation and one that will flourish is the recognition that we need equal access to education for both boys and girls. And this school, named after the U.K.'s first female doctor, and the surrounding buildings named for Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, Mary Seacole, the Jamaican nurse known as the "black Florence Nightingale," and the English author, Emily Bronte, honor women who fought sexism, racism and ignorance, to pursue their passions to feed their own souls. They allowed for no obstacles'. [---] They knew no other way to live than to follow their dreams. And having done so, these women moved many obstacles. And they opened many new doors for millions of female doctors and nurses and artists and authors, all of whom have followed them. And by getting a good education, you too can control your direct actress audience to the anapher own destiny. Please remember that. If you want to know the reason why I'm standing here, it's because of education. I never cut class'. [...] I loved getting As. I liked being smart. I liked being on time. I liked getting my work done. I thought being smart was cooler than anything in the world. And you too, with these same values, can control your own destiny. You too can pave the way. You too can realize your dreams, and then your ¹ inspired, encouraged, energized 2 succeeding 3 suffering, failing 4 succeed, grow 5 follow, hunt 6 = Leidenschaften 7 problems, difficultie 8 = Schicksal ⁹ = schwänzen, blaumachen 10 to create a situation in which it is easier for someone to do something or something to happen. page 1 of 2 Eb Michelle Obama: "A passionate, personal case for education" (extract) Speaking to an audience of students of Elizabeth G. Anderson School for girls in April 2009, then US First Lady Michelle Obama reminds each one to take their education seriously- and never take it for granted. 5 10 15 20 [---] You are the women who will build the world as it should be. You're going to write the next chapter in history. Not just for yourselves, but for your generation and generations to come. And that's why getting a good education is so important. [...] The difference anapher between a struggling family and a healthy one is often the presence of an empowered' woman or women at the center of that family. The difference between a broken community and a thriving' one is often the healthy respect between men and women who appreciate the contributions each other makes to society. The difference between a languishing nation and one that will flourish is the recognition that we need equal access to education for both boys and girls. And this school, named after the U.K.'s first female doctor, and the surrounding buildings named for Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, Mary Seacole, the Jamaican nurse known as the "black Florence Nightingale," and the English author, Emily Bronte, honor women who fought sexism, racism and ignorance, to pursue their passions to feed their own souls. They allowed for no obstacles'. [---] They knew no other way to live than to follow their dreams. And having done so, these women moved many obstacles. And they opened many new doors for millions of female doctors and nurses and artists and authors, all of whom have followed them. And by getting a good education, you too can control your direct actress audience to the anapher own destiny. Please remember that. If you want to know the reason why I'm standing here, it's because of education. I never cut class'. [...] I loved getting As. I liked being smart. I liked being on time. I liked getting my work done. I thought being smart was cooler than anything in the world. And you too, with these same values, can control your own destiny. You too can pave the way. You too can realize your dreams, and then your ¹ inspired, encouraged, energized 2 succeeding 3 suffering, failing 4 succeed, grow 5 follow, hunt 6 = Leidenschaften 7 problems, difficultie 8 = Schicksal ⁹ = schwänzen, blaumachen 10 to create a situation in which it is easier for someone to do something or something to happen. page 1 of 2 direct adress to the audience job is to reach back and to help someone just like you do the same thing. History proves that it doesn't matter whether you come from a council estate" or a country estate¹2. Your success will be determined by your own fortitude", your own confidence, your own individual hard work. That is true. That is the reality of the world that we live in. You now have control over your own destiny. And it won't be easy-- that's for sure. But you have everything you need. Everything you need to succeed, you already have, right here. [-] 11 25 source: https://www.ted.com/talks/michelle obama a passionate personal case for education/transcript (retrieved March 6th, 2022) = Sozialwohnung 12 Wochenendhaus auf dem Land 13 strength, courage, resilience, determination page 2 of 2 direct adress to the audience job is to reach back and to help someone just like you do the same thing. History proves that it doesn't matter whether you come from a council estate" or a country estate¹2. Your success will be determined by your own fortitude", your own confidence, your own individual hard work. That is true. That is the reality of the world that we live in. You now have control over your own destiny. And it won't be easy-- that's for sure. But you have everything you need. Everything you need to succeed, you already have, right here. [-] 11 25 source: https://www.ted.com/talks/michelle obama a passionate personal case for education/transcript (retrieved March 6th, 2022) = Sozialwohnung 12 Wochenendhaus auf dem Land 13 strength, courage, resilience, determination page 2 of 2 30.03.2022 English Exam ur3. 1) Michelle Obama, who used to be the first Lady of the United States, held a speech about the importance of eduction and taking this seriously in April of 2009. from in her speech, Michelle Obama tries to empower the girls at the "Elizabeth G. Anderson School for girls" to not take their education for granted and realize that every single one of those girls too, can a difference. make W IR convince the Curvatubes.com She tries to auclience, by pointing out the differences a women or the equal treatment of men. and women can make. To prove and emphazise this, Michelle Obama uses an anapher. (1.4-9). She begins each sentence in this extract with the words "the diffe- rence between". By doing so she stresses teat and underlines the big differences. in the argument. IZ Gr R G a strong women can make. She implies s.o. the importance of an empowered women. S.O. by saying "The difference between a struggling family and a healthy one is often the presence of an empowered women or w women at the center of that family". Michelle Obama gives all the girls audience an example to imply her W thigeactor is pret S.O. support 30.03.2022 English Exam ur3. 1) Michelle Obama, who used to be the first Lady of the United States, held a speech about the importance of eduction and taking this seriously in April of 2009. from in her speech, Michelle Obama tries to empower the girls at the "Elizabeth G. Anderson School for girls" to not take their education for granted and realize that every single one of those girls too, can a difference. make W IR convince the Curvatubes.com She tries to auclience, by pointing out the differences a women or the equal treatment of men. and women can make. To prove and emphazise this, Michelle Obama uses an anapher. (1.4-9). She begins each sentence in this extract with the words "the diffe- rence between". By doing so she stresses teat and underlines the big differences. in the argument. IZ Gr R G a strong women can make. She implies s.o. the importance of an empowered women. S.O. by saying "The difference between a struggling family and a healthy one is often the presence of an empowered women or w women at the center of that family". Michelle Obama gives all the girls audience an example to imply her W thigeactor is pret S.O. support R Gr R But She elees does not only use this. refactcat retorical device once but multiple times. She furthermore used for an anapher when she talks about her personal experience with school and how focusing on school and taking it seriously is the reason why she has so far, as she tells the girls in the audience "I liked. come and young women. s.o. being smart i liked getting my work done" (1. 19-20). By pointing out the things she liked about school, she motivates the audience inte viewing to view things more positively, aswell by telling the audience she liked being smart, she implies that being a good student is important and everything but "nerdy" or" uncool" as Furthermore Obama often adresses the audience directly. In line one She catcher to the attention of the audience. @ when she adresses them by saying "You are the women who will build the world as it should be. You're going to write. the next chapter in history.". She empowers the students and gives them. confidence, but by adressing them. with "You" she also builds a more connection with them, because *: I liked being on time personal R Gr R But She elees does not only use this. refactcat retorical device once but multiple times. She furthermore used for an anapher when she talks about her personal experience with school and how focusing on school and taking it seriously is the reason why she has so far, as she tells the girls in the audience "I liked. come and young women. s.o. being smart i liked getting my work done" (1. 19-20). By pointing out the things she liked about school, she motivates the audience inte viewing to view things more positively, aswell by telling the audience she liked being smart, she implies that being a good student is important and everything but "nerdy" or" uncool" as Furthermore Obama often adresses the audience directly. In line one She catcher to the attention of the audience. @ when she adresses them by saying "You are the women who will build the world as it should be. You're going to write. the next chapter in history.". She empowers the students and gives them. confidence, but by adressing them. with "You" she also builds a more connection with them, because *: I liked being on time personal each girl is going to take her words by heart. Obama s adresses the audience. again in lines 17 to 18." And by getting a good education, you too can control your own desting". As she says this, she explains to the girls that they have to everything they need to fulfill their dreams. She implies, that every power- ful women - like the ones they named the school buildings after (1.10-13) - can do so by getting a good education and taking it serious. Michelle Obama adresses the audience. three more times. Every single one of those times she encourager the girls to take control of their lives and gives 근 7 te in the last sentence "Everything you need e succeed, you alred already. have right here", she indirectly gives the audience one last message, and that is to not take the opportunity and privilege. to get a good education for granted. Overall, one can definitley say definitely S.O. S.O. 5.0. them the reassurence, that they can do so, 근 by paying educatio more attention to their education and school work, even if it might not always be easy (1.22, 1.25- 5.0. 26, 1.200027-28). S.O. each girl is going to take her words by heart. Obama s adresses the audience. again in lines 17 to 18." And by getting a good education, you too can control your own desting". As she says this, she explains to the girls that they have to everything they need to fulfill their dreams. She implies, that every power- ful women - like the ones they named the school buildings after (1.10-13) - can do so by getting a good education and taking it serious. Michelle Obama adresses the audience. three more times. Every single one of those times she encourager the girls to take control of their lives and gives 근 7 te in the last sentence "Everything you need e succeed, you alred already. have right here", she indirectly gives the audience one last message, and that is to not take the opportunity and privilege. to get a good education for granted. Overall, one can definitley say definitely S.O. S.O. 5.0. them the reassurence, that they can do so, 근 by paying educatio more attention to their education and school work, even if it might not always be easy (1.22, 1.25- 5.0. 26, 1.200027-28). S.O. A s.o. S.O. W Speech that Mrs. Obama's was successful. Sehr geschickler 2b) "I just want to go home... I've been вправдив feeling so down and unmotivated lately, and how I have to listen to a speech about education? Great. I really don't need this right now! At least it's someone. cool and somewhat interesting who's holding the speech. I just hope this isn't going to take very long... I mean she is not wrong, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my mom be there for me, she's so strong. I wish I'll be like her someday. Huh, I never really thought about the fact that kes our school buildings are named after all there. Gr She definetly was for sure able to give all the young women in the audience more confidence and empower them CLS people a person aswell as encourage them to take their education seriously, Michelle Obama used rhetorical and stylistic devices a lat to her point and build a relationship with the audience. * powerful women. Honestly that's really COOL. I wonder what the world. what would look like and how society would be like, if didn't n accomplished what those women they did... I really don't appreciate that enough. Just like this school. It might A s.o. S.O. W Speech that Mrs. Obama's was successful. Sehr geschickler 2b) "I just want to go home... I've been вправдив feeling so down and unmotivated lately, and how I have to listen to a speech about education? Great. I really don't need this right now! At least it's someone. cool and somewhat interesting who's holding the speech. I just hope this isn't going to take very long... I mean she is not wrong, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my mom be there for me, she's so strong. I wish I'll be like her someday. Huh, I never really thought about the fact that kes our school buildings are named after all there. Gr She definetly was for sure able to give all the young women in the audience more confidence and empower them CLS people a person aswell as encourage them to take their education seriously, Michelle Obama used rhetorical and stylistic devices a lat to her point and build a relationship with the audience. * powerful women. Honestly that's really COOL. I wonder what the world. what would look like and how society would be like, if didn't n accomplished what those women they did... I really don't appreciate that enough. Just like this school. It might 0.03.22 Lissy Grünig English Exam Nr. 3. easy, but I not always be fun fun and should really not take it for granted that I get this opportunity. EnEV I've never been a bad student and I'm pretty hard-working, but if I really took this more seriousy my life. might actually turn out the way I want it to... Michelle Obama really is empowering and inspiring, Fore I have a lot of respect for that, and she really thinks education. is the key... so there's got to be at least. a little bit of truth behind that, exclu- But what if I start getting straight A's and just get called a nerd or get ded... I don't think she had that problem...... Ok, I get what she is trying to express, but one who doesn't love getting A's ? & Even if they don't want to admit it, it feels really good. She is totally right. The conna Being smart should not mean being uncool, who even made that rule? God, if the women. and girls at this school would work together and not against en each other, that world. could be such a great place. Maybe I should just stop thinking about what everybody else thinks of me and start only caring my own opinion and if I about I am or if I could be like the person * this school S.O. 0.03.22 Lissy Grünig English Exam Nr. 3. easy, but I not always be fun fun and should really not take it for granted that I get this opportunity. EnEV I've never been a bad student and I'm pretty hard-working, but if I really took this more seriousy my life. might actually turn out the way I want it to... Michelle Obama really is empowering and inspiring, Fore I have a lot of respect for that, and she really thinks education. is the key... so there's got to be at least. a little bit of truth behind that, exclu- But what if I start getting straight A's and just get called a nerd or get ded... I don't think she had that problem...... Ok, I get what she is trying to express, but one who doesn't love getting A's ? & Even if they don't want to admit it, it feels really good. She is totally right. The conna Being smart should not mean being uncool, who even made that rule? God, if the women. and girls at this school would work together and not against en each other, that world. could be such a great place. Maybe I should just stop thinking about what everybody else thinks of me and start only caring my own opinion and if I about I am or if I could be like the person * this school S.O. 1 can a better one. I should focus on my dreams my passions and do everything things * I want. to achieve to the Z Andeh And she's right, I can only truly do by for focusing on eal School and education. God she really is a role model, how i get why everyone lover her. This was amazing. 12.04.22 Ja Ju hald (40%): 1) 55/60 2) 40/40 95/100 => 15/15 Sprache (60%) 15/15 Gesamtude: 15/15 Krk- Punate 1 can a better one. I should focus on my dreams my passions and do everything things * I want. to achieve to the Z Andeh And she's right, I can only truly do by for focusing on eal School and education. God she really is a role model, how i get why everyone lover her. This was amazing. 12.04.22 Ja Ju hald (40%): 1) 55/60 2) 40/40 95/100 => 15/15 Sprache (60%) 15/15 Gesamtude: 15/15 Krk- Punate 3. Klausur: speech analysis 1. Analyse how Michelle Obama tries to convince her audience. Pay special attention to the stylistic and rhetorical devices she uses and explain their effects. Use quotations to prove your findings. (60 BE) introd introduction sentence: O general impression: Michelle Obama on education circumstances of speech: form and stylistic devices: O language: keywords: education, community, overcoming obstacles, fairly easy to understand, sophisticated language nicht als anaphora ✓ identifiziert sehr ausführlich O grammar: mostly hypotactical sentences O rhetoric: & kaunt then First Lady of the USA, Michelle Obama speech at an all-girl school in London, England in April 2009 structure/ train of thought: addressing the audience - role of education for communities - school's background/ women its buildings are named after - education in Michelle Obama's life - role of education in audience's life/ outlook into the future bläutert 00.0. repetition/ parallelism: antithesis: in 11. 3-9 to show how education directly impacts communities & society "a council estate or a country estate" (1. 24) - effect: oppose difference in origin which (supposedly) does not matter when it comes to education, idea of working one's way up in society through education reference to women the school & its buildings are named after in ll. 10-12: appeal to the audience, remind them of the ideas their school stands for, bonding with the audience alliteration in l. 13: "pursue their passions" - effect: emphasis on following one's dreams metaphors: "The difference between [...] and [...]" in combination with antitheses (11. 3-9) - effect: clear structure, easy to understand, emphasis on how education can change society for the better ● selur ausführlich am lärt v "feed their own souls" (1. 13): education, dreams as nourishment/ food, needed for survival and happiness "opened many new doors" (ll. 13/14): women in her examples broke through glass ceilings, enabled others to follow in their footsteps alifiziert use of pronouns: Tals anaphora identif "you" in ll. 18, 21, 22, 23: bonding with the audience, especially in combination with here use of "I" in ll. 18, 19, 20: Michelle Obama uses her own experience/ biography as example => "Look at my humble background and now I am First Lady of the USA, you can achieve this as well!" rhyme: unusual in a speech, but in 1. 28, her use of "need", "need to succeed" rhymes as in a poem - effect: emphasis of her last statement: "You are given the opportunity to be successful, use it!" manner of speaking/ voice: not given evaluation/ conclusion: o personal statement by each student, should be accompanied by reasons for their impression sführliche, stimmige Darstellung insgesamt sehr aus 55/60 3. Klausur: speech analysis 1. Analyse how Michelle Obama tries to convince her audience. Pay special attention to the stylistic and rhetorical devices she uses and explain their effects. Use quotations to prove your findings. (60 BE) introd introduction sentence: O general impression: Michelle Obama on education circumstances of speech: form and stylistic devices: O language: keywords: education, community, overcoming obstacles, fairly easy to understand, sophisticated language nicht als anaphora ✓ identifiziert sehr ausführlich O grammar: mostly hypotactical sentences O rhetoric: & kaunt then First Lady of the USA, Michelle Obama speech at an all-girl school in London, England in April 2009 structure/ train of thought: addressing the audience - role of education for communities - school's background/ women its buildings are named after - education in Michelle Obama's life - role of education in audience's life/ outlook into the future bläutert 00.0. repetition/ parallelism: antithesis: in 11. 3-9 to show how education directly impacts communities & society "a council estate or a country estate" (1. 24) - effect: oppose difference in origin which (supposedly) does not matter when it comes to education, idea of working one's way up in society through education reference to women the school & its buildings are named after in ll. 10-12: appeal to the audience, remind them of the ideas their school stands for, bonding with the audience alliteration in l. 13: "pursue their passions" - effect: emphasis on following one's dreams metaphors: "The difference between [...] and [...]" in combination with antitheses (11. 3-9) - effect: clear structure, easy to understand, emphasis on how education can change society for the better ● selur ausführlich am lärt v "feed their own souls" (1. 13): education, dreams as nourishment/ food, needed for survival and happiness "opened many new doors" (ll. 13/14): women in her examples broke through glass ceilings, enabled others to follow in their footsteps alifiziert use of pronouns: Tals anaphora identif "you" in ll. 18, 21, 22, 23: bonding with the audience, especially in combination with here use of "I" in ll. 18, 19, 20: Michelle Obama uses her own experience/ biography as example => "Look at my humble background and now I am First Lady of the USA, you can achieve this as well!" rhyme: unusual in a speech, but in 1. 28, her use of "need", "need to succeed" rhymes as in a poem - effect: emphasis of her last statement: "You are given the opportunity to be successful, use it!" manner of speaking/ voice: not given evaluation/ conclusion: o personal statement by each student, should be accompanied by reasons for their impression sführliche, stimmige Darstellung insgesamt sehr aus 55/60 2. a) Comment on statement by 19th century American religious leader (Mormon) and politician Brigham Young: "You educate a man - you educate a man. You educate a woman - you educate a generation." (40 BE) individual answers, but should contain an introduction, main body with arguments, conclusion with student's own opinion introduction needs to include explanation of the given quotation in student's own words: Brigham Young states that in education men, you only educate the individual because they do not share what they learn; in contrast to that, educated women influence the people around them, even across time answers need not provide pros and cons, but should stick to one side of arguments, presenting student's opinion possible arguments: O Young is right because... ✓ O Young is wrong because... men lack the idea of sharing their experiences men are often more competitive, this excludes sharing women are more community-minded students should either choose to support Young's opinion or not; a compromise is also possible /. his statement is sexist and over-generalised there are no differences between women and men which are true for all men or all women when it comes to education modern education values teamwork and helping others other criteria: b) Imagine you had been able to listen to Michelle Obama's speech. Write an interior monologue in which you comment on what she says in her speech. (40 BE) Individual answers should take into account the following aspects: Positiven zur sehr geschicker sun suitability to the given situation & task: student has witnessed Michelle Obama give the speech (either in person or video of it) O perspective: I-narration, student's individual background o suitability of the language used creativity, originality of ideas catching the reader's interest O O level of explanation/ depth of arguments: superficial - satisfactory - detailed - excellent O structure of the text, logical progression, coherence elaborateness ++ Zustimung 2. a) Comment on statement by 19th century American religious leader (Mormon) and politician Brigham Young: "You educate a man - you educate a man. You educate a woman - you educate a generation." (40 BE) individual answers, but should contain an introduction, main body with arguments, conclusion with student's own opinion introduction needs to include explanation of the given quotation in student's own words: Brigham Young states that in education men, you only educate the individual because they do not share what they learn; in contrast to that, educated women influence the people around them, even across time answers need not provide pros and cons, but should stick to one side of arguments, presenting student's opinion possible arguments: O Young is right because... ✓ O Young is wrong because... men lack the idea of sharing their experiences men are often more competitive, this excludes sharing women are more community-minded students should either choose to support Young's opinion or not; a compromise is also possible /. his statement is sexist and over-generalised there are no differences between women and men which are true for all men or all women when it comes to education modern education values teamwork and helping others other criteria: b) Imagine you had been able to listen to Michelle Obama's speech. Write an interior monologue in which you comment on what she says in her speech. (40 BE) Individual answers should take into account the following aspects: Positiven zur sehr geschicker sun suitability to the given situation & task: student has witnessed Michelle Obama give the speech (either in person or video of it) O perspective: I-narration, student's individual background o suitability of the language used creativity, originality of ideas catching the reader's interest O O level of explanation/ depth of arguments: superficial - satisfactory - detailed - excellent O structure of the text, logical progression, coherence elaborateness ++ Zustimung sehr ausführliche Darstellung, die immer wieder sehr gut Bezug auf die Rede innuit possible ideas: S.O. O admiration for Michelle Obama's speech criticism of the whole speech or just single elements O reactions should be personal Inhalt (40%): 95/100 => 15/15 Sprache (60%): 15/15 sprachliche Richtigkeit: 15/15 - sehr hohes Maß an lexikalischer Korrektheit - sehr hohes Maß an grammatischer Korrektheit - sehr hohes Maß an orthografischer Korrektheit Ausdruck: 15/15 - durchgängig zielgerichteter, strukturierter Text, überzeugende Umsetzung der in der Aufgabe geforderten textsortenspezifischen Merkmale 40140 95/100 →15/5 - durchgängig eigenständige Darstellung, Zitate/ Textverweise sind kenntlich gemacht und sehr gut in den eigenen Textfluss integriert - Sprachregister jederzeit angemessen - Wortwahl durchgängig angemessen, differenziert, idiomatisch - Satzbau durchgängig variabel und funktional Gesamtnote: 15/15 KMK-Punkte Der Englisch-LK kann kommen! sehr ausführliche Darstellung, die immer wieder sehr gut Bezug auf die Rede innuit possible ideas: S.O. O admiration for Michelle Obama's speech criticism of the whole speech or just single elements O reactions should be personal Inhalt (40%): 95/100 => 15/15 Sprache (60%): 15/15 sprachliche Richtigkeit: 15/15 - sehr hohes Maß an lexikalischer Korrektheit - sehr hohes Maß an grammatischer Korrektheit - sehr hohes Maß an orthografischer Korrektheit Ausdruck: 15/15 - durchgängig zielgerichteter, strukturierter Text, überzeugende Umsetzung der in der Aufgabe geforderten textsortenspezifischen Merkmale 40140 95/100 →15/5 - durchgängig eigenständige Darstellung, Zitate/ Textverweise sind kenntlich gemacht und sehr gut in den eigenen Textfluss integriert - Sprachregister jederzeit angemessen - Wortwahl durchgängig angemessen, differenziert, idiomatisch - Satzbau durchgängig variabel und funktional Gesamtnote: 15/15 KMK-Punkte Der Englisch-LK kann kommen!