


Speech Analysis







Speech Analysis
> who gives the speech? (speaker)
> when was the speech given? (date)
> where was the speech given? (place)
Speech Analysis
> who gives the speech? (speaker)
> when was the speech given? (date)
> where was the speech given? (place)
Speech Analysis
> who gives the speech? (speaker)
> when was the speech given? (date)
> where was the speech given? (place)
Speech Analysis
> who gives the speech? (speaker)
> when was the speech given? (date)
> where was the speech given? (place)

Speech Analysis Introduction: > who gives the speech? (speaker) > when was the speech given? (date) > where was the speech given? (place) > what kind of audience is adressed? > what is the occasion of the speech? > what is the speech about ? (theme) Main Part: > structured Summary > argumentative analysis > linguistic analysis > relation to the audience Structure of argumentation, > what is the main thesis ? > which arguments does the speaker use ? > How do you describe the structure of argumentation? > what is the author's intention? Structure of language: > Stylistic devices > kind of language (colloquial language, Sublime language) > tone of voice > gestures and facial expressions Conclusion : > Summary of results > classify the Speech's historical relevance > personal statement EXAM P LES Indroduction : > The speech published by on by..., deals with > The speech is adressed to... > The focus is on ... (1 () > The speaker wants to lis aiming to / is trying to .... > The speaker is canvassing for... Summary : > The Speech can be devided into.. > In his opening words > Halfway through the speech... >Towards the end of the speech Analysis: > One of the most effective devices the speaker employs is... > The most powerful strategy. > At one point in his speech he makes use of... > A recurrent rhetorical device... > A striking rhetorical device is >...

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One of the most efficient devices is > In line the speaker argues / illustrates / claims that... As the speake obseves in line... > to establish a personal relationship with... to make the audience aware of to make the audience feel understood ... > to trigger of emotions... > to engage the listener effetively > to create immediacy and urgency > to involve the difference between At and B > to emphasize sth. > to leave no room for doubt > to impose one's opinion on > to catch the listeners attention > to make the listener think > to focus the listeners attention on... Conclusion: > All in all it can be said that ... > In conclusion , I would like to say that > The message of the speech is clear and simple: > In my opinion the speaker displays a thorough / intimatel Superficial knowledge of > from my point of view the speech is convincing, because >The speech made me think about L " NK I NG for instance = including dazu gehören namely = nämlich thos = daher therefore = deshalb Consequently = folglich as a result = dem zufolge previous to vor herig = In addition, additionally, furthermore, besides = außerdem despite of, however, in spite = trotzdem although = obwohl whereas = wohingegen on the contrary = im Gegenteil in contrast to = im Gegensatz zu undoubtedly = zweifellos in fact tatsächlich beispielwese R 3 0 S V ER B expound = dar legen clarify klar machen criticise kritisieren enumerate = aufzählen Complain - Sich beschweren call for sth. etw. verlangen claim) state = behaupten argue = argumentieren intoduce = einführen inform= informieren doubt zweifeln affect = beeinflussen confirm - bestätigen differentiate = differenzieren S display=zeiger disprove = wiederlegen elaborate = nãher auführen enhance = verstärken exhibit = zeigen facilitate eleichtern identify = identifizieren illustrate: = = ve anschaulichen indicate = zeigen magnify= vergrößern neglect = vernachlässiger STYLO STIC ~ DE VICES Stylistic device Alliteration (bold, bright and beautiful) Anaphora (I didn't like his hairstyle. I didn't want to tell him.) Antithesis (a fire-and-ice relationship) Enumeration (old,grey,suave,majestic) Hyperbole (an absolutely fantastic book) Irony (Well, that was clear! Now it's broken) Parallelism (It's a great: for erveryone) for me, for you, Personification (Huges cities never sleep) Repetition (,,March for your rights!" he cried, and we marched and marched) Rhetorical question (Wouldn't we all like holiday?) Metaphor (...like a bull in china shops. She's a little monkey) Synecdoche (I need a new set of wheels. (=a car)) Accumulation (He came,saw,fought and won) Function -to convey auditory images -to draw attention to key words/important aspects -to increase intensity -to stress the main point -to increase intensity -to emphasize important aspects/major arguments -repetition makes te line memorable -to produce an effective contrast -to strengthen an argument -makes a sentence more memorable -to make the audience aware of the extent of the problem -to emphasize the problem -creates an impression on the minds of the listeners -easy to convey the message -to highlight a fact -to emphasize a feeling -produce humorous effect -to blame -to draw attention to its actual meaning -indirect criticsm -helps make an idea or argument clear and easy to remember -shows that each repeated structure is of equal importance -gives some similarity with human beings -simplify matters by reducing complexity -makes the speech more vived -helps to emphasize a point -makes a speech easier to follow -makes a point more memorable -to involve the audience -stimulate the audience to think about it -to bring liveliness into a speech -to illustrate and simplify -creates connection and empathy -makes the listener understand something in a deeper level -to emphasize specific aspects of the thing or person that the synecdoche represents -to make the language livelier