


studying and working in a globalized world







Studying abroad
- new friends
experience see the world.
- Impress future employers.
• Change in mindset
- Learn new language
- independence
Studying abroad
- new friends
experience see the world.
- Impress future employers.
• Change in mindset
- Learn new language
- independence

Studying abroad - new friends experience see the world. - Impress future employers. • Change in mindset - Learn new language - independence responsibility -less prejudicos lopen-minded - Adapting new norms Idemands working abroad: -new possibilities -multicultural & more diversity • Challenge helps to grow - different ways. : of doing business. -Experience global marketplace Cross-Cultural communication -Bigger competition. -more innovation - International internships. expensive Homesickness Loneliness - maybe bad connection to host family. • hard to prepare documents & obtain permission to study - You have to adapt to a new Culture, language, mentality - Gap between rich & poor increases Hidden costs of abroad Living - Traditional "working" might disappear -Loss of jobs unemployment. harder to find jobs - Reduction of demand on unskilled labor -leave family Homesickness - Loneliness Studying & working in a globalised world WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION? → the integration of economies, industries, cultures, markets & policy making around the world RESULTS OF GLOBAUZATION: → buying goods which come from far away. traveling → new ways of communication - • keeping contact with people in distant countries -Negative annotations of globalisation: ➜ • through increased mobility, diseases spread more easily. → working conditions in developing countries are cruel to produce goods for the industrialised countries Loss of cultures cheap → developing countrier still stuffer from disease & malnutrition crises in one country will affect other countries because businesses are linked to closely → refugees: everyone wants to participate in growing economic wealth Pro & cons of globalization: Outsourcing -Cower prices on the marked (dev. countries) Finnovations, experience,...

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Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

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Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.

Alternativer Bildtext:

consumer has more opportunities, culture company => - possibility to find the most qualified people might lose job outsource Smartest worker -reduces possible jobs in motherland -outsoursed employees => cheaper -production costs => lower - bad working conditions • not a fair wage O