


Stylistic devices







The author uses
In line 5 there is a metaphor/allusion/symbol/rhetorical
Rhetorical devices
The author uses
In line 5 there is a metaphor/allusion/symbol/rhetorical
Rhetorical devices
The author uses
In line 5 there is a metaphor/allusion/symbol/rhetorical
Rhetorical devices
The author uses
In line 5 there is a metaphor/allusion/symbol/rhetorical
Rhetorical devices

0 D The author uses In line 5 there is a metaphor/allusion/symbol/rhetorical Rhetorical devices allegory alliteration allusion anaphora epiphora antithesis chiasmus climax contrast enumeration Stylistic Devices alliteration/contrast/exaggeration/repetition ... (uncountable nouns) question/pun (countable nouns) Meanung, Example A symbol with a hidding meaning "Justitia for justice"; "Liberty Leading the People" At least 2 consecutive words beginning with the same letters Like Repeating of a sequence of words at the beginning of a sentence or verse. (popular tool in political rhetoric) places two contrasting ideas close to each other in the sentence "On the one...on the other hand..."; but Function, Intended effect on reader Aesthetic formulation; Create a picture in the mind of the listener A completely and ordered list of words or items. Emphasizes the urgency; Intensification; Pays attention to phrase; draws attention to words you want to target. These words could be important for the message, raise awareness in the reader about an important feature; Make aesthetically appealing/ aesthetic formulation; Thinks of parallels; feels included; flattered because audience understands allusion Accentuate and emphasize something; Convincing the listener; Dramatization; establishes meaning and excites emotions through repetition; underline the impact Pays attention to phrase; Focus on important aspects creating a sense of symmetry and balance in a sentence; requires 2 similar phrases that deal with the same concept. defining characteristic: 2 phrases have inverse grammatical structures. most effective, use the first phrase to set up your principal point. A 3-stepped increase of words or phrases. Emphasizes the urgency; Dramatization contrast that...

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will emphasize the key message to the audience; Stressing a contradictory aspect Sees differences clearer; understands problem; dramatization Create the feeling of wholeness; Accentuate and emphasize something; can imagine situation; sees each new element clearer hyperbole imagery juxtaposition metaphor onomatopoeia oxymoron paradox parallelism Exaggeration of a normal issue / circumstances. "dead tired, snail pace (Schneckentempo), ten a penny (wie Sand am Meer)"; "Queen, you are full fair, 'tis true. But Snow-white fairer is than you"; "A sea of a thousand tears" "all the world's a stage" placement of 2 opposing ideas, statements, images, or actions next to each other Pictorial comparison between two things that are interconnected. Words that imitate sounds. Two or more words, which seems in combination totaly impossible "living dead, black milk, open secret, less is more" (excellent figure of speech) Irresolvable contradictions of a set of facts. "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength." "Free is only death, but it costs your life" Parallel or similar syntax in several sentences. "We charge him (...). We accuse him (...). We censure him (...)" Dramatization; Shock effect the message is further illustrated Sees a vivid picture can deliver a quick, witty, and powerful blow to the reader; to create a contrast, to highlight differences, to create a surprise, to illustrate different perspectives, and to establish a common link between two uncommon elements; Create dramatic or ironic contrast Create a picture in the mind of the listener; Illustration of an issue; Aesthetic formulation Aesthetic and tuneful formulation Shock effect; Make the reader think about the issue showing contradictions and revealing the hidden truths in those contradictions evoke the reader's sense of humor, curiosity, and anger Aesthetic formulation; Make the reader think about the issue Intensification; Repeat something; emphasize his point; emphasize the connection between sentences, ideas, and objects; highlight the differences between sentences, ideas, and objects; establish a sense of rhythm which helps plant the message into the mind of the reader; Make his speech aesthetically appealing personification repition simile Humanisation of animals, things and lifeless. rhetorical Question Question where no response is expected symbol Repeat same words Comparison between two things through the connectives "as", "like" or "than" An object, which represents an idea or something else Aesthetic formulation; Illustration of an issue/ a point; creates a image Understands importance of idea expressed As a catch phrase; Dramatization Make sb. feel to be a part of the speech; Dramatization; Involve the listener directly confronting those in the positions of power; thinks about question + possible answers Create a picture in the mind of the listener; Connect two different things Illustration of an issue; Create a picture in the mind of the listener; Aesthetic formulation Language inclusive pronouns (us, we, our) us VS them rhetoric exclusive pronouns (they, their, them) short words long words simple words academic/ eloquent/ scientific words positively connoted words negatively connoted words short sentences long sentences linking words word fields Facts and figures Quote/ reference Feels included; directly addressed; creating a sense of unity and coherence; to polarize Spreading confidence; belief in democracy (Biden) Criticizing something easily understood by a reader; grab the audience's attention (in beginning) More effective to convey a clear message (in general) Sees you have expert knowledge Sees you have expert knowledge