


Stylistic Devices: Function, Example







Stylic devices general
1 personal pronoun → creates a feeling of togetherness, establishes a personal relationship with the reader
you need

Stylic devices general 1 personal pronoun → creates a feeling of togetherness, establishes a personal relationship with the reader you need to stop 2 direct address → makes the reader feel involved, may appeal to the reader's conscience ↳we are better than this 3 rhetorical question → draws attention, engages reader to think, stirs emotions ↳but what now? 4 alliteration underlines a particular idea, produces a rhytmic effect 4 price and promise 5 allusion → engages the reader to think more deeply and make connections, the author wants to win the reader 4we the people have remained... on his side 6 tense → will future may stress the urgency of an issue, past forms may emphasise achievements 4 it will get worse 7 comparatives /superlatives appeals to the reader's emotions ↳my house is larger than hers 8 repetition underlines Ireinforces a particular idea "Come on,come on! 9 enumeration → underlines Ireinforces a particular idea 4 items are listed: generous, happy, sad... 10 anaphora → lines are connected, drums an idea into the reader's memory 4we want..., we want... 11 metaphor offers a new insight into the perspective of...) 4 mike is a worker bee 12 simile → offers a new insight linto the perspective of...) 4 as brave as 43 personification arouses the reader's attention / awareness ↳ the sun smiles 14 hyperbole (exaggeration) → draws attention ↳ he's...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

got tons of money. 15 rhyme → creates an echo, which can leave a lasting effect on the reader laudience ↳ cow's in the corn 16 irony contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality ↳ She describes her vacation as an educational experience 17 paradox→ elict numor, illustrate themes, and provoke readers to think critically ↳ save money by spending it