


Summary, Analysis, Comment, blog entry, mediation







• headline
• author
o type of text
Main part
• focus on basic/ essential facts
o present tense
• headline
• author
o type of text
Main part
• focus on basic/ essential facts
o present tense
• headline
• author
o type of text
Main part
• focus on basic/ essential facts
o present tense
• headline
• author
o type of text
Main part
• focus on basic/ essential facts
o present tense
• headline
• author
o type of text
Main part
• focus on basic/ essential facts
o present tense
• headline
• author
o type of text
Main part
• focus on basic/ essential facts
o present tense
• headline
• author
o type of text
Main part
• focus on basic/ essential facts
o present tense

Summary Introduction. topic • headline • author publicity o type of text O O Main part O • focus on basic/ essential facts o present tense o use connectives of course clearly evidently surely certainly decidedly indeed undoubtedly Example : equally similarly in comparison likewise by the way of contrast alternatively despite this as with unless it would seem it appears obviously possibly it seems likely presumably one might consider Opinion Persuasion Comparison Conclusion to conclude in conclusion finally on the whole summarising overall to sum up evidently The article firstly secondly initially then next next afterwards finally subsequently eventually previously Sequencing by Bora published in 2012 on the "Bild" website is about ... Connectives Cause and Effect because SO consequently therefore thus and also in addition further furthermore as well as and then Addition Emphasis Contrast Illustration for example for instance in other words to show that such as an instance as revealed by to show that above all in particular notably specifically more importantly indeed especially significantly however nevertheless alternatively despite this on the contrary yet whereas except apart from -Analysis- Analysis Advanced level course:dementsprechende Formulierungen introduction: - first thesis on the task . Main body: - one device = one paragraph (point, evidence, analysis), quote correctly; try to avoid "which means/ this means" -> Prove your thesis to be right or wrong conclusion - refer back to your introduction and thesis . Introduction: In this analysis, I will be examining/analyzing the [topic] in [text/work]. The purpose of this analysis is to explore [topic] in [text/work]. The aim of this analysis is to critically evaluate [text/work] in terms of [topic]. Thesis statement: This analysis will argue that [thesis statement]. Through this analysis, it will be demonstrated that [thesis statement]. The analysis will show that [thesis statement]. . Body paragraphs: Firstly, it is important to consider [aspect] in relation to [topic]. Another important factor to consider is [aspect]. Furthermore, [text/work] can be analyzed in terms of [aspect]. It is also worth noting that [aspect] has a significant impact on...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

[topic]. Topic sentences: One key point to consider is [aspect]. Another important factor to examine is [aspect]. A crucial aspect to analyze is [aspect]. In addition, [aspect] plays a significant role in [topic]. Evidence and analysis: For example, [quote/paraphrase from text/work] illustrates [aspect]. This demonstrates that [analysis of evidence]. Similarly, [quote/paraphrase from text/work] supports the idea that [aspect]. This suggests that [analysis of evidence]. . Conclusion: In conclusion, this analysis has shown that [restatement of thesis statement]. Overall, it can be concluded that [summary of key points]. 4 direct: indirect: Narration night vergessen! Omniscient → Narrator knows every- thing! 2. Limited → Narrator tells story from the perspective of only one. character (thoughts, feelings. This analysis has demonstrated the importance of considering [topic] in relation to [text/work]. It has become clear that. Ultimately, this analysis highlights the significance of [topic] in [text/work]. "" (e.) (cf. l.) acts...) 3. Objective → Narrator acts as an ob- server (Beobachter). Thoughts and feelings aren't known -Choice of words- O adjectives or adverbs o comparatives or superlatives Lo shows how "big" smin is negatively or positively connoted words Lo makes ... seem in a certain way, underlines it, convincing, bad light o informal vs. formal expressions O -Rhethorical Strategies- • facts and numbers. O Statistics o quoting experts / professionals / other sources O examples o personal anecdotes - Stylistic devices o comparison Lo creates a certain picture of smith o contrast Lo shows there can be another way o repetition. Lo more seriousress, it highlights the point o personal pronouns Lo for example: "I" → more trustworthy, describes own perspective, connects reader to o enumeration Lo underlines different aspects, highlights given faces. 。 rrethorical question. o alliteration 。 anaphora o personification 。 metaphor makes it seem more professional trustworthy. convincing, clarifies the reader, makes it more interesting/ entertaining, well informed O irony ο examples author -Comment- Man nennt Argumente für die eigene Meinung. Hin und wieder ist dies nur einseitig. Man kann aber auch die Argumente der anderen Seite im comment aufschreiben und dann mit Argumenten, Beispielen usw. entkräften. Deine Meinung ist aber meist nicht nur einseitig/extrem (pro oder contra), sondern kann auch irgendwo in der Mitte sein (näher zu pro oder contra, aber nicht extrem). Dann sollte man natürlich auch Gründe dafür geben, warum man NICHT nur auf einer Seite steht. Ein plakatives Beispiel: Beurteile Chief Sandayo's Einstellung zu Abuja. Ein Urteil wäre: Er hat vollkommen recht / unrecht -> ich brauche nur einseitige Argumente. Er hat nur teilweise recht: ich brauche Argumente die dafür sprechen, aber auch Argumente der Gegenseite: In Abuja könnte die Korruption höher und allgegenwärtiger sein, da es die Hauptstadt ist und die Politik von dort ausgeht; aber: in Lagos ist die Korruption auch gegenwärtig? Sein Versagen im Beruf beeinflusst seine Einstellung: Gründe für sein Versagen suchen und Relativierungen durch Argumente, warum Lagos nicht großartig besser ist, aber seine Heimat. Noch plakativer: Meinung zu Pizza? • Pizza ist der Hammer: Gründe suchen, warum Pizza super ist. (einseitig) • Pizza ist nur mit Aioli super (relativierend): Gründe für dieses Urteil UND warum ist Pizza nicht so lecker ohne Aioli. (Gegenseite relativierend) • Burger sind viel besser: Warum ist Pizza nicht super (Gegenseite wird entkräftet); + warum sind Burger viel leckerer. Introduction ● ● ● Einleitungssatz Define the problem sagen, worauf man sich bezieht Meinung Main part ● state opinion reasons for and against Conclusion summarise most important aspects The text is about/ deals with... published in... on... shows... Recently there was a discussion about... Man people think... I think that... In my opinion... My point of view... I suppose... It may be argued that... It also should be considered As a matter of fact... I'm for/against... Whilst there are a few arguments for... there are also some against it... All in all... To sum up... In conclusion... Connectives ! -blog entry_ Do: eye catching title that'll grab the reader's attention outline main point in first paragraph details in following paragraphs use background information ● • • ● → Website, Written in a personal, informal or conversational style. . conclusion that invites comments or reactions Add name Introducing a topic . friendly, informal, polite... style use first person rather explain, than tell start off with a question In this blog, I'm going to be discussing... Today, I want to address... It seems that everybody is talking about... Today's topic is... Introducing an opinion I think/believe/reckon/find... As far as I'm concerned... I've been thinking about this over the view last days and... I've got to be honest, I think ... is fantastic I'm not a massive fan of... Adding further detail but that's not all But what's more... That's all well and good, however,... Nonetheless, there's a whole other side to this. Let's not forget.... Surprisingly, it's different from what I thought. Namely.... Concluding whichever side of the debate you're on, I'm sure you'll agree this is a really interesting subject That's where we are at the moment, but we'll have . ● . ● to watch how this develops in the future Just to sum up this week's post.... Thank you for reading! You can share your thoughts in a comment! What do you think about this? -mediation~ How to mediate a text . -> Man muss den Inhalt eines deutschen Textes auf Englisch wiedergeben Wichtig: keine wörtliche Übersetzung! Nur die wesentlichen Informationen des Textes! Inhalte verkürzt und verallgemeinert wiedergeben . no word for word translation Only mediate what is asked Explain words/phrases that don't exist in English Use the same tense as the text Use proper language/register who is the readership? Mention the source of information Kommt drauf an, an wen man schreibt