


tenses und persuasive text







name: Elisa
English Test No 3
1 grammar passive. Fill in the right passive form of the verb.
Kilts in Scotland
Today kilts
were cr
name: Elisa
English Test No 3
1 grammar passive. Fill in the right passive form of the verb.
Kilts in Scotland
Today kilts
were cr
name: Elisa
English Test No 3
1 grammar passive. Fill in the right passive form of the verb.
Kilts in Scotland
Today kilts
were cr

name: Elisa English Test No 3 1 grammar passive. Fill in the right passive form of the verb. Kilts in Scotland Today kilts are shown were created (wear) by Scotsmen. Every time the kilts (show) on special occasions. In the old days (create/r¹) because in a skirt rivers could be kilts crossed more easily than in trousers. Since then the tradition has been kept (keep) in Scotland. This is not only because the Scots are so romantic, but because of the special pattern that was developed Each clan is known (develop/r) in the past for each clan. (know) by the pattern of the kilt today. Of (buy) by many people who are not part are sent (buy) by Chinese tourists are course today kilts are bought of one of the clans. Funny enough today some (send) to China, because they just Dewar are bought at their holiday in Scotland. The most famous person who ever has been taken said is wore developed invented A black and white TV It was was 2 acitve or passive? Complete the sentences with the active or passive forms in the simple past. Scottish Inventions² In the 18th and 19th century many technological, medical and mechanical discoveries were made (make) in Scotland. Janet Keillner (develop/r) the preservation of marmalade in 1797 and James (invent/r) the thermos flask in 1892. A breakthrough James Watt powered bicycle physicist James C. Maxwell The thing which was shown was ¹1/r regelmäßiges Verb 2 invention - Erfindung was done built (take) a picture of in a kilt is...

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certainly Prince Charles. He (say) to like his kilt. In 1996 a team of scientists gave died sometimes kilts was made 28/02/2018 (be) his tartan. was invented (be) a great invention. 0,5 (do) by other outstanding inventions: In 1782 (build) the steam engine and the first pedal- (make) by Kirkpatrick Macmillan. The Scottish developed (develop/r) colour photography. (show) in his first three-colour photograph _(die/r). [ 11 pts. /9,5 cloned (clone/r) Dolly. Dolly (give) birth to the lamb "Bonnie" in 1998. in 2003 Dolly (invent/r) by John Logie Baird in 1926. 1 13 pts. 12 3. Bagpipes. Change the following sentences into the passive. Decide, if you need a by- agent or not. 1. People have played the bagpipes for more than 3.000 years. The bagpipes have been played by people for more than $3.000 years. 2. They know many different bagpipes in North Africa and Europe, but the most famous is the "Great Highland bagpipe" of Scotland. Many different bagpipes are known in North Africa and Europe by them, but the most famous is the "Great Highland bagpipe" 3. The player blows one pipe and plays another. One pipe is blown by the player and plays another 4. The other three pipes produce a background sound. A backround sound is produced by the other three pipes. 5. The bag is usually tartan and can hold about three litres of air. About three litres of air can be held, the bag is usually a 6. They will play bagpipes in Scotland for many years. Bagpipes will be played in Scotland by them for many - "5 _9pts. 17,5 4. Writing a persuasive text. Choose one of the following tasks to write a persuasive text. A. Persuade people to visit your hometown. B. Your little sister is finishing elementary school next summer. Persuade him/ her to go to our school. Count the words, please. Elisa A: Braunfels has a Pascinating castle that you a nice can visit. I have visited the castle about five times and it is so interesting and the guide was very friendly. There is Swimmingpool that opens in the summer. There are many cool shoppingcentres like Rewe, Edeka or Lidl. By the castle there are many nice. caffees and little shops. You can go for walk in the Kastanienallee". There is a funny H playground and enough place to play other games like football. Or you cany for a walk by the little lahe. Braunfels is not so big but you can do many cool things when you are there. съу ніте 108 words a 41(85 2 12(12 1/3/18 28/2/18