


text analysis klasse 11/12







1. Text Analysis
Lernzettel: text analysis
- TATT (title, author, text type, tone)
,,The non-fictional text was written by ...
1. Text Analysis
Lernzettel: text analysis
- TATT (title, author, text type, tone)
,,The non-fictional text was written by ...
1. Text Analysis
Lernzettel: text analysis
- TATT (title, author, text type, tone)
,,The non-fictional text was written by ...

1. Text Analysis Lernzettel: text analysis introduction - TATT (title, author, text type, tone) ,,The non-fictional text was written by ... and published by/in/on... on ... ,,This article/news story/feature story provides information about..." main part → content ,,The author mentions several aspects to (Aufgabenstellung) ,,Firstly he names..." ,,Next he explains..." ,,Moreover he adds... ,,Furthermore..." ,,Finally he presents..." → argumentation line and structure ,,To make his argumentation more convincing, he uses different contence and language divices." ,,In the first place the heading catches the readers attention with ... "1 ,,The text can be divided into three parts: the introduction, the main part and the conclusion." ,,In the introduction the author starts with..." What the author does: odescribe, explain, show, present, display, use, make ouse of define, 0 0 ... 11 employ, refer to, quote, state, comment on, argue, discuss, contrast, oppose contents: o description, explanation definition O references to... □ expert opinion/quotes statistics anecdotes 000000 effects: arouse readers interest in make readers aware - of intensify/clarify (a illustrate (an issue) create credibility/ reliability/authenticity make sth accessible/ available for the wider public O topic) ,,Moreover he shows..." ,,All in all, he based his/her argumentation on..." → language devices ,,For an illustrative arrangement of different aspects he/she uses different stylistic divices." - Textbelege nicht vergessen - Effekte von stylistic devices ,,He predominantly uses a hypotactical sentence structure. These have an explanatory and informative effect on the reader." ,,There are isolated paratactical phrases such as ,,bg". These senteces have a stronger impact on the reader and focus on the essentials." ,,In addition he uses different positively and negatively connotated words." ,,There can be found positively connotated...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

in context of like ... "1 "1 ,,But there are negatively connotated words too in context of ... such as ..." ,,There can be found words out of the worldfield like/such as/for example. to intensify sth" ,,He/She employs different stylistic divices to (Aufgabenstellung)" ,,There can be found ..." which effects ..." ,,Moreover, In addition ... 11 ,,He/She presents ... as well." "1 The target group could be ... *** conclusion ,,In conclusion, you can say that the tone of the text is a personal/factual/ ironical/optimistic/pessimistic to convey the atmosphere/ the intention of the text ,,The language is more..." stylistic devices and effects metaphore create a picture of ... in readers mind appeal directly to the senses of readers enumeration reader may feel impressed by - intensify sth personification reader gets a lively idea of ... alliteration list of nouns draws readers attention make an exoression more memorable help to emphasise a point ... anaphora is used to give prominence to ideas by rythm - make the text more pleasureable to read and easier to remember appeals to emotions of the reader - repitition to intensify the fact of - create a sense of pattern emphasize certain elements for the reader *** exaggeration readers interest will be aroused used to either achieve a humorous effect - intensify sth rhetorical question readers feel adressed/involved used to bring liveliness into the text irony will draw attention to its actual meaning humorous effect