


Text types







„Have you ever thought about"
Today we're here to debate the
topic X..."
First I'm going to argue X, then..."
To begin, I'd like to rebut so

„Have you ever thought about" Today we're here to debate the topic X..." First I'm going to argue X, then..." To begin, I'd like to rebut some arguments..." Now to move on to my arguments..." Consequences drawn from Logical deduction Based on common sense, moral Drawing parallels between other Situation to given one Citing or quoting authorities. Building an example situation and stating possible consequences Include every fact for being on the safe side State Explain Example Greeting of the audience Thanking for being able to hold the speech Intro into the topic Arguments from weak to strong ADJECTIVES for drama Introduce topic Signposting /content what you will be talking about Rebutting counter arguments Pro arguments of yours Conlusion In conclusion..." Enumerations Pay attention to what is asked for in the task Strong opening line Topic-> explain Thesis Opinion Arguments Practical argument Normative Argument Argument by analogy Arguments by authorities Argument by illustration Strongest Argument Conclusion with appeal Know the occasion Detailed summary of text at hand Sum up Opinion Close Intro Main body Rhetorical devices Personal opinion Argumentation why good or why bad. Line of argument Use of language Very personal bound to the POV of the one being interviewed End Questions by the interviewer Use of language Line of argument Mediation (writing) Debate (primarily spoken) Speech (writing) Evaluation (writing) Writing Argumentation (analysing). Analysing Review (writing) Interview Text types Fictional text (analysing) Article (writing) Letter to the editor (writing) Topical text/ non fictional (analysing) Email (writing) Poetry Epic Work with Drama Work with Work with eg. Tortilla curtain Narrative text Post colonial literature Skaespeare Work with Catchy headline Introduce the topic and why the topic Talk to the reader Adequate language Greetings, your name Characterised by You write when Use of language Line of arguments Narrator POV Setting Rhetorical devices Why you are writing Main body: what the task is asking...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

for Greeting the addressee Smalltalk if friend (how are you?, how is life going?, etc) Conclusion Hope it helps", "for any questions don't hesitate to ask", etc Definition State ur opinion, what should be done KEEP IT BRIEF Sign the letter Introduce topic and or source Typical traits. Stage directions -To the editor of" and situation Grab readers attention (what u writing about) Why is the issue important? Dialogue Stage directions Written play NO NARRATOR Scenes Angry about something Talking about an issue Suggesting an idea All kinds of literature written by authors from formerly colonised countries Question of identity Problems of cultural dependence Struggle for individual freedom Struggle for political freedom Discrimination and racism Belonging to more than one culture Migration Homesickness Superiority Inferiority