


The absolutely true diary of a part time Indian Cartoons analysieren (auf S. 55, 62, 67)







1. p. 55
At the cartoon there is a signpost. Two signs to the left and two to the right. On the two
signs that point to

Cartoons 19.03.2020 1. p. 55 At the cartoon there is a signpost. Two signs to the left and two to the right. On the two signs that point to the right there is written "hope" and "???". Right next to the signpost there is Junior, he looks a bit scared. On the two signs that point to the left it is written "rez" and "home". Left next to the signpost there are two trees, two huts and a moose. Junior wants to leave his old life in the reservation and his home and get a better life. The cartoon symbolizes that Junior goes another way of life. He goes goes towards the unknown. 2. p. 62 At the cartoon there is a Pegasus that flies between clouds with a happy face. Under the Pegasus there is written "white" very often. I think Junior draws the heaven, where everything is positive and in white people's life everything is positive too. Junior connected that. Junior thinks that the life of white people is always simple and perfect, like in heaven. 3. p. 67 At the cartoon there is a person who is split in half. On the one half it is a white guy and at the other half it is an Indian guy. Next to the guy...

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there is some information about him. At the white white there are just positive things like a good future or expensive clothes. At the Indian side there are more negative things like a bad family history or cheap clothes. Junior wanted to draw the differences between Whites and Indians. This shows that he thinks that white people have a better life.