


the American Dream Abi 2021







The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born
or what class they were born into, can attain th

DEFINITION The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone. The American Dream is achieved by sa- crifice, risk-taking and hard work, not by chance. ASPECTS OF THE AD (BELIEFS & VALUES) freedom →individual freedom and opportunities → freedom of speech, press and religion. individualism → independent individual Suceed, and competitive society "mobility, optimism, flexibility. → move to improve life through better jobs etc. (social mobility) → Success related to individual achievements and own, flexibility "hard work. → work hard and show self-discipline → Material success through hard work, fame/stardom → education is the key to prosperity progress → personal progress by making use of opportunities → nations progress reflected in growing prosperity, economic strength and political power *patriotism → "I'm proud to be an American", sense of national pride unalienable rights Ceivull and human rights) PROBLEMS unrealistic hopes/expectations of life makes people believe in unlikely things :even if you work hard, you may not suceed AMERICAN DREAM THE AD TODAY : often used as a clever political and economic marketing strategy. they want people to get away from selfish individualism and materialism, return to ·community. spirit and social responsibility :huge gap between rich and poor :concept of classless society has never really become reality IS AMERICA...

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STILL THE PROMISED COUNTRY? PRO strong economy + high living standards :incredible landscape. (nature, beaches..) lot of good schools and universities → chances for good education one of the leading world powers english as world language mostly overpopulated. cities expensive living situation no medical insurance. social promises unfulfilled: death penalty, lots of homeless people, crimes, racism, discrimination gap between rich and poor Still rising expensive education HISTORY 1492 1600 1776 1776- 1783 1789 1791 1861- 1865 1920 1950- 1960 1963 Columbus arrives in North America Arrival of first European colonists introduced. unknown and deadly disease to native population-killed thousands Declaration of Independence ? poverty announcement of the democracy "all men are created equal", "every citizen has a right to live, liberly and the pursult of happiness" individual rights C liberty, happiness, life, equality, opportunities) Revolutionary war people against Britain → desire for Independence. + heavy taxation of the colonies Implementation of the constitution establishes the principles of democratic government :former colonies are now the United States of America Bill of Rights "restricts power of central federal government *guaranteed inalienable nights (freedom of religion/speech/press, right for privacy...) American Civil War at the End of the war slavery is legally abolished about 4 mio. slaves were freed Women gain the right to vote Civil Rights movement African Americans gained heavy seggregations /discrimination Harlin Luther Kings Speech 'I have a dream! BACK THEN "term 'American Dream' was first used by the historian James Truslow Adams in 1931 :dreams of colour-blind-society, racial segregation and no more job discriminations "explains what attracted millions of people of all nations to settle in America booming US industry during first half of 20th century racks to hiches' SETTLERS "hoped for a better life than the one they left in Europe main reasons for leaving europe: > religious persecution ? political oppression their hopes/dreams! caused myth of personal dream freedom, self-fulfilment, dignity and happiness economic dream: prosperity and success, dream of rising from poverty to fame and fortune ( from rags to riches) social dream: equality of opportunity), classless. society *religious dream: religious freedom in a promised land' in which they were God's chosen political dream: democracy from