


The American Dream (+Flip Side)







Quetions you shoud ask yourself:
1. Is there a title ?
II. who is speaking ?
III. Where and when ?
IV. To what audience ?
V. On
Quetions you shoud ask yourself:
1. Is there a title ?
II. who is speaking ?
III. Where and when ?
IV. To what audience ?
V. On
Quetions you shoud ask yourself:
1. Is there a title ?
II. who is speaking ?
III. Where and when ?
IV. To what audience ?
V. On

INTRODUCTION Quetions you shoud ask yourself: 1. Is there a title ? II. who is speaking ? III. Where and when ? IV. To what audience ? V. On what occasion ? VI. on what topics ? VII. with what main aim 2 ANALYSIS to reach out to sb. CONCLUSION - Intention of the whole speech (EXAMPLES) In conclusion To sum up To summarize adventages ENGLISCH LERNZETTEL to highlight- to create a memorable phrase -more peaceful society (fewer school conflicts) to offer an easy- to- understand image THE MELTING POT VS. THE SALAD BOWL THE MELTING POT disadventages -more equality -loss of culture /cultural diversity sodety people do not learn (people are more integrated)-in a homogenieous ·Stronger sense of national tolerance, instead discrimination+ unity/identity-patriotism predjedices against immigrants THE SALAD BOWL advantages -cultural diversity -> learn tolerance - People can keep their individual culture and traditions (feels more like home) - learning from other cultures to emphasize 4. To convey a certain image of the speaker (self-presentation) to stress FOUR FUNCTIONS To establish contact with the audience /to adress the 2. To place emphasis on certain ideas audience or reader directly 3. To present ideas understandably or memorably illustration, memory aid) "T to persuade | WORDS AND PHRASES WHICH HELP YOU A LOT. 1 disadvantages -cultural fragmentation L> less cultural diversity - parallel societies /ghetto's/ Crime -culture clash -less patriotism to evoke a positive mood/reaction to break the ice to under- line to convince to make sb. feel personally addressed SOCIAL PROGRESS AND SUCCESS standard of living" to connect with Sb. - "high - "the sky is the limit" - "land of unlimited opportunity" -carrier + wealth. -> high social status to explain sth understandably to reinforce -The function /aim /purpose of......

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Alternativer Bildtext:

is to... - The intention behind this... is to.... PEACEFUL MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY -"one nation under god" -equality to present oneself as - The speaker uses /makes use of /employs this device in order to -By using a device, the speaker tries / hopes / aims to achieve... - A device serves/helps... -The function /effect of... - To show, mean, express, reflect, portray - To create the impression THE AMERICAN DREAM TALKING ABOUT FUNCTION AMERICAN - at first: The melting pot Lall nations and cultures fused into one - later salad bowl L> Society: people consider themselves American; but keeps certain aspects of their original culture/ traditions, FRONTIERS -at first the borders between the settlers and the native americans - accept and master the challenges of the frontiers; climate, wild animals, indian attacks, building all infrastructure from scratch, no social society attitude of the pioneer L> lives on when it comes to modern challenges/frontiers: islamism, immigration, globalisation competition, corona etc., racism MANIFEST DESTINY -The destiny / call of the USA has mani - fested in coverting the rest of the world to us-Style democracy and freedom - City on a hill / shining example to the world -secure the world for democracy", if necessary with millitary force against rogue states - world police - patriotism + nationalpri SOCIAL PROGRESS AND SUCCESS · social inequality (class society) - many people without health care - little social welfare. - the affinaut society - obesity. - workoholics / burnout - materialism - rassism - climate change - sexism -throw away society -"keeping up will the Joneses' - unequal opportunities (UNTACKLED) FRONTIERS illegal immigration - istar - the elbow society (very competetive) - consumerism -globalisation L> unemployment - "war on terror" •decreasing resourses MANIFEST DESTINY -new isolatism ("make america great again") - wars - exploitation of a country's resources after freeing it from dictatorship - dictatorships in the third world to careted in exchange for support of the Ius in the cold war PEACEFUL MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY - rassism -cultural fragmentation - parallel societies - culture clash segragation laws AND THE FLIP SIDE. (the reality)