


the British Empire







British Empire
general facts:
The British Empire
what is an Empire?
An Empire consists of large groups of territories and states that are ru

British Empire general facts: The British Empire what is an Empire? An Empire consists of large groups of territories and states that are ruled by one country or single ruler Lo expands through colonization by claiming foreign lands - reason for diversity Clanguage, race...) .. began in the 16th century Age of discovery" was the largest and most powerful Empire in history controlled of the earths surface Ia term used to describe all the places around the world that were once ruled by britain. reason to build an Empire? 1. Power - wanted to be better than their rivals Ce.g. Spain & France) financial -D get more money by stealing, trading and buisness. Economic - economic influence could be turned into political power. wealth through mostly trading I wanted more land overseas to build more colonies spreading christianity What helped Britain to build an Empire? ·· sailors like James Cook led to new colony of Australia crossed the Atlantik explorers like John Cabot english settlers founded Virginia missionanes & merchants. defeating the spanish Armanda. countries influence mostly through trade great sea power L provide England with valuable materials e.g. sugar, metal... Lo new job & place to live for poor and unemployed people 16 gave them confidence & the chance to develop their own influence in different Problems? • conflicts between other European countries (France, Germany, Dutch...) that also wanted more territories Lo rivals colonies fought for their independance

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