


The British Empire







•The rise of the Empire.
Reasons for colonisation:
exploiting natural resources
Spreading their religion
getting save with strategic securit
•The rise of the Empire.
Reasons for colonisation:
exploiting natural resources
Spreading their religion
getting save with strategic securit
•The rise of the Empire.
Reasons for colonisation:
exploiting natural resources
Spreading their religion
getting save with strategic securit

•The rise of the Empire. Reasons for colonisation: exploiting natural resources Spreading their religion getting save with strategic security earning money Devices they used: creation of trade links. The British empire pitting different rulers against each other educate and teach English to many people manipulation with British advisors boosting its economy The decline of the Empire. -promises they could not keep L>freedom and independence after two world wars. L>Britain got weak (exhausted and bankrupt - Britain was not able to take care of the health and food for their colonies Independence movements began L> Britain lost its power Why had tea drinking been promoted by the ruling class in Britain? -Tea came from China-expensive - Normal people weren't able to afford tea · Huge value -> compareable to drugs - Suitable for men and women - Energetic and kept you awake -> working class Moral justification Justify of imperialism: - they inhabit most of the world → power over the world -Africain slaves had to work on sugar plantations L>bad conclitions - coceited and praised by themselves different races have different values, worth and characteristics - The British race above everyone Tea in Britain =>Just because of the British thirst of tea Logical contradiction: -power based on technological evidence -blinded and convinced by themselves The legacy of the Empire within/ outside Britain. Within: -They still have some colonies around the world. -Still a racist way of thinking - Still egoistic and convinced by themselves Outside: - Many English-speaking people...

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-> colonies (values) -the British created many monuments and sights The violent hinterland of tea - The British buying tea from Chinese led to the two Opium wars - Britain set up plantations around Calcata L> tea plantations Impacts of the British Empire Positive impacts The British earned money they created trade links they received natural resources · English speaking people all over the world Huge influence on many countries L> creating monuments independance state Arguments -Trading is a freedom - Tracking Opium has many advantages for Britain · Britain can keep their big rule in India - Big source of money/ / wealth The British Empire and Opium Lotherwise they would live uncler worse conditions - Development of industry and modern medicin /surgery got possible It should Negative impacts - they pitted different indian rulers against each other they manipulated Inclia - they started thinking too well of themselves - they had a racist way of thinking - they had many slaves all the colonies last their culture Justify of the opium trade - Gods principals -> it is Gods will that an 11 article of trade" should be traced Opium opened many possibilities to Britain ↳ positive impacts - Everything Britain can afford is caused by the Opium trade -Art can be easily cloubled with 3D printers so Africa can get their art back - Looted art was taken unfair by their origin - Africain art shouldn't be kept in Europe. Restitution of colonial artefacts - Many Arfricain have never seen their origin artefacts It should not - There is not much interest by Africa in getting their art and culture back -The art was normally collected by scientists - Restitution of these artefacts would make Europe loose a lot of money Europe has the possibilities to keep the art correctly Words that help you put your ideas in order: - firstly - then - so far - secondly - in the end-next - finally - afterwards _subsequently__ Words for exception: - if- unless - except (for) save for Words to use to argue and make points: - thus - so - as a result - because as - hence therefore-since- despite this - in spite of specifically on the contrary... Words to help you give examples: - for example - for instance - such as - take the case of - thus - as (evidence) as revealed by. Words for additional points or ideas: -and-too- also - further(more) - and then again - as well as in addition Acordingly what is more Words that help you emphasise points: - above all - in particular - notably indeed more important especially - in fact more over /evidently. Words to persuade: - of course - naturally - obviously clearly certainly - surely Vocabulary significantly. Words to help you give an opinion or analyse: - it would seem to suggest - one might conclude/infer/say one might consider/deduce Words to compare things in your writing or show what is the same: - equally - in the same way - as with - likewise - similarly - compared with - an equivalent consequently Words to sum up and end with: - in brief - in summary - throughout - in all-on the whole - to sum up - overall - eventually - finally - ultimately - in the end to conclude/ to recap_ inbegriffen Sitte, Brauch populär machen modisch /in Mode Gewohnheit zierlich, appetitlich ermutigen, aufmuntern zügeln, beschränken ausbeuten verständlich weit verstreut, vereinzel Seide übersät sein zuweisen, überweisen ankurbeln, verstärken vergrößern deutlich, klar, ausgeprägt Vermutung Unlogik packen, ergreifen unternehmerisch ein Talent für Berufung, Beruf Unternehmen, Initiative Rettung subversiv, untergrabend angeben, sich rühmen einschließlich Last Selbstbestimmung Herrschaft, Herrschaftsgebiet in Fahrt / Gang kommen sich schleppen, durchkommen auseinandernehmen, abbauen prägen langweilig, öde ent kolonisieren verfallen, schäbig, ramponiert Wiedergeboren werden angeben bedrohen Täter Gefühle Mauerwerk quintessential custom to popularize fashionable habit dainty to encourage to curb to exploit coherent Scattered silk to pit to assign to boost to enlarge distinct assumption illogicality to seize entrepreneurial a flair for vocation enterprise salvation subversive to boast to encapsulate burden self-determination dominion to gain momentum to flounder to dismantle to mint tedious to decolonize delapidated reincarnation swagger to menace perpetrators Sentiments masonry