


The British Empire







- The empire on which the sun never sets
- it spanned the globe - since it was always daytim
- The empire on which the sun never sets
- it spanned the globe - since it was always daytim
- The empire on which the sun never sets
- it spanned the globe - since it was always daytim
- The empire on which the sun never sets
- it spanned the globe - since it was always daytim

GREAT BRITAIN-POST & PRESENT THE BRITISH EMPIRE - The empire on which the sun never sets - it spanned the globe - since it was always daytime somewhere in the empire - The empire on which the blood never dried - many wars were fought by the British, was never seemed to end, they were quite ruthless . General Facts - Empire - large group of territories that are all controlled by one country - began in the 16th century - was the largest and most powerful Empire in history - controlled 1/4 of the earths surface The rise of the British Empire sea power helped Britain to build an Empire - British Ships explored different parts of the world - land was taken & colonies were founded - British influence was developed through trade or military support -creation of trade links all over the world (System of Triangle Trading) - slave trade - the industrial Revolution - Competition for resources and markets - The British destiny - moral mission - they wanted to civilised and bring them British education Reasons for founding the Empire - competitions with other countries (eg Spain, France). - extension of power desire for resources - greed The extent of the British rule and its consequences - brought infrastructure and education - civilisation - spread across 24/ of the world's population - language was spread all over...

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the world - style of living became world famous by the ongoing expansion of the empire - British empire ended in the years after 1950 - the people resisted the British - empire became to expensive for Great Britain The British Raj - refers to the British colonial empire on the Indian subcontinent between 1858-1947- - was founded after the suppression of the Indian Rebellion. - Queen Viktoria became the empress of India - Indian Empire gets the jewel in the crown of the British Empire - India was considered the most important to British colony, due. to its location in the east and the opportunities for trade - it had a variety of raw materials The decline of the Empire - the empire changed trough out history - in the 19th century, some parts of the empire became dominions - because of World War I and II Britain was weakened and had less interest in its empire - national movements and desire of independence in Asian and African colonies - end the British rule The legacy of the Empire - huge impact on the entire world - education English as important language, establishment of schools - British traditions still remain in some former colonies - The British understood themselves as an empire - The British tool over a quarter of the world population - they could only win WWI with American help GREAT BRITAIN-POST & PRESENT THE BRITISH EMPIRE The British society - justice, equality, mutual understanding & unity are responsible multicultural society -migration in the UK american, European, african and Asian people - origins from all over the world - idea of melting pot. - assimilation to the British way of life - enrichment for society, broadens the horizon and supports tolerance and respect - UK is welcoming all people The British history - different tribes settled down - pre-civilisations Romans occupied the UK for 400 years - various nationalities settled down - they all contribute to the British culture - after WW II Labor shortage in Britain people from former colonies came - 1960s massive immigration waves 1970s 1990 racial tension\violence - 2000s more immigration from Eastem-Europe advantages - infrastructure - Britain gave its colonies better developments to the country, such as railroads and railways advantages & disadvantages of the British Empire - language - Through the empire the English language was spread and allowed them to communicate using one language. - culture - making Britain more diverse, launch if campaign against slavery, banning practice of burying widows in India Reasons for accepting the British past - it helps the British to understand themselves better - they can retrace their origins, their roots which are all over the world - they couldn't change anything - it unites a nation - commonwealth - it provided the former colonies with help and support after the Empire era - law and order - it brought their law system with them - education - improving the children's education -health-hospitals were built- - economies: mapping of Africa, trade - they also brought positives aspects eg infrastructure - they can learn from the past and prevent the same mistakes from happening again - it makes it easier to understand the British role in Europe and the world as well as their own multicultural society disadvantages - culture - British see themselves as the superior race, other nations are inferior - they forced the British culture on to the colonies - the original culture is lost - economies - the colonies' economy was falling because the profit of goods go back to Britain - religion -The British forced Christianity to the colonists. - soldiers - Colonies had to provide soldiers who fought and died for Britain - slavery - slave trade as crime against humanity GREAT BRITAIN-POST & PRESENT THE BRITISH EMPIRE colonialism colonize sb. colonized empire conquer sth defeat should sth. slavery indigenous exploitation economy infrastructure trade tariff natural resource influence sub/sth rule sth. military superior inferior administration impose taxes impact on sth. develop into sth shape sb/sth cultural identity rebellion independence establish sth. determine sth. serve sb/sth innovation supremacy paternalistic marginalisation Uprising political ties hostility Kolonialismus kolonisieren kolonisiert Reich erobern, besiegen jmd besiegen Sklaverei einheimisch ausbeutung Wirtschaft Infrastruktur Handel Zoll natürliche Ressource jmd oder etw beeinflussen. über etwas herrschen Militär überlegen unterlegen Verwaltung Steuern verhängen Auswirkung auf etwas haben sich entwickeln in etwas formen kulturelle Identität Aufstand, auflehnung Unabhängigkeit etwas gründen, einrichten, aufbauen etwas bestimmen, festlegen servieren, bedienen Innovation Vorherrschaft, Vormachtstellung patriarchalisch Eliminierung Verdrängung Aufstand, aufruhe politische Verbindungen Beziehungen Feindlichkeit, Feindschaft GREAT BRITAIN-POST & PRESENT THE BRITISH EMPIRE inclusion cultural appropriation assimilation adopt sth. tension asylum seeker citizenship ethnic minority deport sb. deportation upward social mobility extremism enforce sth. enable sth. freedom of speech endorse sth. tackle a challenge rootless segregated communities social investment contribute sth. prosperity resentment Einbeziehung kulturelle Oneignung Anpassung etw. annehmen Spannung asylsuchender Staatsangehörigkeit ethnische Minderheit jmd ausweisen die ausweisung ansteigende soziale Mobilitat Extremismus vollziehen, erzwingen, durchführen ermögliche Redefreiheit etw. bestätigen eine Challenge angehen/anpacken wurzellos getrennte Gemeinschaften soziales Investment etw. einbringen Wohlstand Feindseligkeit, Missgunst, ärger