


The British monarchy arguments







Type of argument
The British monarchy
>Queen is politically important
>Has Britain's best interest at

Type of argument Political Economic Other The British monarchy Pro >Queen is politically important >Has Britain's best interest at heart >Does a lot for the country >Queen works very hard, her importance is underestimated >Royal family is involved in charity, volunteering >They care about the environment >A lot of people come to see the Buckingham Palace >The glamour and spice has an enormous influence on tourism and the prestige of British products >Queen could be valued as one of the most valuable in the world >Makes the UK special >Queen and her family add spice and glamour to the country >Royal family has global recognition Contra >Royal family = symbol of an unfair, unequal, elitist society →Should have no place in a modern democracy →This lifestyle is unfair to some, that work hard and struggle to pay taxes >Queen doesn't really have political power >Some people don't feel represented by the monarch >monarchy is an anachronistic institution >Queen and her family cost too much money >People who pay taxer pay for the luxury of the Queen and her family >Monarchy is a waste of money >Monarchy still exists perpetuates the class system you're born as al member of the Royal family

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