


The circle







by Dave Eggers
~LERNZETTEL Summary (kurze Zusammenfassung)
published in 2013 by Dave Eggers
dystopian novel
Mae Holland
by Dave Eggers
~LERNZETTEL Summary (kurze Zusammenfassung)
published in 2013 by Dave Eggers
dystopian novel
Mae Holland
by Dave Eggers
~LERNZETTEL Summary (kurze Zusammenfassung)
published in 2013 by Dave Eggers
dystopian novel
Mae Holland
by Dave Eggers
~LERNZETTEL Summary (kurze Zusammenfassung)
published in 2013 by Dave Eggers
dystopian novel
Mae Holland
by Dave Eggers
~LERNZETTEL Summary (kurze Zusammenfassung)
published in 2013 by Dave Eggers
dystopian novel
Mae Holland
by Dave Eggers
~LERNZETTEL Summary (kurze Zusammenfassung)
published in 2013 by Dave Eggers
dystopian novel
Mae Holland

THE CIRCLE by Dave Eggers ~LERNZETTEL Summary (kurze Zusammenfassung) published in 2013 by Dave Eggers dystopian novel ● ● ● Mae Holland ● ● ● ● ● traces a young woman's rise through the innovative tech company ,,the circle" ● whose (the circles) growing power and influence threaten the foundations of a democratic system the novel illustrates issues including surveillance, privacy and the possible grand impact technology can have on society recent college graduate, trying to find her place in the world she's from a small town in California comes from a middle class family only child before her job at "the circle”, her first job at utility company in hometown Mae resented the stultifying atmosphere and her sickening supervisor her new circle job has been made possible by her former college roommate "Annie" the circle has had a great lead as a tech company Mae works in customer experience she quickly rises in the ranks of the company, thanks to her ambitious nature and her great desire of proving herself and to be acknowledge for her work intensifies through insecurities and her underdeveloped sense identity, which also encourage her to loose her own kind of values to the tech company "the circle" pushes the idea of transparency and lack of privacy as well as the lack of secrets on its employees, including Mae through craving recognition and affirmation from her workspace, Mae eventually gives into the restrictions of...

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the tech company she feels the years and loans she has spent on college education can finally be vindicated cost: her privacy conclusion: the circle slowly incorporates her within its ideological ranks Mae's character development ● comes to accept, that privacy is immoral and that human beings should have obligation to socialize with millions of other human via internet the circle builds a global utopia she becomes distant to her family and friends → trades her loved ones for millions of unfamiliar virtual "friends" • increasingly loyal to the circle and it becomes increasingly noticeable that she is a pawn ● ● goes from being slightly skeptical of the circle's policies (especially its insisting on active social networking) <==> enthusiastic advocate for its policies ● Surveillance and monitoring ● executives use her as a tool to manipulate the world's population into accepting and following the circle ► Mae surrendered to the circles corrupt agendas and made them her own (p.297) the circle has programmed various systems that can keep the industrialized world under surveillance Eamon Bailey, one of the CEO's of the circle, promote the philosophy, that surveillance is an inherent good that leads other to enlightenment this opens possibilities of witnessing new experience for others that cannot have the same experience while in reality, Baileys doctrine pressures the totalitarian mantra "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" the circle interferes with human freedom and nature through its transparency and surveillance values consequence: destroys the nuance and beauty of human interaction O surveillance damages natural human behavior by encouraging (forcing) people to perform for their watchers and to worry about what others might think of them e.g. Mae and Annie become distant, the friendship between them strains, since its mediated by Mae's watchers all the time surveillance ultimately violates freedom even though Bailey makes it seem pleasurable and practical by glamorizing the culture of transparency, t.c. Tricks its employees into surrendering their old ways of life voluntarily and embracing a shallow unsatisfying replacement Mae becomes somewhat addicted, after trying to follow the principles of transparency when Mae is being deprived of her watchers for even a minute, she shows signs of withdrawal what began as Mae's voluntary decision to be watched at all times, develops into her loss of freedom, which is all more frightening since she believes she is acting voluntarily, even though she's being manipulated into doing what the circle wants How do they monitor? ● VS. ● • leaving important information out of context → e.g. p.155 →→ where Mae gets asked to drink a "smoothie", while in reality she consumed a sensor for tracking her heart rate and making it available to others ● t.c. places its workers under constant monitoring and transgress their freedom and privacy, by deceiving them with the culture of translucence → disciplinary technique converts individuals into productive and docile bodies and obedient objects directs approach and targeted problem solving as an effective method, (p.188 "you don't want them to know your interest; [...] have to participate.") → effect shown on p.178, p.189 →→ thrown her off of balance effectively ● "secrets are lies" the doctor lied to its patient and gave up his transparency, to enforce transparency on Mae and a violation of her medical privacy- → she does not recognize the manipulation by glamorizing their culture of translucence → deceiving others, that privacy is perceived as the ability to hold information, experience and feeling from other individuals away →→ fellow workers convinced and follow their principles or for safety measures (p.67 → Bailey thinks that once the actions of tyrants are monitored and observed, measures against them could be easier to construct and initiate importance of wearing cameras Quotes secrets t necessarily lies, they often spare peoples feelings or our own secrets also don't equal a lie, since some things are private and no one else business → not everyone needs to know everything Eamon highlights that out of keeping secrets, haunting lies will be the consequence, as well as the individual's worst behavior (p.297) Definition "secret" → something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others Definition "lie" → an intentionally false statement two separate definitions, while they do have some similarities, they're ultimately different and separate things → one passive, one active "sharing is caring" if we share everything, nothing will belong to us we simply want to keep certain things to ourselves • overdoing sharing can make us less of an individual if done to extreme extent Eamon uses the example of Mae's breathtaking and remarkable kayaking experience, to showcase the benefits and perks of transparency they label keeping experiences to your own as "stealing" (p.301) and use the example of disabled individuals, that cannot experience the same (p.301) ● ● "privacy is theft" ● ● who are we stealing from when its our own choice to keep cherish able moments as peerless and private as possible? → Sharing the experience of an individual has been presented as an equal to making knowledge democratically accessible importance of own life might decline, if you start to engulf yourself with only other peoples life depriving someone of their privacy is theft of their individualism sect 1) Ideology -promise of salvation 2) Orgonisational structure 3) regulation of everyday life 4 etermination of privacy characteristics of a 5 Language. 6) elite mentality, 7) brainwashing lindocrination 2) in -group. -group (-) out (Feindbilder) ·love bombing self-esteem -Angste angefacht verlassen en ·umlernen. -bereit alles mitmachen um antzusteigen - Kontakte vertlachen werden. -Innennelt der & Gruppe An Bennett der Gruppe Katt tiefer Mae's job and working conditions at the Circle Đ •good salary Constant pressure to be online • free sports and facilities • work at CE is demanding practically no free time Immediate feedback loss of privacy and personal socialising/parties freedom a welcoming environ -- dystopian elements meaningful job • constant competition .