


The Circle - Characters







Mae (Maebilline Renner Holland): -main character of the novel
- in her early twenties
- just started working at the Circle
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Mae (Maebilline Renner Holland): -main character of the novel
- in her early twenties
- just started working at the Circle
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Characters Mae (Maebilline Renner Holland): -main character of the novel - in her early twenties - just started working at the Circle the reader learns about the circle mainly from her perspective the Circles future depends on her. Annie Allerton: Maes parents: Ty (Tyler Alex. Gospodinov): Eamon Bailey: Tom stenton: Maes best friend from university. relationship turns competitive - suffers from a mental breakdown · play an important role regarding Maes relationship with the Circle ->Are proud of Maes position, can afford a better health insurance for her sick father but Maes involvement in the Circle has a negative impact on her and her families relationship one of the "three wise men" -> founders of the circle shuns publicity towards the end, he tries to convince Mae to stop the circle from completing one of the "three wise men" -> founders of the Circle ·most well-known face of the Circle - manipulates Mae one of the "three wise men" -> founders of the circle - remains in the background, deals with matters regarding laws and regulations - owns the translucent shark Mercer Medeiros: Kalden: Francis Garaventa: Kevin: Julian Assange: Dr. Villalobos: Senator Williamson: Maes ex-boyfriend. -> relationship starts off friendly but changes dramatically tries to convince Mae that the Circle has a negative impact on people's lives, especially the both communicate way tries to break off contact to Mae Mae tries to track him down using the resources of the Circle ->...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

he commits suicide mysterious man who attracts Maes attention - Kalden is actually Tys alias (deckname) works at the Circle and is concerned about child security. - had an affair with Mae and records her during their intimacy without her consent -> Mae is repulsed Maes former boss she refers to him in order to contrast the Circle with her old job empathizes the qualities of the Circle activist and founder of Wikileaks-> website that leaks government secrets. Maes doctor - loves being on camera-> offers Maes medical information to her livestream viewers wants to break up the circle.