


the Declaration of Independence







Approved by the Continental Congress o
July 4 1776
Made up of representatives of the 13
Were united in a

Testmodus XMind Approved by the Continental Congress o July 4 1776 Made up of representatives of the 13 colonies Testmodus Were united in a confederation Growth of Texas General information Economical Lack of representation in the British Political Parlament XMind deteriorated increased the relationship between Britain and the colonies to the poin-- of war Much Text of the sub-committee was about justifying the split from Britain Independence of the thirteen states from each other as well as from Britain Causes Britain Testmodus XMind The Declaration of Independence XMind Testmodus Human rights Development Right to elect their governmen Created equal Free and independent states Unalienable rights- tmodus and First conflicts War 1776-1783 Pursuit of happiness Tasks of individual colonies Liberty Declaration of Independence- 4th of July 1776 Equality Protection of divine providence Main role George Washington Full power to levy wa Conclude peace Contract alliances Etablish Commerce

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