


The Escape by Qaisra Shahraz







The Escape by Qaisra Shahraz
Exercise: Read the short story and collect information about the settings in a table.

The Escape by Qaisra Shahraz Exercise: Read the short story and collect information about the settings in a table. Manchester Infrastructure: - Terraced houses / skyscrapers Hardly or just very small gardens Many, big roads - hectic traffic - various types of shops (also multi-cultural) - huge anonymity (many people who hardly know each other and usually don't want to get to know each other) Culture: the part of Manchester where Samir lives is multi-cultural - there are many different places of worship, e. g. Mosques, Catholic Churches - there are very different cultures, all living in one neighbourhood, including Pakistanis, Bengali, Irish, Somalis and Chinese Village near to Lahore Infrastructure: - primarily fields, nature mostly agriculture is practised - small rustic houses with an inner courtyard where small farm animals live (mostly chickens, goats) Slaughterhouse behind the house - no modern furnishings (it is cooked in stone ovens, eaten on the ground) Culture: - almost all inhabitants are Muslim - no cultural diversity

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