


The Four Elements and Humours







The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi
The Four Elements and Humours
Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure
O Short introduction
o The Four Elements and Humours with their signifi

es The Four Elements and Humours Alice, Phebe, Deyla & Lea Structure O Short introduction o The Four Elements and Humours with their significance • The connection to Shakespeare and his work ○ Astrology in the Elizabethan Era o Quiz 2 Short introduction Co m m FLEGMAT JAELANG SANGVIN Harpe ४ H II me COLERIC The Four Elements and Humours with their significance Hदाईई Blood BLOOD The Sanguine Temperament Personally is extroverted. Prople tend to enjoy social gatherings Friendly. outgoing relationship orientatated. They tend to be creative and often day dream Phosesses common sence. The Sanguine is very rational and practical Can e, compassionate and thoughtfel. Sanguine who a very role with following through are chronically late personalities generally se and tend to be forgetful, sometimes sarcastic o body fluid/humour: Blood o element: air qualities: produces warm and moist • season: spring 。 zodiac signs: gemini, libra and aquarius o called sanguine o linked to human lifespan: Blood is infacy O • Personality: courageous, hopefull, playful, sociable, contented 30x Yellow Bile YELLOW BILE The Choleric Temperament This temperament is identified as the most powerful and destructive of temperaments. Cholerics are extremly strong willed. They want total control over themsches and anyone aroond them. They have a tendency to overwork and are prone to burnoul The Choleric will forge ahead regardless of the cast, the end justifies the means being epen, friendly, with a good ind for emisioning new projects o body fluid/humour: Yellow Bile o element: fire o qualities: produces warm and dry symptoms o season:...

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summer 。 zodiac signs: leo, sagittarius and Aries o called choleric o linked to the human lifespan: Yellow Bile is youth O personality: ambitious, leader-like, restless, easily angered, excitable etc.. еже Phlegm PHLEGM The Phlegmatic Temperament Hippocrates linked Phlegmatic with phlegm, a fhaid that is thick, moving and almect stagnant in nature Phlegmatic are task orientatated with a great capacity to work that requirys precision and accuracy and expends minimal a mal amount of energy.The Phlegmatic is the most stubbors of all the temperaments when it comes to making charges. Because of their lendency to uninvolvement, they are natural niger saliers and diplomats They are calm casgoing who are not plagued with the emotional furst 7 body fluid/humour: Phlegm/Phlegmatic o element: water O • season: autumn o zodiac signs: pisces, cancer & scorpio qualities: moist and cold O shakespeare's characters often act in subplots o linked to human lifespan: phlegm is childhood o persons under the influence of phlegm were said to be phlegmatic O O personality: calm, slow, cumbersome, indolent, lacking in liveliness Å bå Melancholic BLACK BILE The Melancholic Temperament The melancholictement is constantly tormented by dark.or Sack mood Thepure Melancholy an introvert and a lonernable to communicate their true feelings They are privale snd self motinated. Melancholies are ca orientated and can struggle with relationships. They tend to be perfectionists who set usretionable standarts and goals for themes and people around them • body fluid/humour: Black Bile o element: earth o qualities: cold and dry symptoms o season: winter o zodiac signs: taurus, virgo & capricorn o linked to human lifespan: Black Bile is old age o called melancholic o personality: deep thinking, compassionate, humanitarian, brooding, self-pity, moody, pessimistic The connection to Shakespeare and his work 000 Many of Shakespeare's characters recognizably represent a specific humour four example... .Falstaff is the most famous sanguine character in literature o ...Laerters is choleric ...Ophelia is phlegmatic o...Hamlet is meloncholy ML events Ⓒ 2 m₂ 5 o I^ Astrology in the Elizabethan Era Nartal astrology: -> check and predict Medical astrology: -> diagnose & treat diseases F 130 Pa 9 10P 2 30° 20 n₂ 10° 30° TI 4 up by Horary astrology: -> answer specific questions & detect curses -r 03+ USA Birth Character 177 ANEAMENT 20+4.00 - Homb [14] ON 81904MiSufuareiapid 200 D 47 38 34 38 % 10 07 * 20 123 . 01 m44 -> arrange/plan weddings & trips Geccentric Pr Electional astrology: Mondane astrology: -> predict future events & trips Quiz 1. What are three characteristics of a person associated with a melancholy temper? 2. Which of Shakespeare's work got a bigger role as an phlegm? A. In Macbeth B. Henry IV Part 1 C. In twelve Night 3. How many types of astrology were present in the Elizabethan Era? 4. To which element corresponds Blood? Sources O O O https://www.welt.de/kultur/buehne- konzert/article120875887/Forscher- entdecken-drei-neue-Shakespeare- Stuecke.html https://www.pngwing.com/en/search? q=Aries https://sfshakes.wordpress.com/ 2017/06/29/humors-madness-and-hamlet/ The End Thank you for your attention! :)