


Gerundium Englisch und Deutsch: Übungen und Beispiele für Klasse 8


Gerundium Englisch und Deutsch: Übungen und Beispiele für Klasse 8
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Sara Hamadi



26 Follower


The gerund in English is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun. It's used to describe actions as things, making verbs act like nouns in sentences. Gerund Bildung is simple: just add -ing to the base form of the verb. The gerund is commonly used after certain verbs, as a subject, or as an object in sentences.

• The gerund is formed by adding -ing to the base verb form
• It functions as a noun in sentences, describing actions as things
• Certain verbs are typically followed by gerunds, while others are not
• Understanding when to use the gerund is crucial for mastering English grammar



The Gerund (Das Gerundium)

This page introduces the concept of the gerund in English, explaining its formation and usage. The gerund is a verb form that ends in -ing and functions as a noun in sentences.

Definition: The gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun, used to describe actions as things.

Gerund Bildung (Formation of the Gerund) is straightforward: To form the gerund, simply add -ing to the base form of the verb. For example:

  • (to) play → playing
  • (to) clean → cleaning
  • (to) go → going

Example: The verb "to cycle" (radfahren) becomes "cycling" (das Radfahren) when used as a gerund.

The gerund can be used in various ways in a sentence:

  1. As a subject: "Cycling is Mike's favorite hobby."

  2. As an object: "Mike loves cycling."

Highlight: Certain verbs are typically followed by a gerund. These include: enjoy, finish, mind, imagine, miss, and practice.

It's important to note that some verbs should not be followed by a gerund. These include:

  • would like
  • would love
  • would hate
  • would prefer

Understanding when to use the Gerund Englisch and when to avoid it is crucial for mastering English grammar. Practice and exposure to various examples will help solidify this concept for learners.

The gerund (das Gerundium)
Bildung von
Verb + ing
(to) play = playing
(to) clean-cleaning
(to) go = going
Wie benutzt man das ger

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Gerundium Englisch und Deutsch: Übungen und Beispiele für Klasse 8

user profile picture

Sara Hamadi



26 Follower


The gerund in English is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun. It's used to describe actions as things, making verbs act like nouns in sentences. Gerund Bildung is simple: just add -ing to the base form of the verb. The gerund is commonly used after certain verbs, as a subject, or as an object in sentences.

• The gerund is formed by adding -ing to the base verb form
• It functions as a noun in sentences, describing actions as things
• Certain verbs are typically followed by gerunds, while others are not
• Understanding when to use the gerund is crucial for mastering English grammar








The Gerund (Das Gerundium)

This page introduces the concept of the gerund in English, explaining its formation and usage. The gerund is a verb form that ends in -ing and functions as a noun in sentences.

Definition: The gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun, used to describe actions as things.

Gerund Bildung (Formation of the Gerund) is straightforward: To form the gerund, simply add -ing to the base form of the verb. For example:

  • (to) play → playing
  • (to) clean → cleaning
  • (to) go → going

Example: The verb "to cycle" (radfahren) becomes "cycling" (das Radfahren) when used as a gerund.

The gerund can be used in various ways in a sentence:

  1. As a subject: "Cycling is Mike's favorite hobby."

  2. As an object: "Mike loves cycling."

Highlight: Certain verbs are typically followed by a gerund. These include: enjoy, finish, mind, imagine, miss, and practice.

It's important to note that some verbs should not be followed by a gerund. These include:

  • would like
  • would love
  • would hate
  • would prefer

Understanding when to use the Gerund Englisch and when to avoid it is crucial for mastering English grammar. Practice and exposure to various examples will help solidify this concept for learners.

The gerund (das Gerundium)
Bildung von
Verb + ing
(to) play = playing
(to) clean-cleaning
(to) go = going
Wie benutzt man das ger

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