


the great gatsby







The roaring 20s-Jazz Age:
desire for happiness
economic boom - consume increased
after World War 1
lost generation - emptin
The roaring 20s-Jazz Age:
desire for happiness
economic boom - consume increased
after World War 1
lost generation - emptin
The roaring 20s-Jazz Age:
desire for happiness
economic boom - consume increased
after World War 1
lost generation - emptin
The roaring 20s-Jazz Age:
desire for happiness
economic boom - consume increased
after World War 1
lost generation - emptin
The roaring 20s-Jazz Age:
desire for happiness
economic boom - consume increased
after World War 1
lost generation - emptin
The roaring 20s-Jazz Age:
desire for happiness
economic boom - consume increased
after World War 1
lost generation - emptin
The roaring 20s-Jazz Age:
desire for happiness
economic boom - consume increased
after World War 1
lost generation - emptin
The roaring 20s-Jazz Age:
desire for happiness
economic boom - consume increased
after World War 1
lost generation - emptin

The roaring 20s-Jazz Age: desire for happiness economic boom - consume increased after World War 1 THE GREAT GATSBY lost generation - emptiness and search for orientation and meaning art - music - jazz social changes appearance - clothes - identity devil's music prohibition of alcohol - new criminal "world" - al capone legislative changes The Great Gatsby: American Dream wealth, status, doomed love love, obsession, ambition crime, wealth(when achieved through status -> tainted), inequality the old and the new, changing attitudes to morality American lives, American problems, American dreams self-determination and hard-working bringing success and status shallowness and hedonism -> jealousness and resentment between those who have money and who don't -> old money/new money Nick Carraway - character profile General info: Graduated for new heaven Financed by father, from wealthy/big family Life's next to Gatsby Moved to NY (to learn bord business) Interested in literature Participated in great war Lives in small house Little vent Looks like his uncle Daisys cousin tells story two years after the event has happened traits/ambitions: conscientious, reserved and self-aware instinct is to be honest and open to woman with whom he is involved - likes clearity - minimum messy/hurt feelings he says about himself: Afraid of missing something Admires Gatsby for the person he is Not judging 1 others say about him: role: Claims to be witness voluntarily accused of being a politician born into privileged family Narrator witness unreliable intimately involved in someone else's tragedy Nicks RS with Gatsby: Tom N despises Gatsby...

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(everything he is) Nick same time says "Gatsby turned out alright) > likes gatsby as a pal but hates him as a part of society N interested in gatsby - there was something gorgeous about him really really likes him "you're worth the whole damn bunch together" His image of New York: "Nick Carraway is a intradiegetic, first person narrator who is unreliable and describes NY as a torn contrast between rich and poor by describing beautiful landscapes in contrast to small apartments and their inhibitions" Both houses: Gatsbys Mansion Contradicting locations and values imitation of Hotel de Ville sparking new, has a marble swimming pool 40 acres of lawn, tower less fashionable neighborhood (West Egg) colossal affair by any standard > Rich, showing off wealth, nouveau rich, "new money" Buchanans House (owned) famous football player in college pretty boring life after college wants to move around - likes drama lived in chicago lives in big mansion - big wealthy family sturdy; in his 30's two shining arrogant eyes, dominant, red-white Georgian Colonial lawn quarter of a mile, garden, porch French Window elaborate in more fashionable East Egg > rich, house is a home (nice, bright, light...), wealthy family rich "old money" The Buchanans Daisy is Nick's second cousin married to Tom, live East Egg sad & lovely face eyes and teeth are bright seems bored charming little laugh, low thrilling voice lived in France 1 year with Tom 2 muscular feels superior described as cruel and a brutal man has affairs with other woman racist Marriage and RS no love, not loyal to one another violence T->D "fake", not functioning, for society unbalanced (T can do what he wants) toxic not showing emotions/feelings for one another Myrtle Wilson: dominant colorful direct, kind of provocative - said Daisy's name affair with Tom has to do what Tom tells her dark complexion Opposites not happily married, did it bc she thought he was a gentleman materialistic not very beautiful-wants that other think she doesn't care Description Between WE and NYC Ash grey, smoke Desolated Cars go slow Dumping ground -> switched residence often bc of Tom Daisy just wants to settle down George Wilson: submissive pale not confident calm not extroverted not materialistic, not rich Valley of ashes Symbolic meaning People are poor/didn't make it Rich people come through contrast to W/E Egg Depressive Situation of people Source side effects of life of rich people The eyes of Doctor Eckleburg 3 Description Fading eyes billboard blue gigantic dimmed vision oculist spectacles yellow 1 yard over the ground Rumor has it a german spy killed a man once was in american army oxford person grew up in Germany "Corpulent person" and old GATSBY: Symbolic meaning represents eyes of God looks down on lost people Bad state: society is bad Judging Dead gods eyes of billboard GATSBY rumor and identity At his party was in 7th infantry 30-31 years old knows nick from war short hair trimmed every day alone at top of marble stairs alone, not drinking nothing visible sinister about him considered with his words - picks them with care uses phrases as old sport to address nick polite and elegant not interested in any of the woman at the party likes to talk to jordan and nick - talks about his wealth doomed love, wealth, status American Dream from poor boy -> millionaire (most extreme form) Daisys desirability inspires Gatsby's unreal dreams born poor as James Gatz - reinvents himself and grows wealthy with illegal bootlegging and gambling obsessed with self-improvement - with dreams of his past possesses childlike ability to dream symbol for America itself - fabulously wealthy, generous, corrupt, possessing remarkable willpower and forever chasing a dream of a past which can never be regained -> extraordinary willpower, self-discipline and focus never drinks but cynically builds his fortune one alcohol - wealth based on bootlegging and gambling 4 DAISY: TOM: selfish and reliant on male attention loves to be loved and adored lives in a artificial world, entirely protected on all sides by money beautiful, wealthy wife of Tom, Gatsby's great love Kills Myrtle in a car accident excitingly desirable, breathless intensity way of looking at someone "promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see" low thrilling voice (siren like quality) and sad lovely face needs a man who can protect and support her - it's not all about love Tom offers a certain security for her, would never leave him - things between Tom and Daisy that Gatsby will never know their class allows them to divides themselves coldly from the trouble and pain they cause wealthy upper-class heir Arrogant, brutish, racist and violent has an affair with myrtle indirectly responsible for the deaths of myrtle, george, gatsby a child with simple and selfish opinions and world view, careless violence and self-centered greed caused the deaths of three people JORDAN: modern young woman and professional golfer fundamentally dishonest physically and in her mannerisms a symbol of the young feminine ideal of the 1920s built for sport and fun nick leaves her bc of her cold selfishness GEORGE: a car mechanic poor, ignorant and depressed misinformed by Tom, kills Gatsby Myrtle's death breaks him, kills men who he believes killed myrtle represents the world from which G emerged: poverty, labour, hopelessness MYRTLE: cheats on her husband with Tom killed by Daisy opposite of daisy -> not beautiful, dressed in dark blue, coarse voice provokes Tom until he slaps her materialistic - Tom buys her a lot 5 Who is a moral character? Wolfshiem 3: shady, human morals, dangerous Nick 0: did nothing immorally 1: limited perspective on life, doesn't care for people's past, sarcastic, does not comment or react to behavior of others around him Daisy 1/2: values money over love, killed Myrtle - didn't stop, tries to stay in control of her life, marries/stays with Tom because of social status, does not care about Gatsby's death, in her youth she wanted to escape her home, doesn't really care for her child Tom 2/3: violent, aggressive (even towards woman), racist, feels superior, is cheating on his wife, narcissistic, threatens others Jordan 1: not honest, stays quiet, cheated in a tournament, loves to talk about rumors instead of helping the truth, has an affair Geoge 1/2: killed Gatsby, suffered, listened to his wife, wanted to have a good life for him and his wife -> worked hard Gatsby 1/2/3: criminal, works with Wolfshiem, wanted to be rich for love, is polite, shares his wealth -> to get Daisy's attention - not with his family, uses people AMERICAN DREAM: THEMES triumph of the human spirit and will and an obsession with material wealth Nick admires Gatsby and you only he has those qualities -> hope, purity of intention, ability to dream his motivations are admirable (will power, strength of character) his methods are highly questionable (becomes rich by feeding of society's addiction to alcohol and gambling) SOCIETY AND WEALTH: 20th brought new era of consumerism and mass culture wealth and poverty (tom/george) class differences (daisy/gatsby) Gatsby isn't in the exclusive club in which tom, daisy and nick belong - and he cant get in - can't fool the upper class - tom and daisys RS is exclusive - tom can offer her more than money old money: callous, selfish, careless, brutal new money: generous, happy, eager to meet the world and make friends gatsby tries to buy happiness but fails 6 DESIRE AND THE PAST: choosing to pursue dreams and desire of the past in the future we are constantly moving backwards are struggling to hold on the desires of their younger selves - fear of the future - nostalgia - the sentimental desire for the past VISION: eyes and the act of seeing huge advertisement one of the most powerful images in the novel - suggesting yet another presence - observing and judging the characters and the world 7 Stylistic devices alliteration anaphora allusion antithesis hyperbole irony metaphor Use of language STYLE atter fact clear passionate emotional SUMMARY The author presents/deals with/tackles the question of... The author claims/points out/makes clear/doubts that ANALYSIS In order to..., the author employs... In many instances, the author's message that ... can be detected COMMENT I think/believe/assume/suppose that... I am sure/convinced/certain that... There are many reasons for... There is no doubt that/There can be no doubt that... Formulierungshilfen: Analysis Moreover To begin with At this point, .. By contrast On the other hand In comparison In other words In that case To put it more simply To look at it in another way personification simile parallelism repetition rhetorical questions enumeration comparison REGISTER slang in formal everyday english technical terms scientific The author compares X to Y/ contrasts X with Y The author asks/poses the question whether... To get his/her message across, the author often uses... By use of... the author illustrates... I am of the opinion/hold the opinion that... In my opinion.../To my mind... From my point of view As a result,... So, ... Consequently Thereby For this reason Because of this.. Therefore In conclusion So In short To summarise On the whole Finally 8