


Lernzettel zu „ The great gatsby “







The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
personal life and happiness, dreams, the American Dream
General information
• written in 1924 and pub
The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
personal life and happiness, dreams, the American Dream
General information
• written in 1924 and pub

The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald) personal life and happiness, dreams, the American Dream General information • written in 1924 and published in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald • became popular much later, during and after World War II • portrays the American Dream and nightmare The main characters Nick Carraway • first person narrator • • Jay Gatsby / James Gatz rich young man served in World War I • • • ● 30-year-old veteran of World War I lives in West Egg on Long Island bond salesman distant cousin of Daisy Buchanan shady business (bootlegger) desperately in love with Daisy, trying to win her back after war doesn't want any trouble with anybody there are rumours about him . → once killed a man →German spy during war →in the American army during war → grew up in Germany • nobody knows anything for sure about him → a man of pretence, wants to impress others Daisy (Fay) Buchanan ● Tom's wife . mother of a young girl • beautiful, superficial, young woman • lives life after the expectations of others • wants to remain the picture that she lives a "perfect" life → hides her depression → tries to give impression of a romantic couple (reality: tense, broken, cold relationship) → doesn't want to leave Tom even though he hurts her, obeys him and doesn't argue with him thinks being a girl is a terrible standing → girls are weak Tom Buchanan • • • aggressively self-confident man,...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

no caring husband, not romantic racist, thinks he belongs to the "dominant and right race" Jordan Baker Daisy's husband affair with Myrtle Wilson "old money" (has always been rich) football star during time at Yale strong, robust man, powerful body • amateur golfer • attracted to Nick Myrtle Wilson good friend of Daisy • life-loving but ordinary woman affair with Tom accidently killed by Daisy driving Gatsby's car George Wilson Myrtle's husband, despised by her kills Gatsby in revenge for Myrtle's death • lives in Valley of the Ashes Meyer Wolfshiem • criminal business partner of Gatsby The "Roaring Twenties" • dramatic social and political changes ● growing wealth of nation ● most important product: automobile ● Jazz-music → felt freedom on dance floor alcohol forbidden (to raise moral standard) → rise of mafia ● women get allowed to vote the "flapper": young women with bobbed hair, short skirts, drank, smoked, "unladylike", more sexually "free" than the previously generation ● . The Great Gatsby portraying the American Dream • Gatsby's dream about Daisy was a manifestation of the American dream • people trying to make their dreams come true, not realizing that it's far too late Valley of Ashes displays the American nightmare dangers of the dream and the way Gatsby tries to fulfil it are symbolized with his death