


,,The great Gatsby''







The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma
The Great Gatsby
Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and
depression. He is always talking about a ma

The Great Gatsby Nick Carraway is treated by an experienced doctor for his alcohol addiction and depression. He is always talking about a man named Gatsby. He has difficulty dealing with his thoughts. For this reason the doctor asks him to write down his thoughts, because writing them down is supposed to give him relief. The mysterious millionaire and protagonist of the story Jay Gatsby lives in a magnificent villa on Long Island. His neighbor Nick Carraway is the narrator, who works on Wall Street, came to New York City in 1922 from the Midwest to search for the American dream and is at first truly lonely he gets to know. Jordan Baker through his friends and family. She is one of few people, who knows Gatsby personally. One day Nick receives an invitation from Gatsby to one of his parties. Which takes place at Gatsby's. Every weekend his house is full people, it's really crowded, but nobody knows Gatsby. Some think he is a prince, others think he is a murderer, but some also assume he is a German spy. When he went to this party, Nick is fascinated by the people who were there. From bizarre young men and lightly dressed women to the richest men of the country, everyone was there and...

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partying. At this party he finally meets Gatsby. After some activities together, Gatsby asks him to invite his cousin Daisy Buchanan for tea. Gatsby 5 years ago, Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan were a couple, but when he had to go to war the two lost sight of each other and she married Tom Buchanan. After they finally reunite, they start an affair. Her rich husband has been cheating on her with a certain Myrtle Wilson. They decide the reveal their affair to Tom. So they also invite Nick and Jordan to join them for dinner. Daisy gets nervous and Tom notices that there's something going on between his wife and Gatsby, he thinks it's a good idea to go to the city. Tom drives with Nick and Jordan in Gatsby's car while Gatsby and Daisy take Tom's. At the noble hotel Gatsby urges Daisy to break up with Tom and tell him that she never loved him. Tom provokes Gatsby until that he gets very angry. Daisy is so confused and is confused and terrified that she wants to go home. Tom sends Daisy and Gatsby away and follows them in his own car with Nick and Jordan. On the way back from the hotel Daisy, who is at the wheel, accidentally runs over Myrtle Wilson, her husband's mistress. Daisy had no chance to swerv because Myrtle ran right in front of her car. A witness saw the conspicuously expensive yellow car, Gatsby is considered guilty. Daisy also does not make any statement or admits that she was driving the car. Daisy was so traumatized after that day that she distances herself from Gatsby. After Nick knows the truth, they spent the night together. Gatsby told him about his true origin, that he was not born as rich and powerful as he told everyone in the beginning and that Gatsby's real name is James Gatz. He grew up in simple circumstances in North Dakota. At 17 he started dreaming of becoming a rich wealthy man. He painted picture and wrote down a wish in the hope that it would come true. As a 17-years-old boy, Gatsby had hired himself as a show-off by millionaire Dan Cody. There he goes there to gets to know, the life of a millionaire, so well that he wanted it more and more. Thought many coincidences he managed to become rich. He waits the whole day for Daisy to call him but she never does. Murtle's husband Mr. Wilson shoots Gatsby in the pool because Tom makes him believe that he was the one Murtle cheated with and also who killed her. Nick is very shocked by Gatsby's sudden death but organizes the funeral. He tried to invite everyone Gatsby knew, including Daisy but nobody came to the funeral. In this situation Nick realised, what is really important in life and could say goodbye to Gatsby alone. After this accident Nick no longer wants to stay in New York and moved away. But he could never get on good terms with his past and he get depression and problems with alcohol (so the film starts). 734 Wörter The Great Gatsby is based on dramatic novel by F.Scott Fitzgerald of the same name. This book was filmed more than 25 times. This version was directed by Baz Luhrmann and The Great Gatsby SINAANZA NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE INTERVEN GATSBY F. SCOTT FITZGERALD Nick Carraway Nick's house The Great Gatsby came out in 2013. Baz Luhrmann is well known for his directing of Romeo and Juliet and Moulin Rouge, which made him an Oscar winner. In the movie adaption, were actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Magurie and Carey Mulligan. Who all are multiple Oscar winners and have appeared in many famous films. The film was produced in 2012 and was released in German cinemas on May 16 2013. The film exceeded all expectations and earned 51.1 million dollars in the US alone. This puts it in second place in the international cinema charts. It was a huge success because people loved the meaning and the message the film conveyed. The Great Gatsby is considered to be Fitzgerald's masterpiece in which he completely leaves out topics such as decadence, for example changes in society and idealism, or judging only by material objects and money and the person and his character. Likewise he draws attention to the problems of not being able to cope with change. But the most important message of the film is that you shouldn't trust everyone just because they are nice to you. You always have to make sure that you are not taken advantage of. In addition he would like to make attentive to the growth of the economy and with it, also the rising crime rate. It also questions the concept of the American Dream. Gatsby lives in some sort of illusion rather than reality. He loves Daisy so much to point that she he needs her in his life and starts building everything as and building everything with one day. He thinks that his life would be pointless without her in it. He lives in the past and doesn't want to move on. In my opinion the movie is very great. I think it manages to open your eyes and show you what is really important in life. Money is not everything but true friends who help you in difficult situations are important. Gatsby's friends all friends wanted something like money, contacts or fame. It is also important to accept changes in your life and that not everything goes as you goes as you expect it to be. The film has a minimum age restriction of 12 years but I recommend it everyone over 12 years old because it might be hard to understand. The message of the film transports significant things for life. The film reminds you of important things in life, where to pay attention and what to appreciate. Daisy Buchanan Daisy Buchanan is a beautiful, thoughtless and rich person. She is an important person for society, with no problems at least that's how it seems on the surface. Daisy is self centered, a little vain, but she is also charming and hight-spirited. She is good at understanding the human behavior, and she also understands the hard truths of the world, as well the hidden ones. The only choices she makes are her romantic choices. These choices represent her efforts to create the life she really wants. We learn slowly about her past. Through the memories of different characters. Daisy first gets to know Jay Gatsby when she was a debutante and he was an officer on the way to the European front. The two shared a romantic relationship, which was very superficial and short. The following years, Daisy married the brutal powerful Tom Buchanan. However after Gatsby enters her life a second time, she falls in love again. Nevertheless, their short intermezzo does not overcome her self-preservation or her desire for social status. 625 Wörter Insgammt=1357 Wörter The Great Gatsby 236F ? SHE 12300 123RF Nobody knows who is Gatsby Gatsby's house INVITATION Invitation from Gatsby to Nick Jay Gatsby Jordan Becker Daisy Buchanan Tom Buchanan Myrtle Wilson Daisy & Gatsby She has to decide Date of pronouncement The crash Gatsby is shot dead F. SCOTT FITZGERALD THE GREAT GATSBY Valen Facts about the movie Francis Scott Fitzgerald THE GREAT GATSBY EScott Fitzgerald The Greats Carsby Tall F. SCOTT FITZGERALD THE GREAT GATSBY the erreat F. SCOTT FITZGERALD ONE OF THE CRESTIST AMERICAN NOATIACE THE 20 CENT F. Scott Fitzgerald Der große Gatsby Roman Diogenes Thank you for listening Quelle Bilder: www.Wikipedia.de www.film.de