


the hunger games







Bea Schmitt
16 January 2022
Summary (divided into chapters):
The first chapter introduces the readers to Katniss, the story's narrator and p
Bea Schmitt
16 January 2022
Summary (divided into chapters):
The first chapter introduces the readers to Katniss, the story's narrator and p
Bea Schmitt
16 January 2022
Summary (divided into chapters):
The first chapter introduces the readers to Katniss, the story's narrator and p
Bea Schmitt
16 January 2022
Summary (divided into chapters):
The first chapter introduces the readers to Katniss, the story's narrator and p
Bea Schmitt
16 January 2022
Summary (divided into chapters):
The first chapter introduces the readers to Katniss, the story's narrator and p
Bea Schmitt
16 January 2022
Summary (divided into chapters):
The first chapter introduces the readers to Katniss, the story's narrator and p
Bea Schmitt
16 January 2022
Summary (divided into chapters):
The first chapter introduces the readers to Katniss, the story's narrator and p
Bea Schmitt
16 January 2022
Summary (divided into chapters):
The first chapter introduces the readers to Katniss, the story's narrator and p

Bea Schmitt 16 January 2022 Summary (divided into chapters): The first chapter introduces the readers to Katniss, the story's narrator and protagonist and the world in which she lives. We learn that the book is set in the future and we get to know how North America was destroyed, especially how Panem was created. Katniss explains her family history and how she has learned to hunt to keep them alive in a place where many starve after her father's death. The readers are introduced to her best friend Gale and her family while learning about the extreme poverty they live in. The first information about the Capitol, the day of The Reaping, the different districts and the people who live there are mentioned. We find out that the Hunger Games are a punishment for the districts where a lottery is held each year and a boy and a girl from each district is chosen to be a tribute. These tributes, all teenagers between the ages of twelve and eighteen must fight to the death in a large outdoor arena. The last standing tribute wins the Games and the tribute's district gets extra food. We get to know Haymitch Abernathy, same as Effie Trinket, a public figure from the Capitol who pulls out Primrose's name...

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for The Hunger Games. Chapter two begins with Katniss who volunteers for her little 12 years old sister Prim. She can't stand the thought that her sister dies because of this. The crowd's reaction was silent because usually there are no volunteers for such a terrible event. The second tribute is Peeta Mellark, we get a little flashback with an explanation who Peeta exactly is. In chapter three, Katniss is supposed to say goodbye to her family and friends and she's driven to a train station to begin her journey with Peeta and the Capitol. Katniss realizes the pin Madge Undersee, the daughter of the Mayor Undersee, gave her is of a mockingjay, a type of bird that the Capitol once bred to spy on rebels in the districts. It's a small sign of rebellion and has an important role later in the book. Katniss and Peeta have dinner with Effie Trinket on the train and they watch recaps of the reapings from the various districts. When Katniss and Peeta joke about Haymitch's drunkenness, Effie says they shouldn't be laughing because Haymitch is the one who is going to be advising them and getting them sponsors. As the fourth chapter opens, Katniss and Peeta carry Haymitch to the shower and they clean him after he drank too much. But she tries to stay away from Peeta as much as possible. A few hours later they arrive and Katniss realizes the first time what a difference she could make. The character Cinna appears for the first time in the fifth chapter of the novel. He is the stylist of the tributes from district 12. After a little information about district 12, Cinna created a look for Katniss which she owes him her later reputation. Her nickname is "the girl on fire" and her dress with lots of flames reflects her personality. This entrance made them memorable. Katniss and Peeta, along with the other tributes, go to the Training Center, where every district has a floor of its own. On floor 12, Katniss finds her room. Katniss and a few other people get their dinner served by an Avox. Someone who committed a crime and got their tongue cut out. Katniss can't get rid of the thought that she knows this girl, but doesn't keep telling Effie and the others about it. Peeta and Katniss kept talking about the girl from the dinner before heading to bed. Katniss remembers she saw the girl once in the woods getting hunted by something and she still feels guilty for not helping the girl back then. Chapter seven is about the training days where all 24 tributes practice together for three days. On the final afternoon they will perform in private for the gamemakers, the people who design and plan the Hunger Games each year and control the arena during the Games. The following chapter is about Katniss who is terrified that the Gamemakers will punish her for what she did. She distances herself from everything and everyone at first until she finally tells the others at dinner that she is worried, more about her family than about herself. The readers get to know more about her relations, especially about her and Gale. Katniss talks about her hunting skills and what Gale taught her. 1 Bea Schmitt 16 January 2022 Katniss gets training to learn how to act correctly for the tribute interview with Caesar. Also in chapter nine she talks to ginger avox girl and still feels guilty. We get the first hints about Peeta's and Katniss's relationship and their common past. The tenth chapter begins with a little argument between the two maincharacters but Haymitch defuses the situation. In the evening they all watch the interviews before the game officially starts the next morning. The tributes are forced to stand on their mounds for sixty seconds before they may enter the arena otherwise, a bomb will detonate and blow off their legs. In the center of the arena lies the Cornucopia, a giant golden horn that contains survival tools like tents and weapons. Haymitch had advised Peeta and Katniss to avoid the Cornucopia and instead run for safety, but Katniss hesitates when she sees the bow and arrows that lie in the Cornucopia. Katniss jogs and walks farther into the woods for the next few hours, putting distance between herself and her competitors after all the backpacks were already out of stock and the first tribute from district 8 already died. At the end of the day 11 people died and their faces are shown in the sky so everyone knows who died. Chapter twelve is about Katniss whose water situation is complicated and she has to come up with a plan to get Haymitch and other sponsors to give her water. Right at the beginning of the next chapter, Katniss runs away from a wall of fire from which fireballs come shot. She is sure that this is the responsibility of the Gamemakers and saves herself on a tree from various dangers and sees Rue, a small child who is also a tribute, near her. The situation goes on in the following chapter and Katniss looks up at Rue's gesture to see a wasp nest above her. She worries that these aren't ordinary wasps but one of the Capitol's muttations, tracker jackers. These mutations were designed as weapons during the war. When they sting someone, he suffers severe hallucinations and sometimes death. The nest explodes and the wasps attack the Careers. Also Katniss gets attacked but she grabs bow and arrow from a hurt tribute, ignores the stings and just runs as best as she can through hallucinations after Peeta told her to go and saved her life. The tracker jacker venom causes Katniss to have nightmares about her family, that is what the 15th Chapter starts with. She tries to understand where she is, what day it is and why Petta saved her life by telling her to run. Katniss finds Rue, hiding behind a tree and offers to make an alliance. Katniss and Rue help each other and share their things. Both of them make a plan to change the food situation of the Careers, tributes who trained throughout their life to compete in the Hunger Games, to weaken them. In chapter 16 Katniss gathers information about the Careers' food situation from Rue, who's been to spy on the Career pack's camp by the lake. Rue and Katniss formulate a plan that involves Rue distracting the Careers by creating a series of fires and Katniss sneaking up on the Careers' camp while they're away. Rue teaches Katniss a four-note melody which sounds like birds to stay in touch over a long distance. Katniss shot a few arrows for an explosion so the food is destroyed but she doesn't reveal her location. After Katniss crawls away, Cato accuses the boy from district 3 and kills him in chapter 17. Katniss injured her ear and loses her sense of hearing in one ear. In the evening the Careers recognise that only two people died so the bomber is still out there and they are about to hunt him or her. Katniss is worried about Rue and decides to look after her. When she hears a child's scream she sees Rue when a speer enters her body. In Chapter 18 Katniss shoots the boy immediately who killed Rue. It's her first official kill. Katniss speaks to Rue one last time and tells her what she did. She promises Rue she will win this thing for the both of them and sings a little lullaby from district 12 for her so she can "go to sleep" in peace. As she attempts to settle into sleep, trumpets sound, announcing a change to the rules. Two tributes from the same district will now be allowed to win if they're the last two to survive the Games. 2 Bea Schmitt 16 January 2022 Only a few tributes are left at the beginning of chapter 19. In the morning Katniss is on her way to search for Petaa who is surely near a source like water. She finds Peeta camouflaged and badly injured in the bushes. He can barely move so Katniss gives him food and medicine to make him healthy again as quickly as possible. Katniss finds out that she has to keep a fake romance between her and Peeta up to get gifts from Haymitch and their sponsors. In the next chapter Peeta's condition gets worse and worse and both stay together in their hiding place while Katniss takes care of him. Peeta's disease becomes blood poisoning and they have no chance to get medicine to fight against it. They are both worried that he could die and the only hope is to keep him alive until they win the game. The Capitol announces that there is something in the Cornucopia for every team that they urgently need, probably Peeta's medicine. Then Katniss makes her way to the Cornucopia and a backpack for every district is placed on the table so Katniss starts to sprint after she sees Foxface, another tribute. After she grabs it headed away with her backpack she gets attacked by Clove, also another tribute pinning Katniss on the ground so she can't move or escape. One of the last contestants, Thresh, helps Katniss to escape because Clove made fun of Rue and killed Clove. Katniss is wounded but still makes it to Peeta and jams a hypodermic needle into Peeta's arm but then Katniss passes out. Katniss wakes up the next morning on day 14 and it seems like Peeta is feeling much better in chapter 22. Katniss and Peeta keep talking until she's about to cry because she wants to go home. Although Katniss's love was initially played, she develops feelings for Peeta. Nevertheless, she takes advantage of the relationship to get food on a day of rain and thunderstorms. In the following division the weather clears so Katniss and Peeta can go hunting and collecting some berries. Foxface steals some of the berries Peeta collected but he hasn't seen them before. It turned out that Peeta got the toxic nightlock berries, which caused her to die. If Foxface didn't steal them both of the tributes from district 12 could have died. In chapter 24 Katniss and her teammate headed to the lake where Cato is. Katniss shot at him but it looks like he has some kind of protection. He doesn't even care about the arrow, he looks like he is running away from something.Katniss looks to the woods and sees a number of creatures leaping onto the plain. She turns to run, only thinking of saving herself. While everyone is running away Katniss recognizes that the creatures are mutated wolves, presenting the fallen tributes. Everyone climbs the horn of the Cornucopia. When Peeta and Katniss are relatively safe, Cato headlocked Peeta so he can't get oxygen.Katniss shoots an arrow in Cato's hand so he drops Peeta. Cato falls off the cliff and he fights a couple of hours against the mutts but after a while Katniss shoots her last arrow into his skull, but the game isn't over yet even when only Peeta and Katniss are left. Claudius changes the rules again and he announces that there can only be one winner. Because no one wanted to kill each other they decided they would eat the poisonous berries at the same time. But right before they eat them, Katniss and Peeta are announced as the winners of the 74th Hunger Games. In the penultimate chapter of the novel, Katniss and Peeta leave the arena together before flying to the Capitol. They get taken care of their wounds and prepare for the final interviews. Right before the interview Haymitch tells Katniss that she is in real danger because she outtricked the Capitol. The 27th and the last chapter is about the interviews with the winner. Peeta and Katniss are watching the 3 hours recap of the Games and get interviewed the next day. Peeta finds out that Katniss only acted to be in love with him because of the Games and their sponsors, especially Haymitch. He is very sad and full of pain because Katniss did not feel the same. 3 The main characters: ● Bea Schmitt 16 January 2022 Katniss Everdeen - Protagonist of the book and is a strong independent and quiet female. She is 16 and is a very skilled archer. Katniss and her family are from district 12 which is one of the poorest in Panem. She reaches out for her sister and takes on the Hunger Games so that her sister wouldn't have to. Peeta Mellark - Another protagonist in the Hunger Games who was picked to be in the 74th Hunger Games. Peeta is one of the three sons his parents had raised. Peeta and Katniss have a romantic interest in each other and Katniss is always assured by Peeta's protection. Peeta has sacrificed for Katniss as he does love her. He is a kind and well rounded man that plays a big role in Katniss's life. Haymitch Abernathy - Haymitch acted as a coach for Katniss and Peeta in the games because he is experienced with the games and served as a great tutor to the both of them. Haymitch is wise when it comes to the Hunger Games and is one of the few survivors. He is also a very big part of Katniss and Peeta's survival. Though his first encounter with Katniss and Peeta was drunken, they are lucky to have him. Gale Hawthorne - Gale is one of Katniss's best friends and has known her for quite some time. He is worthy to his friends and family and is faced with the tearing apart of the relationship that he had with Katniss. Katniss and Gale share the rebel-like characteristic and both are independently strong. President Snow - Snow is the antagonist of the novel who is the leader of Panem. Snow isn't the most mindful person yet is laid back and devious. Important roles but just a few appearances: ● Effie Trinket - The escort of the tributes from District 12, she lives in the Capitol most of the year and draws the tributes names to determine who will be participating in the Hunger Games. She teaches the tributes what to expect when they arrive at the Capitol and helps to gather sponsors for Katniss and Peeta. She is an upbeat woman who is very concerned with appearances, both her own and the tributes. Cinna - Katniss' stylist who becomes her friend and one of her main supporters. He encourages her to be herself during interviews and tells her that he would bet on her if he were allowed. He comes up with the girl on fire' thing and helps Katniss make a positive and spirited impression on her audience. Rue - The small 12 year old female tribute from District 11, the agricultural district. She and Katniss become allies during the Games after Rue warns her about a trap. Katniss becomes Rue's protector after they become allies, partly because Rue reminds her of her younger sister. Rue inspires Katniss to become fiercer in her fight against the Capitol and to win the Games. 4 Bea Schmitt 16 January 2022 Characterization of Katniss Everdeen: Katniss Everdeen is the main character, protagonist and narrator of the dystopian novel "The Hunger Games", which was published in 2012 by Suzanne Collins. She is a sixteen-year-old teenager living in a nation called Panem, which is subdivided into 12 districts and the Capitol. Katniss lives in District 12 with her depressiv mother and her twelve-years-old sister Primrose 'Prim' Everdeen. Since the death of her father it is Katniss's cluty to take care of Prim and her mother. Moreover her family is very poor, like the rest of District 12. The protagonist is a very caring, brave and motherly person, especially regarding the people she loves. Katniss's other appearance is described as having olive skin with straight, almost black hair, gray eyes and mostly wearing simple clothes made for hunting, one of her talents like climbing or her knowledge of healing even when she has a high pain tolerance. A typical feature of Katniss is her braveness and selflessness. It is proven as she volunteers as a tribute to replace her sister who got chosen to play The Hunger Games. No one from District 12 had volunteered before, but Katniss puts herself in danger to rescue and protect her younger sister. In addition, Katniss is characterized as a minding person. She is more responsible than anyone else for her family wellbeing. She goes hunting with her closest friend Gale. So she is the one who brings the food home and takes care of her family and health. Katniss is also known as a strong, powerful but at the same time an insecure person. She thinks rational and logical during great amounts of stress so she believes she is able to survive on her own. But before the Hunger Games even start she is highly convinced of her defeat, in other words her death, due the fact that there only can be one winner and she has not even practiced, like some other tributes. But during the Games she does anything she is able to do to survive and win this thing. The thought of seeing her sister again keeps her alive and makes her ready to kill someone. But The Hunger Games do not turn her into an unfeeling killer; she only kills someone when it is necessary for her or somebody important to survive. An example for that is the death of Cato to protect Peeta as well as herself or the death of the boy who killed Rue, a very important person to Katniss. In conclusion, Katniss Everdenn is a complex character who is reserved and not really outgoing, mostly keeps to herself so she doesn't show many emotions. She is selfless and caring but also a determined person. And she is very lovely to the people she truly loves and who are close to her. She loves her sister Prim and tries to give her hope for the future even though she does not place hope on her own. All in all she can be described as an independent or ambitious person because she is ready and able to do anything for the people she loves. 5 Topics the novel deals with: Oppression and Inequality - After natural disasters and war, the once former North America divided into its districts and formed the land of Panem. The Capitol rules over all the other areas and puts its peacekeepers en masse on keeping order and keeping the people in their territory. The people who live in the last districts like district 12 have no choice but to stay where they are, to be commanded and to fight for their survival. The authorities in the Capitol maintain their positions of power through wealth, fear, and rivalry. All districts in the totalitarian nation of Panem are kept under varying degrees of poverty and are routinely pitted against each other in the form of the Hunger Games. The wealthier districts have a distinct advantage over the poorer ones in the Games. For instance, the tributes from Districts 1, 2, and 4 make it their mission to train specifically for the Games. The districts are not allowed to contact one another, and they have no access to information other than what is provided to them by the authorities. ● Bea Schmitt 16 January 2022 ● Violence - Violence is a recurring theme in The Hunger Games. The authorities of the Capitol are not averse to using violence to maintain the illusion of "peace" in the nation. The Peacemakers routinely punish those who rebel and do not hesitate to exert their power over the people from the 12 districts. Moreover, the very notion of the Hunger Games is violent. Children are dehumanized from an extremely young age and are taught to maim and kill other children to survive. ● Poverty - Especially the latter districts experience what it is like to live in poverty and hunger for a lifetime. The people there are unkempt, have no choice but to hunt their own food, which in many cases also children have to take over. Children learn from the ground up to take care of themselves and illegally get the things they need and avoid the government. Dystopian society - The novel shows us one of an infinite number of possibilities of what our future could look like. Although we have evolved in recent decades and fought for our rights, this dystopian story opens up a perspective on how everything can change again. The gap between rich and poor is widening and from the perspective of District 12, District 1 is an unrealistic or utopian community but conversely, district 12 in particular is seen by the others as dystopian although from the reader's point of view one can see that all of Panem is developing into a dystopian society. The Capitol sees Panem as a "perfect" community but it is precisely this perfect appearance that makes Panem a dystopia. Everything seems perfect from many perspectives but behind the scenes everything looks different. The Capitol rules over Panem and forces people to live as they imagine. Every year, people are forced to kill others in order to survive themselves. All those who are not participants are forced to watch the media event even with children. What in the eyes of others is clear coercion and bodily harm is seen by the government as fun and entertainment and just propaganda. Our current problems are being thought through and shaped into a future and the society presented in the book is broken. Dictatorship - Panem's government is under the control of a single person named President Snow. President Snow is a dictator, he misuses his personal power and does not have to convince anyone that his plans are rational. The people of Panem are under duress and are constantly monitored by the government. The Capitol is watching as the people from the poorer districts are getting worse and worse and they support that. If you live in District 12, you are automatically worth nothing and actually have no chance to win the Hunger Games. 6 Bea Schmitt 16 January 2022 Personal thoughts: I have a very clear opinion on the novel. I think the book convinces with a very good, interesting and also easy to understand writing style. Since the book was written from Katniss' perspective, you can get a good picture of the main character herself and also her opinion. This perspective makes the book exciting and pleasant to read. I find books that are accompanied from the first-person perspective with their own monologues or trains of thought impressive and above all easy to understand. Although it was written exclusively from one perspective, the author involved and described so many different emotions that you could empathize very well with all the characters. The most diverse feelings were incorporated from different perspectives. How the characters deal with dystopia and dictatorship, how the characters occasionally find their way with poverty and, above all, the individual background stories to the characters were processed in great detail in the book. In addition to the main story, a lot of background has been thought up for all sorts of characters. The author has created an entire universe of his own, which is very impressive. Stories come to light that would not have been important for the further course of the book, such as Prim came to her goat and yet it was incredibly well processed in the novel. And despite the creation of its own universe, the idea and story has remained extremely realistic. Since history takes place in the future, it is not an unrealistic view of our world but a possibility of our future, which I find very amazing. Since no exact time has been given how far in the future the story takes place, it can be said that one day it could become a tragic reality. Nevertheless, the idea has been worked out with a good foundation and especially the time in the arena is described in great detail. You get a good insight into the size as well as the appearance of the arena and the exterior. What I found rather annoying was Katniss as a character. The character was very well fleshed out but I personally imagine Katniss as a rather annoying person. She always has very strong mood swings and acts before she thinks. At some points in the book, I was bothered by how Katniss proceeded. For example, how she dealt with Peeta. Not as her partner but her (boy-)friend. Even before they entered the arena, Katniss uttered ill-considered words about Peeta that in my view were not true and hurt him a lot. Or towards the end of the book when Katniss strains and exploits her relationship with Peeta even though she clearly shows feelings for him and yet does not even try to explain herself. Although Katniss is incredibly close to the people she loves, she shamelessly exploits some of them and cannot be clear about her own feelings, which I find difficult to understand and rather as an annoying and bad quality or character trait. And despite these rather annoying passages, I don't find the book boring or uninteresting. On the contrary, I find it extremely exciting, especially since the individual scenes do not drag on so long and it is therefore rather varied. For other scenes, I would have liked them to have dragged on a bit longer. I was very surprised that Rue's death was portrayed so uninteresting and unlovingly in the book. After Katnis's reaction, I was hoping for a more exciting act of death. The scene was written a bit underestimated as I feel. I would have been happy if Rue's death was described a little more intensively. Another scene that arrived very unexpectedly and surprised me rather positively was Katnis's self-sacrifice on the last day in the arena where she would have been more or less willing to kill herself even though she had endured more than two weeks of torment and more or less won. Peeta, who fully trusted Katniss, simply participated in Katniss' plan and if Claudius had said nothing, Katniss and Peeta would have simply died as martyrs. But the feeling of surprise was just one of the few feelings I had while reading the 7 Bea Schmitt 16 January 2022 book. A scene at the beginning of the story made me sad, especially because it was described so emotionally. When Katniss voluntarily participated in the games on the day of the decision to save her sister, Prim clung to Katniss. The part where Katniss went to the stage after Gale, her best friend, had picked Primrose off the floor and carried her away touched me a lot. That was a passage in the novel that I found very impressive. But there were also individual people who left a special impression on me. Peeta is an interesting character who stood out for his honesty and intense love he can give. Although Peeta often develops self-doubt that makes him vulnerable, in my view this is still a good character trait that also makes him attractive. And even though Katnis's role is a rather exhausting person, it is very impressive how open she can be even though she has to struggle with severe trust problems and is a rather introverted person. In addition, she has been very much influenced by her past and often seems very hurt inside, she keeps her pride and does not show her weaknesses. She is brave and strong. Like Rue who, despite her age, could be very proud of herself. To me, she often seems like a smaller version of Katniss because she has similar character traits as her, such as her strength or cleverness. On the other hand, there are also roles that have negatively impressed me. Some of the careers like Cato, for example, have made a decent impression with their heartless nature and cruel and shameless methods of killing innocent people. Even though they were trained to do so, every decision was up to them. In summary, it can be said that I consider the book to be highly recommended and positively impressed by the idea and opening of the book and the characters. 8