


Hunger Games







Chapter 1
(p. 13-27)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
(p. 39-49)
Chapter 4
(p. 50-60)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 1
(p. 13-27)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
(p. 39-49)
Chapter 4
(p. 50-60)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 1
(p. 13-27)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
(p. 39-49)
Chapter 4
(p. 50-60)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

READING LOG P A RTI Chapter 1 (p. 13-27) Chapter 2 (p.28-38) Chapter 3 (p. 39-49) Chapter 4 (p. 50-60) Chapter 5 (p.61-70) Chapter 6 (p.71-81) Chapter 7 (p. 82-95) Chapter 8 (p.96-104) Chapter 9 (p. 105-120) the hunger Games -katniss and Gale are going hunting for food and trade / sell them afterwards - Katniss, Prim and her mother making themselves pretty and ready to go to the reaping At the reaping Prim gets called out to fight in the Hunger Games -katniss volunteers as a tribute to take the place of her sister Prim in order to safe her is Peeta Mellark - the boy tribut gets called out, it 2 Katniss remembers the past (flashback) when Peeta gave her bread and prevented her from starving to death •Katniss and Peter are going into the justice building, where they get a last visit from their loved ones - After that they get in the train to drive to the capitol - the train houses own rooms, closets and endless amounts of foods for the tributes - katniss and Peeta are getting closer to Haymitch and arrive at the capitol -katniss rewinds her past and thinks about how she was learning her father's (arching) skills and his Kowledge about hunting and ways to survive and to take the lead in order to survive with her family - Katniss gets prepared and styled in...

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the remake center for the opening ceremony. -At the opening ceremony all districts ride in chariots and try to be the audience favorite. no one expectes kathiss and Peeta's appearance, they wear flammin outfits that are loved by the audience. -katniss, Peeta, Haymitch, Effie, Cinna and Portia are eating dinner together - when katniss sees a girl who is serving, she reconizes her after dinner she talks with Peeta about the girl, she saw her in the woods running away and get caught by the capitol - Katniss and Peeta are talking about their strengths and Haymitch tells them how they have to behave - because of Haymitch's instruction katniss and Peeta are only training skills the can't in the training center - at their privat training session they show their hidden skills (archery and lifting weights) - because the Gamemakers aren't paying any attetion, katniss shots an arrow to them and hits an apple -katniss crys after her private session in her room but she later decides to eat dinner and tell everyone - At the evening everyone's watching the score anouncement, they are suprised that catniss got a 11 and Peeta a 8 - Katniss is remembering Gale's and her first meet and how they become hunting partners. - katniss and peeta are practising with Effie and Haymitch for the interview -after that Katniss gets prepared by the prep team and gets dressed by Cinna -At the interview katniss does great and just been herself, Peeta admits at the interview that he has a crush on Katniss READING LOG PA R TI Chapter 10 (p. 121-132) Chapter 11 (p. 133-143) Chapter 12 (p.144-152) Chapter 13 (p. 153-162) Chapter 14 (p. 163-170) Chapter 15 (p.171-180) Chapter 16 (p.181-191) Chapter 17 (p. 192-200) Chapter 18 (p.201-212) the hunger Games -Katniss is full of anger and injures Peeta, because he said he loves her, she then discusses with everyone about it •Peeta and katniss both can't sleep on the last night before the games, so they have late night talk on the roof -katniss is flying with a hovercraft to the catacombs of the arend and is getting prepared, she gets into the arena. - The Game starts: because Peeta distracts katniss, she grabs a backpack infront of her and runs into the woods. - after running for hours deeper into the woods she finds a place to sleep on a tree - in the dawn a group of 5 tributes are passing her, but don't notice her, as she hears Peeta she's surprised katniss is still searching for a source of water L7she already has symptoms of dying of thirst, but when she falls to ground she finds a pond. - She clears the water with the iodine, that she found in her backpack. - when she settles down she gets attacked by fire again. a enourmes fire made by the Gamemakers forces her to flee - She gets burned at her hands and a fireball hits her calf, leaving a painful injury As she escapes out of the fire, katniss finds a pond where she refills her supplies and cares for her wounds Shortly after the carrearpack comes out of the fire, katniss climbs up a tree and talks with them. •The carrears decide to stay overnight and deal with Katniss in the morning, Katniss spots Rue on a tree. - Rue points to a tracker Jackers net above katniss, katniss cuts the branch with the nest with her knife - as it falls down the Carrears get stung and run away, katniss gets stung as well a couple times -katniss runs away but head back to get the Bow of dead Glimmer, but gets hallucination when she runs back •katniss wakes up two days after her stung She forms an alliance with Rue and shares supplies with her Rue and Katniss are planing to destroy the Carrears supplies. Rue is starting several camp fires to lure the Carrears out of the Cornucopia At the same time katniss is shooting at a net of apples, so that they fall out and trigger the land mines - katniss ear got injured by the loud explosion and she can't hear anything from her left ear - After a nap she heads back to the point where Rue and her wanted to meet, but Rue's not there Katniss searches Rue and hears screams forwarded by the Mockingjays, Rue gets killed by a spear -katniss is singing to rue and fullfills Rue's last wish She is picking many flowers to lay next and on to rue ·Katniss continues and refills her supplies, when a rule change is announced, that two tributes from the same district can win READING LOG PA RT III Chapter 19 (p.213-225) Chapter 20 (p.226-238) Chapter 21 (p. 239-248) Chapter 22 (p. 249-259) Chapter 23 (p. 260-273) Chapter 24 (p.274-281) Chapter 25 (p.282-293) Chapter 26 (p.294-304) Chapter 27 (p.305-316) the hunger Games when Katniss neared the new rule, she immediatly searches for Peeta - she found Peeta camouflaged into the environment and she takes care of his wound from Cato - As they settle down in a Cave katniss kisses Peeta and got a hot soup as a reward of Haymitch - Katniss cooks and cares for Peeta, but he isn't getting better and his injury turnes into blood poisoning - Claudius Templesmith anounces the feast, but it not only contains food, it as well carrys important stuff every tribute needs - katniss gets another gift from Haymitch, which contains sleep syrup - Peeta doesn't want katniss to go to the feast, but through the syrup she's able to knock out Peeta and go katniss is heading to the feast at the Comucopia - A backpack for every district is placed on one table, katniss sprints as second after Foxface - After she grabs her backpack, she gets attacked by clove, she puts Katniss to ground so that she can't escape. - Tresh comes to help and killed clove, because she made fun of Rue katniss got injured in the feast so she rests in the Cave - because it is raining and storming for days, Peeta and katniss don't get the opportunity to hunt - Peeta tells how she became in love with katniss, as a reward they get food from Haymitch - The weather clears and Katniss and Peeta are going hunting -katniss is hunting with her bow and Peeta is collecting berries Foxface steals Peetas collected food, but she ate the toxic nightlock berries, which causes her to die -katniss and Peeta eat the meal and wanted to clean their hands at the stream -But when they arrive the stream and all ponds nearby are dried out and empty -So they head to the lake and wait for Cato, Cato comes and katniss shot him in his chest, but he got protection - but Cato isn't paying attention to katniss or Peeta, because he's running away from something - Everyone runs away from the mutated wolves and climbs the horn of the Cornucopia - Katniss noticed that every wolve represents a fallen tribute - When Peeta and katniss are relativly safe Cato headlocked Peeta so that he doesn't get oxygen -Katniss shots an arrow in Catos hand, so that he drops Peeta, Peeta pushes him over the cliff, but katniss catchs Peeta -Cato fights for a couple hours againts the mutts but when he is in shooting range katniss shoots her last arrow into his skull, but the Games is not over Claudius announces that there can only be 1 winner - Because no one wants to kill eachother they decide to eat nigthlock berries at the same time, but right before they eat them, katniss and Peeta are announced as the winner of the 74th Hunger Games - Peeta and katniss get gathered up a ladder of a hovercraft and fly to the capitol - They get taken care of their wounds and prepare for the interviews - right before the interview Hay mitch tells katniss that she is in real danger, because she outtricked the capitol - Peeta and kathiss are watching the 3 hour recap of the Games and get interviewed the next day. - Peeta finds out that katniss only acted in love with him because of the Games and that she didn't feel the same 67 he is very sad and full of pain