


District 12 Hunger Games: The Reaping and Tributes







<p>A volunteer in District 12 since decades! The day of the annual reaping in District 12 took place in the center of town at the Hall of J

A volunteer in District 12 since decades! The day of the annual reaping in District 12 took place in the center of town at the Hall of Justice. The reaping is an event that occurs every year before each Hunger Games. To be eligible for the reaping, one must be at least 12 years old.

The Reaping Process

After Mayor Undersee read out the history of Panem and the past winners of District 12, the district 12's escort, Effie Trinket, made her way to the stage to randomly select the tributes for the 75th Hunger Games. After announcing "ladies first", she crossed to the glass ball with the girls' names and picked out Primrose Everdeen. As she walked to the podium, another girl shouted, "I volunteer as tribute!" Normally, this is often done by Career Tributes, but it was her sister, Katniss Everdeen, who stepped up to protect her reaped sister, Prim. After this, Effie Frinhedt picked out Peeta Mellark as the boy tribute for District 12. This officially meant that Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark would represent District 12 at the Hunger Games.

District 12 and The Hunger Games

District 12 is a significant district in the Hunger Games series, known for being one of the poorest and most deprived districts in Panem. The selection of tributes for the Hunger Games from District 12 is a closely-watched event, as it represents the harsh reality that the citizens of this district face.

The Boldest Form of Dissent

Given the oppressive situation in District 12, the citizens' main form of dissent during the reaping is a subtle "old and rarely used" gesture made towards Katniss.


The reaping in District 12 is always a highly emotional and significant event, as it determines the fate of the tributes selected to represent the district in the Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark's selection for the 75th Hunger Games was a pivotal moment in the series, marking the beginning of their journey that captivated audiences worldwide.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • District 12 holds the annual reaping for the Hunger Games
  • Katniss Everdeen volunteers as tribute to protect her sister Primrose
  • District 12 is one of the poorest districts in Panem
  • The citizens of District 12 show dissent during the reaping
  • The selection of Katniss and Peeta for the 75th Hunger Games was a pivotal moment in the series
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Hochgeladen von Jeff Colby

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Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: Who is selected as the boy tribute for District 12?

A: Peeta Mellark is selected as the boy tribute for District 12.

Q: What is the boldest form of dissent that the members of District 12 can manage during the reaping?

A: The citizens' main form of dissent during the reaping is a subtle 'old and rarely used' gesture made towards Katniss.

Q: Why do the citizens make the 'old and rarely used' gesture toward Katniss?

A: The citizens make this gesture as a subtle form of dissent against the oppressive situation in District 12.

Q: Was Katniss the first District 12 winner?

A: Yes, Katniss Everdeen was the first District 12 winner.

Q: What happens at the annual reaping in District 12?

A: At the annual reaping, the tributes for the Hunger Games are randomly selected by the district's escort, Effie Trinket, and it determines the fate of the selected tributes.

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