


Katniss Everdeen







Katniss Everdeen is the main character, protagonist and narrator of the
dystopian novel "The Hunger Games", which was publ
Katniss Everdeen is the main character, protagonist and narrator of the
dystopian novel "The Hunger Games", which was publ

Characterization. Katniss Everdeen is the main character, protagonist and narrator of the dystopian novel "The Hunger Games", which was published in 2012 by Suzanne Collins. She is a sixteen year old teenager living in a nation, callea Panem, which is subdivided into twelve clistricts and the Capitol. Katniss lives in District 12 with her depressive mother and her twelve year old sister Primrose Everdeen. Since the death of her father, it is Katniss' duty to take care of Prim and her mother. Moreover her family is very poor, like the rest of the district 12. The protagonist is a very caring, brave and motherly person, especially regarding the people she loves. katniss' outher appearance is discribed as having olive skin with straight black hair and and grey eyes. A typical feature of katniss is her braveness and selflessness. It is proven as she volunteers as a tribute (p 22) to replace her sister who got chosen to play the Hunger Games. No one from District 12 had volunteered before, but Katniss puts herself in danger to save and protect her little sister. In addition, Katniss is characterized as a caring and motherly person. Katniss is more responsible than anyone else for her family's wellbeing. She goes hungting with her closest friend Gale. In other words, she is the one who brings...

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home food. Katniss is also characterized as strong, powerful but at the same time. an insecure person. Before the Hunger Games even start she is highly Iconvinced of her defeat, in other words her death, due the fact that there only can be one winner and she has not even practiced, like some other tributes (p. 94). But cluring the games, she does anything to win and survive. She wants to see her sister again and because of that. she is also ready to kill someone to go home. But the Hunger Games do not turn her into an unfeeling killer; she only kills someone when it is necessary for her to kill somebody to survive (example: Cato) In conclusion, Katniss Everdeen is a complex character. She is selfless, caring and motherly to the people she truly loves. She loves her sister Prim and tries to give her hope for the future even though she does not place hope in her own. All in all she can be discribed as a heroin because she is ready to do anything for her family.