


The impact of media/ social media







The impact of media.
• offer an easy way of staying in touch with friends and acquaintances.
meel like-minded people, e
The impact of media.
• offer an easy way of staying in touch with friends and acquaintances.
meel like-minded people, e

The impact of media. SOCIAL CONTACTS. (+) • offer an easy way of staying in touch with friends and acquaintances. meel like-minded people, exchange ideas and material, seek advice and .collaborate on a private, and professional level BUSINESS Businesses have greatly been impacted by social media.- from marketing. . to interacting with customers on a timely basis. •Companies that are able to work with social media are clearly ahead of their opponents • online platforms. are a less expensive way for businesses to attract more Customers Through interaction and feedbacks by businesses to their customers, they can understand the market quickly and create new strategies, as well as conform to the customer's tastes, and demands POLITICS AND RANGE 0/0] Pro • Nowadays, it is where most people get their news. • It is the medium that gives the easiest access to political and other news •Range can be used for good purposes → for example to support the en- vironment like Greta Thunberg. ·Contra •People can be influenced, especially. when it comes to political decisions, Opinions are quickly influenced by the media. •People use range to incite against others? best excimple Donald Trump • Staying in touch is possible through the media and in itself a good thing,. but. extremists can also get in touch with each other and plan af a Hack → you have to be careful. JOB HIRING Social media has impacted job recruitments significantly:...

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The majority of companies make their hiring decisions based on one's social portfolio • It has also made it easy for job seekers to get access to job posts. BRUNNEN EDUCATION supporting self-initiated learning •ciccess to information • especially in times like corona, it became clear how useful digital media are, we had the opportunity to learn from home and stay in touch with teachers PRIVACY Through sharing personal information, one's privacy is at risk of impersio- nations, theft and stalking. Nowadays, companies use social media to gauge job seekers. Posting anything abusive or embarrassing could make you lose jab opportunities, because the internet never forgets" younger people, who have embraced a virtual lifestyle share their everyday lives. with çin.online.community →? are not aware of the risks •there are many warnings that users' data is being exploited by businesses or political organizations -? pool, of information allows, personalized ads as well as effective campaigning, but, with it comes the danger of subtle manipulation ADDICTIVEO social platforms are addictive • many people are constantly on their mobile phone and do not pay attention to their surroundings social contacts are neglected FAKE NEWS false Since information, travels faster online, a piece of information could quickly reach a big number of people, and cause great panic, among the recipients. •can lead to discussions and cause conflicts