


The individual and society







The individual and society.
What is an individual?
The individual is a person, who lives in a society
What is a society?
A society is a grou

The individual and society. What is an individual? The individual is a person, who lives in a society What is a society? A society is a group of people with common territory, interaction, and culture. Furthermore they share the same laws, rights and resources. Territory: Members of a society, as well as nonmembers, must recognize particular land as belonging to that society. A society's boundaries don't have to be geopolitical borders. Interaction: Members of a society must come in contact with one another. Geographic distance and language barriers can seperate societies within a country. Culture: People of the same society share aspects of their culture, such as language or beliefs. Society does not exist without individual. The individual lives and acts within society. Society has become an essential condition for human life to arise and continue. Quellen: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/ 276044901 Relation between_Individual_and_Society https://www.sparknotes.com/sociology/ society-and-culture/section 1/

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