


the third and final continent







Short summary
-narrator leet India in 1964, moved to London in
order to get a better education
lived in a room with other Bengaus
- in 1969,

Short summary -narrator leet India in 1964, moved to London in order to get a better education lived in a room with other Bengaus - in 1969, at the age of 36, his marriage was arranged by his older brother and his wife got a fulltime job in the US THE THIRD AND FINAL CONTINENT got the us marrica, spends one week in India, moved to 4 rent a room in Mrs. Croft's house (first non-Indian house) narrator sits with her in the evenings and they talk about the moon lancling Mrs. Croft's that Mrs. Croft is 103 years old moved into an appartement daughter Helen visits; narrator discovers Mala (his wife) arrived; things were akward until the narrator takes her to visit Mrs. Croft ; feeling different connection - Maid and the narrator become American citizens, Visits Calcutta every few years and have a son who attends Harvard University Umbrella information title: the third and final continent author: Jhumea canin published in 1999 in an anthology of short stories "interpretor of Maladies information about author born in UK in parents from the Bengali region in India at the age of 3, she moved to the us with ner parents got a job as a librarian so his biography mirrors that of the narrator in the story father Settings India at his parent's nouse at Mrs Croft in us at his own appartement in US UK, London appartement of narrator's bovolner, where Mala lived for six weeks topics/themes! conflicts gender relations wealth distribution social...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

mobility - sense of belonging - death Cultural differences narrative perspective - first person narrator: reader understands and sympathizes with the narator first tells the past and in the end he talks about Present title -refers to America, where the narrator finally decides to settle down after living in Asia & Europe characters Mala narrator's wife, by the end of the story nappily married narrator. protagonist, unnamed, Bengali, round character and wife r: ananged his marriage their sons attends Harvard, only connection to Bengous culture are his parents Mrs Croft: 103 years old, narrator's first home in the us Helen: Mrs croft's daughter mother: died before he left for London Pather died when he was 16 short story characteristics limited number of characters concentration on one character situation, dilemmal problem focus on one single aspect which undergoes a change in the course of the story