


The Wall Analysis







PAGE 118-120
In the following text I will analyze page 118 to 120 from the novel with the title
"The Wall" by John Lanchester, publ
PAGE 118-120
In the following text I will analyze page 118 to 120 from the novel with the title
"The Wall" by John Lanchester, publ

Analysis PAGE 118-120 In the following text I will analyze page 118 to 120 from the novel with the title "The Wall" by John Lanchester, published 2019 by the Faber & Faber publishing company. The novel is set in the near future, where the young Kavanagh has to spend, like everyone his age, two years on "The Wall" built around Great Britain, that separates them from the rest of the now mostly submerged world. During his long shifts on the wall, he thinks about his future. At the beginning I want to tell you something about the protagonist, Kavanagh, who now thinks about his future life and what he will do after he spend his time on the Wall. After a camping trip with Hughes and their conversation about the future, he is back patrolling. Kavanagh says that he does not have anything in common with his parents (p.118, 11.28). This suggests that he does not wants to be like his parents and especially he doesn't want to be associated with both of them, because the protagonist is ashamed of their actions. He is the opinion that his home does not feel like home anymore (p. 119, 1. 2) and that the time he spends on the Wall defending from the Others changed him and his thoughts...

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over the time. And that is why he wants to find a new place he can call home and feel good. Here the author gives the reader a chance to see what kind of feelings the protagonist has about his future life, because normally it is not typical that he expresses his emotions. Kavanagh wants to go new ways, maybe with his friends which you can see on page 119, lines 4 to 6, where he says that he wants to live with some of his new friends and find a new way of living. He wants to be different and don't make the same mistakes as the older generation did. Kavanagh shows again how thoughtful he is because off al the shown examples, he tries to think about different possibilities he has and therefore the protagonist seems undecided and uncertain, since he has no clue what he wants to in the future and thinks primarily about the other people's choices but does not really decide and instead chooses to do a bit of everything. For the language he uses many different stylistic devices, as you can see for example on page 118, lines 21 to 22, where he says "don't live on the edge. Don't be on edge.". On the same page the narrator uses a rhetorical question when he asks what he wants to be when he grows up. The narrator often uses at the end of his sentences a question, which shows that Kavanagh is unsure about the way of his thoughts (p.118, 1.24) Weitere: But then you start to think, why? What do I want to get off the Wall for? What's waiting for me? When you're on the Wall, you're desperate to get off the Wall. The Irony of this all is that he was in a group to kill the Others and in the other moment he is a part of the Others and tries to keep up with them. Language wise, the narrator often starts his sentences with "I", showing that Kavanagh only thinks about his own future in this moment and doesn't really include the others. Not the future of the crew, the future of the Wall, or the world, only his future. (p.118, 1.23, p.119, 1.1 ff.) Nearer to the end of the text the sentences get longer and the narrator counts all the possibilities he has, the futures he could live and what possibly could happen. (p.120, 11.7) That shows again that he wants to be really sure about what he chooses and is very thoughtful. To sum up, John Lanchester wants to show the reader the possibility Kavanagh has after the Wall and how he thinks his life could change in the future. For that he shows the wishes of the protagonist and how the wall changed him.